Chapter 7

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Harry carried the heap on the floor back to his room in the bathrobe Draco provided. He dumped the contents on the ground after he closed the door and collapsed at the foot of the bed. He would take care of it tomorrow. He laid on the bed procrastinating, but eventually got out of bed and fished the toothbrush out of the parcel.

Harry sheepishly walked across the hall and stuck the toothbrush in his mouth. He glanced at his and the room's reflection from the mirror. He looked like a beat kid sulking in a bathroom, minus the toothbrush.

The tub in the corner reminded him much of home. He remembered soaking in the wooden tub back with his wife, a towel draped on both of their bodies and just nestling there, enjoying the warmth wrapped around them. He couldn't help but let his mind wander... if it were someone else... someone...

He inhaled sharply, almost choking on the foam.

He was glad he snapped out of that quickly. This is getting out of hand.

The so-called awakening opened a gate he didn't even know he had. And he was kicking himself that it came from his wife and his mates. A bloody Nine years ago.

There was a reason why his friends call him oblivious.

Harry heard a soft clunk as if something light had fallen to the ground, immediately followed by the sound of the object skidding across the corridor.

He peered through the crack of the door he left open. Nothing was in sight on the ground but he saw Draco towering over him.

"Didn't get lost this time, Potter?" he smirked at Harry.

He mumbled a sorry but Draco already stalked off.

He could still catch the faintest trace of the fragrance Draco left. It was almost like an addictive spell cast towards him. He rinsed off the remains of the foam, splashed cold water on his face, and pat it dry. I have to get rid of these thoughts, fast, or I would have to obliviate myself.

Harry padded out of the bathroom and fell into the warm covers. He fell asleep almost instantly.

He did not notice the toothbrush lying at the end of the hallway, nor the fact that the bedsheets had been cast a heating charm to the exact temperature for a good night's sleep.


Draco yawned. He was tired, yes, but he wasn't someone who would give up personal hygiene on tiredness.

He groggily pushed himself up and got out of his room. He saw a shred of light peering through Harry's bathroom door.

No. Only creepy guys spy on people.

He walked into the other bathroom and picked up his toothbrush as nonchalantly as possible.

He also spied on me before... couldn't hurt to just look...

He tiptoed down the corridor and peeked through the slightly ajar crack. He watched him, peacefully. Harry half-leaned on the counter with his toothbrush in his hand, thinking about something intently, his piercing emerald pupils now soft. Draco could sense that he was distracted, absentminded.

He's clearly in the middle of a crisis. It would be rude- not to mention weird- to keep gazing at him. Draco was about to leave when the toothbrush he was holding slipped from his loose fingers.


He was officially mentally screaming at himself.

He quickly used his toe and gave the toothbrush a fierce nudge. It skidded across the corridor and came to a halt at the end. There was only a millisecond to regret the choice of marble tiles instead of carpets when he felt Harry's eyes on him.

He quickly put on his signature smirk and the best confident face he could.

"Didn't get lost this time, Potter?"

He turned and paced down the hall so fast he could feel the crisp autumn air gushing through his relatively tight nightclothes. He thought he heard Harry mumble something but he didn't dare slow down one bit before he was securely locked inside his own bathroom, leaning against the door, panting, not bothering to pick up his neglected toothbrush.

He felt beat. Then he remembered something.

Silencio. Dammit.

Since he didn't use it when needed thirty seconds ago, it came in handy now. He silenced the room and let out a frustrated scream-groan.

Finally, very grudgingly (he seldom felt annoyed to do his nightly-care routine), Draco slumped out of the door to find Harry still occupied in the bathroom.

His brows strained with concern as he heard Harry let out a sigh. Quietly, Draco tiptoed into Harry's bedroom. Resisting the urge to do anything about the pile, he lifted his wand. It traced the ends of the mattress, heating up the sheets and covers as it did so. He quietly stalked down the corridor, closing the door behind him without a peep.

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