Chapter 10: Space

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Percy POV

It took a bit but when we got there I said "So who's gonna go in?" She looked at me like I was stupid and said "You obviously, even though Poseidon disowned you, you still kept your powers, plus your eye of nepthys." I nodded while looking embarrassed. She just laughed and kissed me. Then she said "Go find the teleporter already." I told her "You do realize this is a 3000 foot jump right?" She nodded and said "Just go I wanna see what's in space." I laughed and nodded.

I then jumped down the 3000 ft drop. It took a few seconds but when I reached the bottom, I stayed in the bottom and just swam under the waterfall.

When I got in I started feeling weird, it felt like my senses just amplified.

Piper POV

I was playing with Delinda the dragon and I started feeling weird. I thought something happened to Percy and I started hyperventilating.

Delinda said to me "are you alright?" I nodded and said "I felt something weird and I don't know if something happened to Percy." She nodded. Then a voice in my head said "Don't worry about Perseus, he is ok, your senses just got amplified." I must've looked freaked out cause Delinda said "are you sure your alright? You look like you saw a ghost" I just said "Yeah I'm fine, just some voice in my head."

Percy POV

After the weird feeling went away I looked around me. I was in a cave that had crystals sticking out of the walls. The crystals emmites light so I can see.

I started walking down the cave. After about 5 minutes the cave stopped but I was in a dome shaped part of it. I looked around and saw shelves on the walls. I found a stone that looked like a ruin.

I took it and felt immense pain in my arm (again). I hissed in pain but after a few seconds it stopped. When I turned to walk out and tell pipes, I felt a powerful aura, it made my legs shake a bit but I was able to keep my balance. It was an ancient aura.

I looked behind me and saw a woman that looked older than the gods. She just stared at me. After I few seconds I said "Who are you?" She responded "I'll tell you in a bit, but for now why aren't you bowing? My aura usually makes demigods kneel against their will." I said "1. I've had enough of kneeling or immortals, and 2. I'm not your average demigod." She nodded and said "I am Order, Sister to Chaos, creator of the universe." I nodded and said "Why are you here?" She answered "No one has touched the teleporter in millennia. And it's even more rare for the teleporter to choose you." I looked at her confused and she said "The teleporter only let's those who are worthy welid it, that's why you felt pain in your arm when you picked it up." I nodded and asked "How do I active the thing?" She said "Just turn the knob at the end of it and say your name and whoever is going with you, then turn it back and you should be teleported." I nodded and said "Thank you" and when I was about to leave Order said "Make me proud Perseus" I nodded and left.

Piper POV

I was starting to get worried about Percy. He's been down there awhile. Then thunder struck next to me and Percy was standing there. He looked at himself and said "Wow that actually worked" I came out of my shock and jumped at him. I kissed him and he kissed back, we stayed like that for awhile. then he pulled away and said "You missed me?" I slapped his arm and demanded him to tell me what happened.

He then proceeded to tell me about order, the stone/teleporter, and how to get to space. After that I looked at him wide eyed and said "Well we better get going" he nodded and said "Hey Delinda wanna come?" Delinda said "Why wouldn't I come" she then changed her size from around a dog to small enough to fit in my pocket. I put her there and asked Percy "What are we gonna do in space?"

He thought about it and said "Explore for a bit first, then we could start killing evil doers like rapists, power abusers, serial killers. What do you think?" I responded "I like the idea, but what would our names be, it's not a good idea to use our real names." He said "I'll be Storm and you'll be Dove" I nodded.

Percy looked at the bottom of the stone and turned a knob, then he said "Perseus Jackson, Piper McLean, and Delinda the dragon." I was about to ask what he was doing but then he turned the knob and I felt myself bending in time and space and I passed out, I mightve thrown up as well.

Percy POV

When I opened my eyes I had the urge to throw up but I held it in. I looked around and saw people, wait no, aliens staring at us. I was grinning like crazy on the inside.

Then I looked at our surroundings, we were in a futuristic looking train that moves at the speed of light.

I said "Sorry about that, I just learned how to use a teleporter" one of the aliens said "We know about that, people pop in here all the time, it just we haven't seen your species yet, which species are you?" I responded "Human or earthling." Their eyes widened but they nodded.

I picked up Piper and set her down, then I sat down next to her. She fell and her head hit my lap, but she just moved more in my lap instead of waking up. I silently laughed and waited until we got to the next planet.

When we got to a planet I tried waking up Piper. Then I got an idea. I whispered in her ear "Percy's naked" She shot up and looked around. I started dying of laughter and she just slapped my arm and turned red. That just made me laugh even more. I stopped and saw she was red as a tamato, literally. I stopped laughed and said "C'mon we need to go were at our first stop" She nodded and went with me.

When we got out we were staring at the city in awe. It looked like a futuristic New York city. I glanced at Piper and saw she was also in awe. Then I told her "Can you summon some cloaks for us, so we don't have to show our face since apparently no one from earth has been to space." She nodded and summon a blackish pinkish cloak for herself and a navy blue cloak for me.

I enchanted them to be indestructible, hide our faces, and only we can take our hoods off or the other can take our hood off.

We then went into the city and started exploring.

After we were done we bought a backpack which I enchanted to hold infinite items, and we bought a ton of weapons that I enchanted to appear when we want to. And when we don't need them they just disappear in our cloak.

Since there were some weapons we couldn't find I made them with my secret forgery skills. Piper slapped me when she found out.

Then we started our mission on killing evil doers.

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Percy and pipers cloak, expect pipers is darker

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Percy and pipers cloak, expect pipers is darker.
Plz comment and tell me what you think of it so far cause I see alot of reads and only 2 votes.

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