Chapter 62

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Harry was had got his pantleg in the wrong foot for the third time and Draco was laughing hysterically and soothing him at the same time.

He finally managed to apparate to the Ministry with all his clothes in place, arriving in front of the Auror's office right when the clock chimed nine.

"Morning, Potter." It was weird to not hear the usual 'Good, Potter, you're early.'

"Good morning, Auror Travailler," he said breathlessly.

He peered at him with his signature stern look but it made Harry swallow this time.

"Don't look at me like that, Potter, I don't know your results either," Travailler said curtly. "Merlin knows I'm just as nervous as you are."

Harry stared at him.

"Well, enough chitchat," he barked. "Paperwork, before your results come in." He loaded a stack of parchment onto Harry's tiny desk. "You need to be in Training room B at nine-thirty. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

Harry numbly settled back to his cubicle and glanced over the office. He saw Chris, the same old about-to-puke expression on his face then looked over to Amira, who seemed very uncomfortable because she wasn't able to pace at the moment. He wished he had take-out treacle tart with him.

He pretended to work for twenty minutes and decided to show himself at the training room ten minutes early. Apparently, a minute later, Amira and Chris both had the same thoughts, too.

"Merlin, Merlin, oh Merlin," Amira panted, pacing in a circle again.

"Stop chanting Merlin, you're making us nervous," Chris said, pale as chalk.

Amira stopped. "Will you not be nervous if I don't do that?" she inquired.

Chris bit his lip. "Fine, valid point."

"Merlin, Merlin, oh Merlin," Amira continued to whisper-scream under her breath.

Half-past nine, the door flew open. The three of them barely had any strength to jump so all carried mildly surprised expressions on their faces. The tall plump woman from the day before came in, bearing three white envelopes.

Amira visibly paled, which Harry thought was physically impossible because she was already very white. "Ms. Ferox, Mr. Paisible, Mr. Potter. Your examination results are in. The training room will be yours until ten o'clock when you will be meeting your trainers for consulting and counseling."

She placed the three envelopes on the table in front of them. "Good luck," she said. Then she left.

For a full five minutes, the trio just sat there, staring at the three envelopes and barely moving. They were all sealed with golden wax with M.O.M. imprinted on the seal.

Finally, Amira caved. "Shall we open them?" she whispered tentatively.

"Yeah," Harry breathed.

Slowly, the three of them reached for their own envelopes.

"Good luck," they all chanted before tearing it open.



Pass Grades:
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)



General Potions: E
General Charms: E
General Transfiguration: A

Magical Jurisprudence: P
Stealth and Tracking: E
Concealment and Disguise: O

Poisons and Antidotes: E
Healing: O

Practical Defense (overall): O
Offense: O
Defense: O
Dueling: O

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He'd pass them all with E's or above except Magical Jurisprudence and General Transfiguration! He did feel a little put out by the A- the boxers really dragged him down. Regardless, he was over the moon.

Amira let out a shaky laugh. "Oh, Merlin!"

Chris jumped up and punched the air. "Yeah!"

Amira wheeled around. "You passed General Potions?"

"Hell no! But I passed Poisons and Antidotes!"

"Merlin!" the other two exclaimed. They hugged him as he cheered, "Suck on that, Gunderson!"

They exchanged their results.

Amira, as Harry predicted, got all O's except Healing and General Charms, which she got E's. Chris failed General Potions and Magical Jurisprudence but passed every other subject, getting O's on General Charms and Transfiguration, Concealment and Disguise, Stealth and Tracking, and Healing.

"This is so wonderful!" Amira exclaimed as she pulled the two of them into a bone-crushing hug.

A realization suddenly dawned on her face. "We're going to be Aurors!"

Harry and Chris stilled.

"Merlin, we're going to be Aurors!" Harry laughed, suddenly feeling tremendously happy.

"We're going to be Aurors!" Chris yelled.

"After Chris and I pass Magical Jurisprudence!" Harry added, giggling loudly.

"And General Potions!" Chris chimed in.

"Whoo-hoo!" Amira hollered.

The three of them laughed hysterically, clutching their stomachs and patting each other's arms.

Outside of training room B, all of the Aurors smiled. 

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