Chapter 16: The Final Battle

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A/N Percy aint ded, thought you should know, hes gonna make a return. Back to the Story 

Percy POV

When I woke up I expected to see Charon, instead I saw darkness. I looked around and saw more darkness. I wondered why I'm not in the underworld. 

Then a voice said "Perseus Jackson, Former son of Poseidon, two time savior of Olympus, slayer of every titan and giant plus Gaea, Slayer of the Minotaur, Medusa, Neamon Lion, Echidna and her Chimera, The hydra, the Sow, Griffin, Serpopard, The world serpent, the kraken, Setne, Bane of Titans and Giants, Bearer of the titans curse, Retriever Of Zeus' Master Bolt and Hade's Helm of Darkness, Navigator of the Sea of monsters and the Mare Nostrum, Survivor of the Labyrinth, Bearer of the curse of Achilles, Praetor of the 12th Legion, One of the seven, Eye of Nephthys's, Wielder of the Hammer of Thor, Survivor of Hell, Storm of the Duo assassins, slayer of Evil, wielder of aqua fire, Assassin of Worlds, Fear of monsters." During the time he was saying my title I just sat down, and waited for him to finish. When he finished I said "How did you get that out in one breath, also who are you?" He answered "For the first I have no idea, for the second I am Void, Father of Chaos, Order, and End." 

I asked "Why am I here instead of the underworld?" He said "Because you are still needed, I had to ressurect Chaos with the last of my power for him to defeat End the first time, now he wont be able to at all. And you need a connection to me so you can kill him using Void fire." I took a moment to process that, then I said "Why me?" He answered "You're the most worthy and nobody else will be able to handle the power". I asked "Is everyone safe right now?" He nodded. 

Then I said "How are you gonna give me the power?" He responded "I'm going to give you my blessing and make you my champion." I nodded and said "Its gonna hurt isn't it." He nodded and said "Brace yourself." 

He then pointed a finger at me and a dark beam shot it into my heart. When it hit I felt unbearable pain. It felt like my blood was boiling and I was on fire. I started screaming but after hours it stopped. I got up and said "How long were you shooting me with that thing?" He looked confused and said "About 5 seconds." My eyes widened and I said "That felt like hours, anyways when do I go back?". He said "After your done training how to use your powers." "What are my powers?" "Manipulation over every element, void fire, teleportation, increased agility and endurance, and you can make a holographic avatar to grow whatever size you want and it does damage, use it for enemy's bigger than you." I nodded and said "Lets get the training over with, I wanna see Piper and Delinda again." He chuckled and nodded. 

*time skip 2 weeks*

Piper POV

Its been two weeks since I lose Percy. People keep coming to me an saying sorry about the betrayal and about Percy.

As much as I miss him I keep trying to stay strong for others. The gods made the statue for him on Olympus and on the stone thingy it stands on, it lists all his achievements which took a LONG time to list.

I heard the conch horn sound three times sounding an attack. I went to stand in front of the army ready to let out my anger.

Third Person POV

When Piper got to the Front lines, the gods flashed in ready to fight the Titans and Giants. After about 30 seconds the Campers, Romans, and Nymphs showed up.

Then, next to Piper, Chaos Himself flashed in because everyone knew this was going to be the Final battle.

In the front of the Armys stood End himself, Along with the Titans and Giants. There was also about 2 million monsters in the army.

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