Chapter 8: The Norse

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Piper POV

When we said we wanted to become Einharjar Magnus froze. He stayed like that for a few seconds then said "Why, and why do you want to go to Valhalla to do it. People die there and I don't know if you guys can come back to life." We said "We wanna get more training and see what we can do." He nodded

Then he said to follow him. When we got in Valhalla the first thing me and Percy did was dodge a flying axe. We continued down until we got to 3 people I didn't know.

Magnus said "Thanes, can these two become Einharjar?" One of them said "No, they are Greek and only Odin can make sure they don't die." Magnus then said "They may be Greek, but they are powerful heroes who know about the pantheons." The Thanes stiffiened at pantheons. They then said "only Odin can make sure they don't completely die and that they come back alive." Magnus nodded and looked towards us sadly.

He was about to say something but an old man appeared out of nowhere. Magnus bowed so me and Percy figured we should as well.

The man said "Rise heroes, I am Odin, god of the heavens" my eyes widened and so did Percy's. Before we got a chance to say anything Odin said "I allow you to become Einharjar and to come back to life if you promise not to cause any trouble." Percy said "Sure, that won't be a problem. But trouble kinda comes to me so if there's trouble, I ask you look through the situation first." Odin nodded and left.

The Thanes who were still wide eyed then said "Congrats, you are now Einharjar."

Magnus looked at us surprised then told us to follow him, which we did.

After about 30 minutes we got to a floor, floor 19 I think, and I saw 2 rooms, one labeled with Percy's name and one labeled with mine. I looked at Magnus and he said "When you become and Einharjar the rooms magically appear." We nodded and went to our rooms.

My room was my dream room with everything I could've wanted. It had a queen sized bedroom, a curved couch with a T.V., a kitchen with everything you could want, and much much more. I was so excited. I went to watch T.V. first and just did that until dinner.

Percy POV

When I got in my room it had everything I could've wanted, a forge (I have a secret passion in forging)
A king sized bed, a throwing knife area, a couch with like 5 beanbags on the floor in front of a t.v. the first thing I did was watch TV. I did that until dinner.

*Time skip to dinner*

Dinner was crazy. The food and drinks were good but there were weapons flying around everywhere. I was next to Piper eating and we dodged something SO incredibly deadly, it was a... squirrel, I don't know how it got here or why it was here but we dodged a squirrel. This place is gonna be odd.

*Time skip 5 and a half years*

It's been 5 years since we got here. It was amazing but theeeifying at the same time. But we figured out we can respawn at least.

I died while trying to save Piper in a battle. She went ballistic on everyone and killed 100-150 people I think. When I respawned the slapped me, hugged me, and scolded me. Me and her are now the most feared duo. Especially since I didn't die since she went ballistic.

I also figured out when pan died, he gave some of his domain to me. So now I could summon plants and roots to hold everyone down.

Also around 2 years ago Thor started a thing where every dinner he would let people try and pick up his hammer. Whoever did he gave their blessing too, but no one ever picked it up.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Piper said "C'mon it's time for dinner" I nodded and went with her.

When we got there the last few people tried lifting Thor's hammer and failed. The only people who didn't try were me and Piper. Thor saw us and said "Percy and Piper, come try to lift the hammer" Piper said "Ok" but I shook my head. When she tried to pick it up she nudged it a little. Then she gave up cause she couldn't get it. Then people looked at me. I started saying "If no one can then wha-" then they started chanting my name.

I was getting annoyed so I said "Fine, permission to do so Thor?" He nodded and I went up. I put my hand on the grip and pulled. It went up so fast I almost hit myself in the head with it.

Everyone gasped and Thor grin grew wider and he boomed "I KNEW IT" then I felt immense pain in my arm. My knees buckled and I groaned. When it was done I felt like I had more power than before. I looked at Thor and he said "It's just my blessing don't worry about it." I nodded and everyone started chanting my name even more. I handed Thor his hammer and he said "By the way, you dont need to bow down to any gods cause apart from the royal family minus Loki no one could life the hammer." My eyes winded and I nodded. I went to sit with Piper again and dinner went back to normal.

*Time skip to when they went back to their rooms*

When I went to my room I said to Piper "Wanna stay with me for a bit?" She blushed a little and nodded. We started talking about the quests we did while we were here. I had to kill the world serpent since it was rising and same with the kraken. Piper had to kill surt cause he was causing trouble again and she had to kill brummigi. Soon We had to leave Valhalla cause Annabeth might come looking for us again.

And also me and Piper had an idea about going to outer space to become double assassin's. We would kill evil doers such and such.

When we finished talking Piper yawned and leaned into my shoulder. I turned red but didn't pull her off. The feelings I had for her tripled since we've done everything. Piper said "Congrats on lifting the hammer, your the first person in millennia." I said "Why me though, I'm not anyone special" she slapped my arm and said "After all we've been through you really say that" then she yawned again.

I figured this is my chance to see if she likes me back so I did the riskist thing ive done since I charged the world serpent. I put my hand on her chin and rose her head up. Then I kissed her, she was startled at first and I was afraid if I did the wrong thing but she then melted into the kiss. We were now laying on the couch next to each other still in a full lip lock. Then we broke apart for a breathe. I said "You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that." She responded "I do actually cause I've wanted to do the same thing" I laughed and said "I'm gonna go to sleep" She then said "No you aren't, I've been waiting for you to do that for the past 10 years, you have a lot of cuddling to make up for." I laughed and said "Well are you coming or are you gonna go to your room." She turned red and said "Fine, I'm coming" then we went to sleep.

Anyone got any ideas for when they get to space?

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