Chapter 13: The Arrival

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Athena POV

It was 11:50 and all the Olympians we're arguing again. But this time it was about when the assassin's would show up.

"They might not even come brother, it's almost noon and they aren't here yet" Zeus said to Hades. I responded "There's a rumor that they are usually right on time, at the exact second." Zeus just huffed and said "They better get here or else." Nico laughed and said "No offense but what could you possibly do to the universal assassin's that can match Chaos in power, plus storm has mad control over lightning."

Zeus glared at him but he couldn't do anything because he knows di Angelo is right.

It was now 11:58 and everyone is just waiting. We a quiet down so we would know when they arrive.

A black hole opened up and Chaos came out of it. He said to us "When the final battle comes, I'll be there to fight End myself. But if I lose don't let anyone else try because he's going to slaughter you. And the only way to kill him is to use void fire." He lit his hand with a pitch black flame and said "Me and End are the only people in the universe who can use it.". We all nodded and he left.

When the assassin's came we felt them rather than see them. They had a powerful aura that outmatched all of ours combined. Dove dropped down from the ceiling in the middle of the throne room.

Everyone was quiet. No one was making a noise. Then she said "Uhh, Hi how are you?" Some gods snickered but she gave them a true death glare. Then Zeus asked "Where's storm?" Dove responded "It'd be nice to get a Hi first but he's always late, he'll be here in a few seconds." Then we felt an even stronger aura. It matched Chaos'. Dove facepalmed and said "Conceal your aura already your gonna scare them." He laughed and appeared next to Dove then concealed his aura. Dove had a Dark pink cloak, black jeans and a shirt and she also had combat boots. She had a few guns on her and a lot of throwing knives. Storm had an assualt rifle with more throwing knives and guns. He had a navy blue cloak with darker shirt and jeans. His combat boots had a few knives.

They were attractive. But no one said anything because they knew the other person would kill them. Then Storm said "Sup." The gods looked suprised and waved, we goddesses we're waving in a flirtasous way. Dove gave us the worst death glare ever known, and said "Don't try it". We immediately paled and stopped.

It was kinda awkward since no one was talking. Then storm said "Where will we be staying?" Zeus immediately said "Camp Half blood, Romans and Greeks are there so it might be a bit crowded, do you need a cabin?" Dove shook her head and said "We have a portable house, dont worry about it" He nodded and said "Okay, well you can go whenever." She nodded and whistled very loudly. For a second nothing happened, then a full sized dragon came in the room.

It was a color changing  dragon that seemed to behave very well. Dove got on the dragon and Storm let out his wings which were blue and red galaxies. They were beautiful. Every goddess was drooling by now and the gods were eyeing Dove suductivly. Storm saw them and gave them a glare worse than Doves and let out his full aura. The demigods kneeled against their will and even the minor gods kneeled.

Cracks started appearing in the marble and Storm said "Like Dove said, Don't try it" he then concealed his aura and they both flew away.

The demigods and minor gods got up shocked. No one knew someone could have so much power. If anyone in this room had that much power they would be bringing Olympus down.

The gods and goddesses looked at each other, then Zeus said "Let's take their warning, cause if they catch us we would be screwed." Everyone nodded and flashed out to camp half blood.

Storm/Percy POV

Ill admit, I got a bit mad when I saw the gods looking at Piper. "You really scared them there Storm, they looked like they were about to crap themselves." I laughed and said "They we're looking at you seductively, and I had to give them a clear warning." She laughed and kept going. Delinda asked "How much longer, I wanna eat something." We laughed and I said "Not to much just another 15 seconds." She huffed and kept going.

When we got there we were floating above camp half blood. I told Piper "Can we make a dramatic entrance, pleaseeeeee" I was like a little kid asking to go on the swings. Piper laughed and said "No you big baby, it's bad enough you shook up the gods and goddesses." I groaned and said "Fine."

I went down to camp half blood hill with Piper and Delinda, we just waited there until guards realized us or they start attacking us.

It took about 2 minutes then all the campers were about 100 feet in front of us. They all had their weapons and armor out.

Chiron came to the front and said "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He still had his bow pointed at us. I said "My name is Storm this is Dove and the dragon she's leaning on is Delinda. We are the duo assassin's and we're here to help you win the war." Everyone instantly put away their weapons and said sorry. Dove said "Don't worry about it, nice to know you guys have a decent defense."

Chiron nodded and said "I will call a council meeting and we can discuss things there." We nodded and went with him.

While walking to the big house I was looking around to see if anything changed. Everything is normal, nothing changed apart from a few new cabins and temples.

Once in the meeting it took 5 minutes for everyone to get ready.

Chiron said "We have some new guests joining us in the war, please welcome the Duo Assassin's Storm and Dove." Counsolers started saying 'hi' 'wassup' things like that. But Annabeth asked us "You've been all over the universe right?" We nodded. She asked "Have you seen anyone named Percy Jackson and Piper McLean." I shook my head and said "Nope I don't know who they are."

She nodded and stopped talking. Then Clarisse said "There's a rumor that both of you have wings, but only you showed yours" she looked at Dove "Do you have wings?" She nodded and let out her wings which were the same color as her eyes. The wings kept changing color.

Everyone was staring at then, mesmerized. I snapped my fingers a few times and they came out of their daze. Connor asked "Where will you two stay?" I said "I have an idea." I looked at Piper and she looked confused for a second. Then she smiled and said "We have to try it."

I nodded and left the big house with the counsolers behind me.

I found an open spot next to the cabins, I looked at Chiron for permission and he nodded. I then grabbed a small circle out of my pocket and threw it on the ground. Then I said "Expand" and the circle turned into a 3 story house with beautiful designs on the outside and even better designs on the inside.

I grinned from ear to ear and looked behind me. All the campers were looking at the house in awe. I then said to Delinda "Change to a smaller size if you want to fit." The campers looked at me like I was crazy but then Delinda changed sizes until around a dog. She flew over to me and rested around my neck. I nodded to Piper and she came.

Once we were in Piper said "what tricks does this house have?" I said "It's soundproof from the inside out but we can hear what going on outside, bigger on the inside than outside, and infinite food and water." She just said "Awesome" then we settled in and started watching TV (Monster proof)

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