Chapter 14: Kronos and Gaea

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Percy POV 

After a while the conch horn sounded, signaling dinner. We went to the pavilion and since we didn't have a table Piper summoned sand out of the ground and I struck it with 3 lighting bolts  to turn it into glass.

People just gaped at us, I grinned and went to go sit down with Piper and Delinda. They kept staring and I said "Didn't your parents teach you not to stare, its considered rude." Some snickered but they all turned away. I got cherry coke and chicken tenders, Piper got a tofu sandwich and some lemonade. We started talking about when they would attack and what their battle plans are. 

Then the hunters horn sounded signaling their arrival. I had no clue the hunters were coming but oh well. Us, the campers, and Chiron approached them. There was greetings everywhere, when the hunters noticed us they readied their bows. One accidently shot their arrow at Piper at speeds no human could've seen but Piper lazily caught it. The hunters stared at us with fear in their eyes. Then I said "I'm gonna guess you meant to hit me because she's a lady and last I checked your entire team is women." She nodded while her arm was shaking. Then I said "I'm Storm this is Dove, we're the Duo assassin's" They all paled and started shaking. Thalia stood in front of the girl who shot the bow. Piper said "Chill out we're not gonna hurt her, even if I didn't catch the arrow it wouldn't have penetrated the cloak." They nodded and introduced themselves. 

"I'm Thalia daughter of Zeus, lieutenant of the hunt." Thalia said while shaking Piper's hand. She nodded to me and said "Artemis said you would be here." I asked "Then why'd you shoot?" she was at a loss for words. I laughed and she turned slightly red in embarrassment. Aretmis then flashed in and said "We will be staying in my cabin." She looked at me then tried to leave but then the conch horn sounded 3 times signaling an attack. 

Me and Piper ran straight to the hill. It was only about 2000 monsters and Hyperion in the lead. Hyperion said "Where are all the other annoying mutts at?" I responded "They're getting ready for the fight, but they're gonna miss all the fun." Hyperion looked confused, then Me and Piper did the smartest thing ever. 

We Charged the army.

The monsters looked confused, expecting us to be less suicidal. Once they noticed we were attacking about half of them were dead. Another 30 seconds and all the monsters were dead. I looked at Hyperion and he was frozen in shock and fear. I then said "You're gonna need a bigger army next time." He was about to charge me but he changed paths and went straight to Piper at inhuman speeds. Piper easily dodged and decapitated him. He turned to gold dust. Then I looked behind me and saw all the Campers, Romans, and Hunters just staring at us. Piper said "Sorry you missed the show." She then teleported to our cabin. I just groaned and muttered "The least you could do is give me a warning" then I thunder teleported away.

Thalia POV 

When everyone was ready we went to go fight the army. When we got there there was about 500 monsters but the assassin's took the down in just a few seconds. Then they looked at Hyperion and Storm said "You're gonna need a bigger army next time." Then Hyperion charged him quickly changed course and charged Dove. I didn't even see him go to Dove but when I looked there gold dust scattered everywhere around her. I was shocked. 

Then Dove looked at us and said "Sorry you missed the show." as if they didn't take down a army of monsters by themselves in a single minute. The she teleported away. Storm muttered something like "Least you could do is give a warning." I know that's not exactly what he said but that's all I could make out. Then he thunder travelled away, I didn't even know he could do that.

Chiron came out of his shock and said "Council meeting 10 minutes, Thalia, Tell the assassin's." Then he went to the big house. Of course it had to be my job.

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