Chapter 11

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"He was a pure delight, just as always." He smiled at Andromeda as he strapped a slightly fidgeting Teddy to his stroller.

"That's so nice to hear," Andromeda beamed warmly.

They both gazed lovingly at Teddy as the sunset haze settled over them.

Harry waved them goodbye as Andromeda pushed little Teddy down the road. She preferred walking to floo travel or apparition since Teddy was still a toddler. He watched them for a bit, the evening settling in. He decided he needed to blow off some steam.

"I'm going for a breather, love!" He called out to Ginny in the kitchen.

"Owl me if you're staying over at Ron's again!"

He hastily put on a coat, grabbed Ron's, and went on his way. In no time, he found himself before the familiar household again.

Knocked, once, twice. "Coming!" Hermione sounded out of breath.

Oh hell no.

Before Harry was a Hermione, flushed crimson red in her robe. Once again.

"Harry!" She panted. "What a- "

"Merlin, do I have a talent," he sighed at Hermione.

She blushed even more furiously.

Harry handed her the coat. "Here, I just came by to drop this off. I'll be going in-"

"What happened?" A cross-armed Hermione cut in.

"Again. How the freaking hell?"

"I guess I have a talent, too." A smug smile crept across Hermione's face.

"Fine. But we're not talking about this now. It's getting out of hand," he said, eyeing her robe.

Hermione's faded blush blossomed again but she was dead serious. "Har-"

"But!" He managed to say before Hemione attempted to drag him into the house. She pulled back her hand.

"I... don't think I'm ready to talk about it."

"You sure, Harry?"

He looked down. "Yeah." He still didn't know how to casually bring up the fact that last night, he spent the night at Draco's, who he apparently had a massive crush on during his school years.

"Okay, then... but if you want to talk, you know we're here, right?"

Harry glanced at her robe mischievously. "Of course you will be," he said with a devilish grin.

"Harry!" She smacked him in the arm but there was obvious glee in her voice. Well, who wouldn't?

He left and strolled down the pavement, much more relaxed. His mind began to ease. So he stayed for a night at Draco's. That was certainly nothing to worry about.

Even though you might've had the tiniest little crush on him before, it's over now. And he firmly believed it. For approximately a week.

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