Chapter 5: Betrayed

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Percy POV

After the twins went to their cabin I went with Piper because she's still played with the baby hellhound.

"Hey pipes" I said. She replied "Hey, Perce. Can I keep the hellhound, pleaseee" She sounded like a little kid asking for candy. I just laughed and said "Sure just don't kill it" she whispered "yesss" and took it to be washed or fed.

*Time skip 1 month*

The last month has been horrible. The Zeus twins got everyone against me except Piper. She just stuck by me the entire time even though I keep telling her to just go so she dosent get hurt. But she's pretty dam stubborn.

They broke people's stuff then stuffed it in my cabin and when people saw them, they accused me right away. They also killed the baby hellhound Piper was keeping and it took all of pipers will to hold me back from going eternal battle mode. That's what Leo called at least. Then when they realized Nico dosent really have anything they can break, they told him I let his sister die and that I wanted her to. They dyed thalias hair permeant pink and blamed me for it, and they did much more.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Hermes flashed in with Piper and said "You two have to go to a council meeting on Olympus" I asked "Why, what do they need from us" he just said "you'll see" And he flashed us to Olympus.

When we arrived celestial bronze chains instantly wrapped my hands and ankles. Piper screamed. I looked up and noticed the angry looks on the Olympians faces apart from Hades and hestia
Then I said "Why the hell am I in chains" Zeus just glared at me before saying "you and her are found guilty of being traitors and your too powerful to stay alive". I looked at them like they were crazy. Then I said "Where's your evidence"

Zeus snapped his fingers and the twins appeared along with Hercules. I looked at him questionably.

He looked at them and the twins said "We found you guilty of helping gaea and Kronos in the war" then Hercules said "Yes. I saw you talking to some monsters in Rome" I gave them my best wolf glare then yelled "I KILLED GAEA AND MY FATAL FLAW IS LOYALTY" Zeus then said "DONT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ANYONE TRAITOR" I glared at him. I then asked "Why is Piper here then?" Zeus said "She's also guilty of helping gaea, also we're taking away her role as goddess of beauty and charm speak. He snapped his fingers again and Piper fell to the ground.

He then said "Sadly we cannot take away your partial immortality, so we'll just banish you 2 from both camps. In 1 hour the hunters, Greeks, and Romans will have orders to kill you 2 on sight." I looked at each God and goddess, no one stood up for me and Piper. Not even hades and hestia. Then I said "Fine, will we get time to pack" Zeus said "I don't care what you do, you just have 1 hour until there will be order to kill you on sight

Piper POV

I was still in a bit of pain form losing God hood. But then we were flashed to camp half blood in Percy's cabin. I looked at him and saw the blue flames grow extremely dark in his eyes. I was about to tell him but he put them out.

*Time skip 50 minutes*

Me and Percy decided to just leave camp half blood now. We packed as much as we could and left. Percy went to pet the dragon that guarded the golden fleece and came back to me. He said "Are you ready?" I answered "Yeah, let's just go before we die" he nodded and we left.

*Time skip 1 week*

Percy POV

Me and Piper have been on the run for a week now. We had some close calls with the hunters but overall we're fine. We would've gone to my parents house or pipers but we figured that would be the first place the demigods and gods would check.

Right now me and Piper were on a tree sitting down with a few cuts cause we just defeated about 15 hellhounds. Piper was leaning against my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her. Recently I started getting feelings for her but I didn't know if she liked me back. But that dosent matter right now. We just need to get to a safe place for us.

I thought about it for a few minutes. Then I got an idea. I told Piper "Hey I got an idea on where to go. But if we go there were gonna have to train." She said "Where? And train with what?" I then responded "To the Egyptians and train to use magic" she looked at me like I was crazy and said "Eygiptions?" I then told her the story on how I met Carter and how Annabeth met Sadie. And I told her about setne who we defeated. She looked at me then said "Sure why not, it's not like we have anything else to do." We then got off the tree and started to head towards the house of life.

We stopped walking when we heard a roar. I immediately uncapped riptide and Piper took out her dagger. We looked behind us and we the neamon lion and hydra. My first thought was 'just my luck'. I thought about it for a second then told Piper "I go for the hydra, you go for the lion" she asked why and I said "we need fire to take down the hydra, and I'm the only one who can summon fire, also the only weak point on the lion is inside it's mouth so target there." She nodded and went to work.

I ran at the hydra my eyes ablaze and I set riptide on fire. I had a plan but I needed to test it.

My plan was to ignite riptide then cut off the heads. Pretty simple right?

I charged the hydra and when I got close enough it spid acid at me. I rolled away just in time and charged too quickly for it to comprehend. I cut off 1 head and saw the stump ignite, my plan works. So I didn't that with the whole hydra and in about 5 minutes with a few burned spots on my shirt the hydra was down.

Piper POV

I went to the neamon lion and remembered what Percy said, 'Its only weak point is inside the mouth' I then thought of a plan while rushing the beast and I got one. Using charmspeak I made said "Oh lion open your mouth please" it hesitated for a second then opened it's mouth and I threw my dagger in there. It choked a little then spit the dagger out. I figured I just have to do this a few more times. So that's what I did and in about 5 minutes I took it down. I looked at Percy and saw he took the hydra down as well.

He looked at me and my heart jumped a bit. Recently I've had feelings for him but I don't know if he likes me back.

Anyways he nodded towards me and said "Good job, take the fur." I didn't know what he was talking about until I looked back and saw the fur. My eyes widened as I figured out the fur was indestructible. I looked at him and asked "Are you sure?" He nodded and I took the fur and put it on. He smiled and said "it fits you" I blushed a little and said "Thanks". We then made our way to the house of life.

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