Two Katana

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I knew she sensed me, but she kept her eyes shut. I could not keep my wolf from perking and could not stop the growl he made while I approached the Goddess lying on the beach lounge. The sight of her made my breathing heavy. I stood next to her, towered over her, blocking the ray of sun that was hitting her face.

She possessed a seductive body and bared an attractive face. Her abs are showing off since she has worn her bikini. Her flawless skin shined brightly. I had to bite my lower lip to help myself grasp the small amount of control that I have.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed.

"Waiting for you mate". She answered behind her smirked, still eyes closed. She abruptly opened her eyes and stared directly into my eyes.

"I'm here to offer you two options" she added. I furrowed my brows, astounded by what she had said. I was amazed by her but could not help but feel bewildered at how confident she was. She looked relaxed; it was like she thought she would not be harmed in this house. She was really convinced that I was her mate. I could not blame her. I felt the attraction caused by the bond.

"Do you have a death wish? How could you deliberately bring yourself to your hunter's house? Options?" I replied while furrowing my brows. I tried to mask my emotions with irritation.

Her presence gave chills on my spine. I wanted to touch her and kiss her. I have been searching for her for years, yet we are now stuck in a mind-blowing situation. My brain could not even grasp our situation properly. I still could not believe it. I have found my mate in the most tragic way. Her being shunned by my own pack. I felt ashamed of myself. I was aware that our pack had been hunting her, yet I had done nothing to help her nor had the capacity to protect her.

She abruptly sat down facing me. While I moved back then opted to sit to the beach lounge next to her. I can fully see her face. She has an innocent look, but her eyes are full of confidence. She moved her sandy blonde colored hair from her back towards her right shoulder then smiled. Her smile blown my mind. Her lips looked amazing. Then I realized this is how it feels to face your mate.

God! She looked stunning. She has these pair of almond shaped eyes, with hazel color. I was staring at her, indulging her beauty. I was too busy observing her, it felt like I was in a trance. I was interrupted when I heard her talking again.

"I'm Ayumi Madrigal, mate. Heir to Katana pack. Supposed to be the Alpha of that pack. I am here to offer you an escape from our bond. You can reject me. Just say my full name then my title then I will gladly accept the rejection. So, we can go back to me escaping and dodging all of your packs' attack and you happily hunting me till I die." She simply stated in a comedic tone wearing a sarcastic smile. Her last statement made me stiffened.

" can accept me this incoming full moon and be my mate, we can run to the sunset and live happily ever after." She now deliberately adds sarcasm to her voice.

"I can't reject you, Ayumi." Which made her eyes wide open. She looked pissed.

"I am not your mate", I denied. She looks up then down then stops her stare right into my trunks. Which made my manhood twitch. I tilted my body to the side to hide the view earning a smile from her to which made Drew my wolf peep through my eyes. I know a flash of silver can be seen through it by now.

"Nice try, I commend your control, but your body and your wolf are telling me otherwise" she stood up then slowly walked inside the house. Giving me a full view of her behind. She has an athletic physique with an hourglass body shape. This woman can kill me. I know she is teasing me. I followed her, she was walking inside the living room. I grab my pants and wear them.

She walked into the living room then went to the side table and then faced me with a questioning look. "How do you know Alana?" grabbing a portrait of me and my mom.

"She's, my mom. How do you know her?". I answered

"Oh okay!" She nodded as if she had discovered something useful.

"She's my mom's distant cousin but she most importantly was my mom's best friend. She used to be part of Katana Pack, but she renounces it, she was too blinded by her love for your father. She also had to tend to you and your pack. I heard she was a great Luna". She added. She placed the portrait back.

I froze,

"Hmmm... this house has 2 Katana wolves but why was it that I'm the only one being hunted???? You were just in plain sight for Pete's sake". She complained.

I thought my mom came from Tibolo Pack. Then I realized, I haven't met any of Mom's relatives, not even Grandparents. When I asked about it, she usually diverts our conversation to something else.

"What kind of lie are you telling me now?" I confronted Ayumi.

"You think that I am a liar? I don't know what kind of story your father brewed inside your thick head but hey I am not here to insist anything. It's your job to know the truth not mine" she answered.

I was staring at her with so much confusion. She widened her eyes and then stared at me with a disgusted expression. She pushed me with her finger then walked past me.

"You got your father's eyes. Don't stare at me like that, it's giving me creeps!" She said as she shivered.

I rolled my eyes. Ayumi has the tendency to be obnoxious. I turned and walked towards the stairs. It might not be her best quality but who am I to complain.

"I'm famished, do you have something to eat?" I heard her.

"Ayumi, let me remind you intruded into my house" then I sighed then I faced her again. "Help yourself. There's food on the fridge." I saw her rolling her eyes then walked to the kitchen. I climbed up the stairs to shower. Being around her is making me a hot mess.

"Do you really need to treat her that cold?" Drew complained discreetly. I just ignored my wolf and continued climbing up.

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