Chapter 3: Rewards

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Percy POV

Hermes said "get all the demigods to Olympus and we'll explain everything there" then he flashed out, we looked at each other confused but did what he said anyways, Frank and Hazel went to camp Jupiter as well to get them over to Olympus.

*Time skip a few hours*

We got all the Romans and Greeks and went to Olympus, once we were there it took awhile but we got everyone up, the Romans jaws were hanging down and the Greeks looked around but they weren't as surprised cause they've been here before. While we were walking to the throne room I whispered to Annabeth "good job on redesigning, it looks amazing" she just smirked and said "I know" I laughed and pecked her on the lips. When we got to the throne room the minor gods were there and the Olympians we're on their thrones. 

We all bowed until Zeus boomed "Rise Demigods" we all got up and waited for them to speak. Then Zeus in a loud voice said "For your bravery during the war we will grant anyone who steps inside or who already stepped inside camp boarders partial immortality. So as of now everyone has partial immortality and so will new demigods." Everyone cheered for a minute before calming down. 

Then Zeus Said in a unreasonably loud voice "I want Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase, and Nico Di Angelo to step up" the demigods went and kneeled in front of Zeus. "RISE DEMIGODS" They all stood up  

Zeus said "For your bravery in the war we would like to make you a god or goddess, Jason Grace my son step up" When he said Jason's name he turned into Jupiter. Jason walked up and Zeus said "You will be the minor god of winds and lighting, do you except?" Jason said "Yes Father, I accept" Zeus grinned and shot Jason with a beam of light and Jason's knees buckled and he fell down and groaned in pain. 

When he got up he had a more powerful aura and he was glowing for a little bit then the glow went away. It was like this for Everyone else except their parent called them instead.

Piper Mclean-Minor Goddess of beauty and charm speak

Leo Valdez-Minor god of Fire and Forging 

Frank Zhang-Minor God of shapeshifting and his curse is removed 

Hazel Levesque-Minor goddess of riches and her curse is removed 

Nico di Angelo-Minor god of the dead, prince of the underworld, and got the official title ghost king

Then it came to Annabeth, I wasn't paying attention at the time because1. I expected her to do the same as I did. and 2. I was teasing everyone else about being a god or goddess

But when Athena announced she would be the minor goddess of architecture and intelligence Annabeth hesitated and accepted and my heart broke, I thought I was just imagining it but then Athena shot a blast of light into Annabeth and she turned into a goddess. I was heartbroken that she was selfish enough to accept it. When she looked at me I just smiled at her and I tried my best to hide my pain but Aphrodite looked at me with tears in her eyes that didn't spill yet, I just sent her a sad smile. 

Aphrodite POV 

I wasn't really paying attention to everything else cause I was just happy my daughter got to become a goddess and share 1 of my domains. Then i felt an extreme heartbreak, and I feel every time someone gets heartbroken. I started paying attention and saw Athena blast Annabeth and turn her into a minor goddess. I didn't pay attention until I saw Perseus looking completely broken. When Annabeth looked at him he sent her a smile to try and hide how he felt and managed to do pretty good at it. Then he saw me with tears in my eyes and sent me a sad smile. The heartbreak was worse than anything I ever felt but I couldn't do much about it.

Percy POV

When Everyone was finished they got congratulated and all that but I was still hurt, i was brought out of my thoughts when my dad boomed "PERSUES JACKSON" i walked up and kneeled and Poseidon said "Rise, my son" I stood up and he said "You've done a feat no one could've accomplished, You single handedly defeated Gaea with your will power and skill" I noticed that he didn't mention my eternal battle mode as Leo called it and i was grateful for that cause i don't think I'm ready to remember that just yet. 

Then Poseidon said "We offer you to not only become a god but also an Olympian as well, you will be the major god of water molecules, heroes, swordsmanship, and aqua fire. you will also become prince of seas." everyone's jaws dropped apart from the gods who were already planning this.  I just asked "what's aqua fire?" Poseidon responded "its the fire you were using to defeat Gaea, so do you accept?"

 I thought about it for a few seconds, I would be able to stay with Annabeth forever and I would be able to protect everyone, but I wouldn't be able to see all my friends in Elysium and I wouldn't be able to be reunited with them or say sorry so them i made my decision. 

Third Person POV

Everyone watched as Percy was offered to become a Olympian, everyone saw him hesitate. They thought 'no one could or would turn that down right?' then he made his decision.

"No thanks" Percy said. Everyone who wasn't surprised was now. They all thought he would accept but he didn't. All the gods frowned. Then he proceeded to say "don't get me wrong I'm honored but if I became a god I would be able to see all my friends that died in Elysium, but I still do wish for something" Everyone just processed what he said, they've never heard say anything so deep. Zeus growled then said "Fine, as long as it is within our power we will do it"

then Percy said "First I want my previous wish granted cause you guys never got to that" Zeus Scowled and everyone looked at Percy like he was crazy, he was demanding something from the king of the gods. Zeus just said fine and snapped his fingers.

 All the peaceful titans/demi titans appeared confused. Zeus explained what happened and Percy just waved. They thanked him and there was a tearful reunion. 

After everything finished and Percy was able to say what his wish is he said "I would like for Hades and Hestia to have a throne in here" Everyone stared at him, he wasn't wishing for power, forced love, he was wishing for something for someone else. 

Zeus just looked at him and huffed then said "Fine" and when he snapped his fingers 2 thrones appeared. 1 made of souls and underworldly things and 1 made of a calm fire hades looked at him gratefully and Hestia came up to him and hugged him. Then they both went to their thrones. 

Then Zeus announced that there was going to be a party and everyone who is already there may join. Then Dionysus snapped awake and snapped his fingers a few times. Then the party started. 

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