Chapter 2: Shock

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Piper POV

Everyone was in shock. We just watched Percy single handedly take down the primordial of the earth. Everyone was frozen. Zeus came out of his shock first and said "Council meeting next week, for now burn the shrouds and get the injured to the infirmary." Then he flashed out, we expected the other to flash out but they didn't. 

Then Poseidon said "Were gonna be staying here to attend funerals" then they walked to wherever. The demigods got out of their shock and started getting the injured. Me and the rest of the 7 went to get Percy because he was just lying on the ground right in front of where he killed Gaea. 

Annabeth asked "What happened, I died but came back and I see my boyfriend take down a primordial" so we told her the story on how Percy saw Annabeth die and he went ballistic on Gaea. Her eyes widened and she just nodded then we got him to the infirmary. 

We asked will if he's gonna be fine and he just said "yeah he'll be fine, just power exhausted" and he went to take care of the other injured people, we sat next to Percy's hospital bed for an hour just processing what happened then Leo said "I GOT IT" making everyone jump. Jason said "Don't do that, anyways what did you get" Leo responded "so you know how he went all powerful and stuff right, so I think we should call that eternal battle mode". We all just stared at him then frank said "Sure why not, it fits pretty good" we all just nodded in agreement and Leo let out a silent "yesss". 

We spent another 15 minutes in there talking about random things then we all left to attend the funerals. There was a lot and it took a few hours and many many tears. None of the cabin leaders or all that died but their friends and family did. 

Everyone went back to their cabins to go to sleep but I saw Annabeth walk down towards the beach. I followed her and when she sat down I came next her and sat down. We just stared at the calm ocean trying to process everything. Annabeth then said "What was the thing he crushed before he went in eternal battle mode?" I laughed when she said the name Leo made up but then I said "some blue orb that was surrounded in lightning, when he got it out of thin air all the gods and giants and even Gaea paled. He asked what it is and Gaea said a seal and Athena muttered 'its not supposed to be possible'. Other than that I have no clue." Annabeth just nodded and started thinking for a bit. Then she said "what did he say when he broke it again?" I responded "He said 'So this whole time I've been fighting with 1 arm behind my back. Then let's see what happens' then he shattered it and said 'when I'm set free'". Annabeth nodded and started thinking for another 5 minutes then came to a conclusion and said "what if that was a seal to his powers, what if someone sealed it cause they knew what would happen if they didn't." I had to admit, that made sense. I responded "that makes sense, but who and when did they do it". Annabeth just nodded then said she's gonna go to sleep. Then I was there alone thinking about what happened then eventually I went to sleep as well.

*Time skip a week and a half*

Jason POV

Me and the 7 started taking turns on watching Percy, it was my turn right now and usually some others visit but they don't stay for that long, usually an hour or so. And Leo recently invented monster proof phones and video game console so I was on mine just chilling out. Then I heard Percy groan. I instantly looked at him and saw him stirring

Percy POV

My worse mistake by far was opening my eyes cause as soon as I did I was hit by a blinding light and closed my eyes instantly and groaned. I heard someone move so I opened my eyes again and started blinking like crazy to get used to the light. I saw Jason next to me and said "Hey jase wassup" Jason just stared at me then I said "is there something on my face?" Then started to pat my face everywhere then he launched himself on me and hugged me.

I hugged back we stayed like that for a minute then I choked out "can't...b-breathe" he let go and said "what is the last thing you remember?" I thought about it then said "killing Gaea and A-Annabeth" then I shed a few tears and said "I couldn't save her" Jason nodded and said "then there's someone you should see" and he evilly grinned I got scared and asked what hes talking about, he just said "you'll see" and went to get will. 

I started thinking about what he said until will came in and crushed me in another hug, after 15 seconds tho I couldn't breathe so I just said "dude, I still need to breathe" he let go and said "YOUVE BEEN OUT FOR A WHOLE WEEK" then I said "I know, I know but it's not like I could help it" will sighed and said I could leave whenever and left, Jason came in and helped me up, I almost fell the second I got up but Jason caught me, I nodded my thanks and started to get used to talking on my own. I asked Jason "where is everyone?" He said they're either at his cabin or the beach. We went to his cabin first and we saw Thalia with Piper. I whispered to Jason "don't let Thalia see me, she is very abusive" he laughed and Piper and Thalia saw us, they stared at us for a second then Piper jumped on me and said "FINALLY" I laughed then she got off, then the fear hit, Thalia was coming at me. 

I braced myself for the pain and the pain came, she slapped me pretty hard then hugged me and started crying on my shoulder. I just stood there trying to process it then I ended up comforting her, when she was finished she yelled "DONT DO THAT AGAIN" and she slapped me again but not as hard. Then went back to her spot with Piper. Then we said bye and Thalia and Piper both said at the same time "Don't do anything stupid again" Jason laughed and I said "HEY" then it was their turn to laugh. 

Me and Jason walked towards the beach and found the rest of the 7 but when I saw Annabeth my vision tunneled and I couldn't move. I looked at Jason and said "Please tell me this isn't a dream" he laughed and shook his head then said "nope she's right there" I then tackled her from behind earning surprising everyone there while Jason was rolling on the ground laughing. Annabeth was about to kill me then saw me and crushed me in another hug, then the other 4 started a dogpile on me, but I didn't mind much cause that just got Annabeth closer to me. When she was close enough we kissed for about a minute only breaking apart for a breath. When we broke apart I held her tight and looked at the pile. 

It was the 7 plus Thalia and Nico on me and I didn't feel that different. Then I couldn't breathe and I choked out "guys as much fun as this is, I still need to breathe" they got off and Annabeth helped me up then judo flipped me. She said "YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT DO THAT SEAWEED BRAIN" then me being the unintelligent and sassy self I am said "I said I wouldn't go missing again, I didn't say I wouldn't pass out" she sighed and helped me up, then when I got up she judo flipped me again and said "wrong answer" everyone just started rolling around laughing and I started laughing then said "ok sorry I'll TRY not to do that again" then I got up without her expecting it and I JUDO FLIPPED HER and told her "How about you don't die again then maybe I won't have to go super sane and pass out from power exhaustion" she just started dying laughing and I think the others died cause they weren't breathing I didn't even help Annabeth up I just fell down next to her and kissed her. We were like that until we had to break apart for air. Then we all got up and as if it wasn't obvious I said "Well I'm back". Leo said "Oh really? I didn't notice" with a lot of sarcasm that made us laugh again. Then we all got up and a blinding light surrounded us and when it died down Hermes was standing there.

1515 wordssssss. Posted Aug 17, same as last chapter.

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