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It has been two years and l have not heard from my mate. I carried the guilt of abandoning him. Although that was not my intention, I thought I made the right choice. Allowed him to grow as an Alpha and not hold him back, he had the capabilities. He was doubted by his pack because he was mated to me.

It was the loneliest two years of my life, but I am proud how he had become. I have been busy these past two years. With the use of the money my parents left in different banks and different businesses they had invested to; I was able to rebuild my territory. Katana survivor pack members came back miraculously. We even open our pack to rouge wolves who want to start a fresh.

I felt proud of what our pack had become. No one could discern the dark past this pack went through. No remnants of the tragedy could be seen in the area. My clan rebuilt ourselves from ashes and I felt proud of what we have achieved. We became one of the strong packs in the US and known for welcoming rouge wolves who are willing to change and integrate them with us.

I should feel home and secure. I should be proud and contented but I felt empty. I have lived alone for 8 years with no one to rely on or live with, but I was never miserable. Devon was everything to me, but I left him.

He might be exasperated at me for choosing duty over him. I thought it was the best thing to do and the only solution we should choose. I had never given him a chance to determine the path that we should take. I have chosen it for us, then I must bear the torment that I have caused him.

I looked at my New Katana Wolf Pack who were gathered in front of our pack house. I was hoping I could provide them with an abundant and peaceful life. That goal was the only thing that has driven me over the years. I was an incompetent mate, the least thing that I could do was to give my pack a reliable Alpha.

We were currently assembling; this was a routine that we do to keep the members updated. My Beta, Caleb, one of the Katana survivors who came back, was briefing our pack builders about the pre- school we intended to build near our pack house. I watched proudly how the Katana Pack had become for a brief period. I was talking with my border patrollers when Beta Caleb stood right beside me.

"Alpha Ayumi, we have another breach on the west side of the territory, some of our warriors sighted a wolf crossing in and out of the border but we always loose the wolf scent. We cannot even find any tracks within the territory". said Zack, one of my warriors. I furrowed my eyebrows then stared at my warriors.

"We have same problem for the last year, although we haven't encountered any attack, we should at least know what these wolf's intention is." He answered.

"Could it be your mate Alpha, that maybe Alpha Devon? He may have possessed your abilities too, that's why our warriors couldn't track the intruder." Beta Caleb interrupted. I looked at Caleb then smiled.

"I really hope it was him, but my Devon isn't the type of person who sneaks around. He could have shown his face here if he really wanted to. I do not think he will waste his time sneaking here back and forth when he is mad at me for leaving him", I answered back. I held my tears from forming.

"It might be a Rouge or a Spy." Warrior interjected.

"Most likely, do not let your guards down" I answered then sighed.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself Alpha, you did what you thought was good for both of you" Beta Caleb whispered. He was trying to assure me.

"Silly wolf" I flicked Caleb's forehead. "No need to whisper, they can All hear you!" I added.

"Yeah, keep forgetting. This is a habit I picked up while living among humans." Beta Caleb said then placed his hands on my shoulder and faced me towards the pack house. "You better rest now Alpha, we can take it from here". Forced me to turn around, he gently pushed me towards the entrance door of our packhouse. I looked at them and smiled at Beta Caleb then to the rest of my pack all of them smiling. I sighed...

"Very well but keep me posted. Just mind link me." I instructed him.

"shhhh" He interrupted me. "We can take it from here Alpha." Caleb added then pushed me further towards the door.

I entered our packed house shaking my head in disbelief. Caleb can even dare to boss me round although it is partly my fault. I allowed them to treat me as a friend, that is why they could freely share their opinion without hesitation. I went up to the master bedroom then went straight to my bathroom. I filled the water on the bathtub and threw my scented bath bombs on it. I took my wireless EarPods from the drawer, wore it then played the music from my phone.

I stripped my clothes then stepped on the bath. I plan to soak myself for a long time. This is my stress reliever. I leaned on the other side of the bathtub and placed my head on its edge. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

Every time I fall asleep, Devon occupied my dream. I really missed him. I missed his touch, hugs, and kisses. He loved kissing my forehead. It always gave me comfort. Dreaming of him kissing my forehead made me elated.

Then I felt his lips against mine. This dream is even better... I kissed him back. I was overjoyed, the feeling of his lips and sweet scent of his breath. This felt magical. Then I realized the instant that I opened my eyes.... Blue eyes looking right back at me.... he pulled one of my earbuds and then say:

"Hi there." Devon said with a beaming smile.

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