Chapter 7: Becoming an Einharjar

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Percy POV

*Time skip 5 years*

It's been 5 years since we got to the Brooklyn house. I've become one of the best magicians here and Piper is right under me. Piper became the eye of Geb and I became the eye of Nephthys. Piper is now much more powerful then she was before. She's probably at my fighting level before we ran away. And I'm Almost 4 times as good as I was then. We've both gone on a few quests to defeat certain monsters and on those quest we ran into some Greek monsters. Piper killed the hydra and minotaur when she ran into them and I killed the Neamon Lion and Echidna along with her Chimera. Piper killed Ammit and and Bennu and I killed The griffin and Serpopard. Some people say I should challenge Carter to a duel to become Pharaoh but I say no cause carter is my friend and I don't need any more fame.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Sadie ran into me. She said "Sorry about that, You need to leave now, Annabeth is here looking for you and piper." I was shocked but then said "ok" and i went to go get piper.

Piper POV

I was thinking about all the achievements me and Percy made while we were here. Then Percy grabbed my hand to get my attention. I jumped a bit but then said "What is it?" he looked worried. He said "Annabeth is here looking for us, we have to leave." My eyes widened and I nodded.

We went to go pack our stuff then Sadie came and said "She said she's going to look for you at her cousin's. I don't know what she means by that but don't go there. Also she left and your still gonna have to leave because shell be back." I nodded and hugged Sadie while Percy hugged carter and said "Thanks for everything guys, we'll try to visit when we can" They nodded and said their goodbyes.

*Time skip 2 hours*

We packed everything and left and now were just exploring the world deciding what we should do. Then I asked Percy "What did Annabeth mean by going to her cousin?" Percy said "Well you know how Egyptian and Greek Mythology exist right." I nodded and Percy said "Well so does Norse mythology, and her cousin is from that pantheon. Hes a Einherjar." My eyes widened and I nodded. "Any other secret pantheons you've been keeping from me?" I asked joke fully. He chuckled and said "Nah, not that I know of at least.".

We walked for another 5 minutes in silence then I said "Where should we go now?" Percy thought for a second then said "We can go to my moms house and spend the night there then tomorrow we can go to the Norse people. I wanna know how they fight and we need to earn some more titles." I laughed at the last bit then said "Ok then, but there better not be anyone at your moms house." He just laughed and we started heading towards his parents house.

Olympus 3rd person POV 2 years after the banishment

There was a council meeting going on and the gods were doing the normal. Zeus then slammed his bolt on his throne and shouted "SILENCE!" Everyone quiet down. Zeus then said "does anyone know the whereabouts of Perseus and Piper?" He looked at Artemis. She just shook her head and said "we haven't been able to even find evidence of them being alive. But there are some powerful monsters who keep dying to and unknown force." Zeus nodded.

Greyson then said "why did you banish them anyways?" Zeus just looked at him confused and said "you found evidence of them being a traitor did you not?" Then Greyson and Caitlyn just started dying laughing and Hercules appeared. Then Hercules said "Did you actually believe that Bs" and he started dying in laughter with them.

When they were done Greyson said "C'mon guys, our job here is done" then hercules flashed away along with the twins.

The council was just shocked. Then the guilt set in and some gods and goddesses had tears in their eyes. Some campers were full on crying. Then Zeus said "Order lifted, get the demigods here unharmed or slightly harmed if no other option." Then he boomed "COUNCIL MEETING DISMISSED" and he flashed out.

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