Chapter 9: Chaos

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Piper POV

When I woke up I noticed I was attached to something warm. I opened my eyes more and saw it was Percy. I started freaking out but I remember what happened last night and I calmed down.

I woke Percy up even though I didn't want to. He woke up and when he saw me he turned red. I laughed and said "C'mon, we still gotta go to space" he laughed and said "Can I stay with you for little while longer" I shook my head and he groaned.

We got dressed and went to magnus' door. I knocked and after a few seconds he answered. "We're gonna be leaving today" he nodded and said "Where will you go?" I responded "We're gonna go try to see what we can do in space." His eyes widened and he nodded. Then he told us "Make sure you let the Thanes know. We nodded and said bye.

*Time skip to after they left*

We started walking through Boston seeing what we can do. We didn't mind being in the world now since we were very skilled fighters and on top of that we can use magic. Then I thought of something and told Percy "Do you know how to use Thor's blessing?" He shook his head and said "I'm gonna try it when we get into a forest or a clearing" I nodded

Percy POV

When we got to a forest I told Piper "Stand back encase things get out of control" she laughed and nodded then backed away. I focused on summoning a lighting bolt. The second I thought of it a lightning bolt came down. I grinned and Piper looked playfully scared.

Then I got an idea. I imagined myself incased in lighting and when I opened my eyes, lighting was all around me like it was trying to electrify me. I looked at Piper and she was licking her lip. When she saw me looking at her she turned completely red. I laughed and put out the lightning. Piper came up to me and said "How are we gonna get to space?". I thought about it for a minute and I got an idea. I said "We'll need to sneak onto Olympus and look in Athena's library, and we can see if there's a book with instructions on it." Her eyes widened and she said "How are we supposed to sneak onto Olympus?" Then a new voice said "Perhaps I can help with that." I immediately took out riptide and piper took out her dagger. 

The person was wearing all black and his hair looked like a galaxy. He had a powerful aura and he didn't try to hide it like I did, if I let my aura go it would make demigods kneel against their will. I said "Who are you" while still in a defensive position. He said "My name is Chaos, creator of the universe." Piper kneeled right away, I just bowed. Chaos said "Rise, and why aren't you kneeling?" He sounded more curious than angry but piper looked scared out of her mind. I responded "1. I've had enough of kneeling to immortals." He just chuckled and said "I like that" I was surprised and Piper looked relieved. 

She said "What are you doing here anyways?" He answered I would like to give you two 3 wishes, you've done a lot and never got an actual reward for it, and on top of that your worthy of Mjolnir and let me tell you no hero has ever been worthy." Our eyes widened and Piper said "What do you mean 3 wishes?" He responded "You can ask for anything, power, skills, money, just say that's what you wish for and ill grant it." We were shocked. I then asked "Shouldn't you be worried that we might use the power for bad? Not that we're planning it but I'm curious." Chaos said "I wouldn't be here if I thought you had bad in your heart. I only come to people who have pure hearts, and frankly you two are some of the only people in the universe with a completely pure heart." we nodded and Piper said "How long do we have to decide what we want?" Chaos responded "you'll have 5 minutes to decide what each of you want, then I'll come back." We nodded and said thanks, then he left. 

I looked at piper and said "What do you want?" She thought about it for a minute then said "For the first one, I wanna be able to summon any type of clothing I think of, For the second I want a pet dragon since Greyson killed my hellhound, and for the third I wanna be able to teleport. What about you?" I thought about it for a few minutes then said "For the first, I want us both to have wings that appear and disappear when we want, for the second I wanna be able to enchant things, and for the third I want a new sword that's more powerful than riptide and I can enchant it on my own." She nodded and then Chaos appeared. We bowed and he said "Stand up, Do you know what you want?" We both nodded and he said "Good who will go first?" I said "Piper" She glared at me then stepped up and said "Can I have the ability to summon any clothing I imagine out of thin air?" Chaos nodded and snapped his fingers. He nodded for her to continue, she said "Can I have a pet dragon that can change sizes, is immortal, and can speak in anyone's mind, and for the third, I want to be able to teleport because I always get stuck in situations where teleporting could be useful." Chaos nodded and snapped his fingers. There was a dragon standing in front of piper. Piper starting playing with it and coming up with a name for it. 

Chaos then turned to me and said "what do you wish for?" I said "For the first I want me and piper to have wings that disappear and reappear when we want, if she agrees with the wings of course

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Chaos then turned to me and said "what do you wish for?" I said "For the first I want me and piper to have wings that disappear and reappear when we want, if she agrees with the wings of course." I looked at piper and she nodded. Chaos snapped his fingers and me and piper felt immense pain in our back. It lasted for a few seconds then it disappeared. I looked at piper and she had wings that were constantly changing colors just like her eyes. They were mesmerizing, Then she looked behind me and gasped, I looked at my wings and they were blue and red galaxy's. (picture above is what his wings look like) Chaos looked impressed and said "They're beautiful, anyways what is your next wish?" I said "I wanna be able to enchant items, and I want a new sword more powerful than riptide, and well balanced." Chaos said "Riptide is already one of the most powerful swords, its just that no one woke it up yet. But I'll still give you a similar sword" He snapped his fingers and a black pen appeared in my hands, also I felt a pinch of pain from getting the ability to enchant items. I uncapped the pen and it turned into a 4 foot silver and black sword (picture at the top of the chapter) Chaos turned to leave but I said "Wait, how do I wake up riptide?" He looked at me sadly and said "Your gonna have to figure that one out on your own, Good luck you two." Then he opened a miniature black hole and walked through it and vanished.

I looked at piper and saw her playing with her new dragon. I laughed and she looked at me and smiled. I asked "Did you come up with a name yet? Also boy or girl, no offense." she rolled her eyes and said "I haven't come up with a name for her yet." Then I asked "How do you know she's a girl?" Then I heard a female voice in my head say "Cause I told her Percy" My eyes widened and I said "Cool she can talk to us in our head." Piper rolled her eyes again and said to the dragon "Do you have a name?" The dragon nodded and said in both of our minds "my name is Dalinda"  We nodded and I said "Ready to go to Olympus?" Delinda and Piper nodded and I said "We should learn how to use our wings first." 

It was fairly easy, all you had to do is use your shoulder blade muscles and flap. We then flew to the empire state building we decided not to use the elevator. So we flew up for awhile and eventually got on Olympus.

We took a break for a few minutes then we started sneaking around and trying to find Athena's library.

It took an hour or two but we found it. I went to the space section and looked around.

I saw a dusty book at the end of the shelves, hidden from everything. I took and i looked through it, it said "To get to space, you must go to the biggest waterfall, and go through it. Not many people can accplish this without dying. Once through the waterfall you will see a teleporter. Take it and it will teleport you to the universal bus." I memorized the info and told Piper.

We left, well more like jumped off and went to find the angel falls.

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