Chapter 60

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May second, a day off for the entire wizarding world.

Only on this occasion would Harry join in Draco's all-black dressing scheme. Underneath his all-black robe, he wore a plain black shirt and black dress pants and dress shoes. He pinned a pure white flower on the left of his chest.

Draco joined him at his place and together, they floo traveled to Andromeda's.

Teddy was dressed in a handsome little black suit, his hair his natural soft brown.

"Harry!" The child, as usual, threw himself at Harry and clung to his leg. His heart was heavy but he smiled for Teddy.

The four set off to the first cemetery today. Draco was under a disillusionment charm so their relationship won't be publicized.

They climbed a small hill, with Teddy jumping excitedly. It warmed and broke Harry's heart at the same time.

They arrived at the beautiful graveyard. They walked past rows upon rows of ancestors, their footsteps quiet. Even Teddy was hushed somehow by the soft and calm aura.

Andromeda stopped first, then Harry. He felt Draco's grip on his arm squeeze reassuringly.

"Thanks, love," he whispered to the general direction of him.

Three tombstones lay side by side. Ted buried on the left and Remus on the right, Tonks in the middle.

"Orchideous," Harry and Andromeda both whispered. Together, they laid a bundle of flowers each before the tombstone.

Andromeda took turns caressing Ted, Tonks, then Remus' tombstone. She smiled solemnly.

Harry rummaged in his handbag and pulled out a miniature umbrella stand, looking like the one Tonks used to knock over all the time, and placed it horizontally in front of Tonks' tombstone. Then he pulled out a bar of Honeydukes' chocolate, nestling it against the flowers on Remus' grave. Before they left, Harry whispered thank you to Ted, wotcher to Tonks, and I love you to Remus. He felt Draco lean against him, stroking his hair gently.

The four of them walked back to Andromeda's and Harry parted Teddy and her, kissing both of them on the cheek.

Tightening his grip on Draco, they disapparated to The Burrow. They met up with all of the Weasleys and Lee Jordan, all dressed in black.

All fourteen of them grabbed hands and disapparated to where Fred laid peacefully. Soon, fourteen bundles of flowers were topped all over his grave, Lee sniffing and saying he would've loved the mess. Everyone mourned in silence until George set off a Weasley firework that wrote 'Fred' in tribute.

Many tears were shed. Harry felt Draco's grip on his arm shift and saw Hermione clinging onto the invisible Draco, crying silently as Ron, Lee, and George dropped off a humungous box of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes onto the flowers.

They returned to The Burrow for an honorary lunch to Fred. The food was delicious as usual, but everyone mostly paid attention to the stories of Fred being told.

Harry and Draco continued on their mourning journey. They appeared at a peaceful and garden-like cemetery. Harry went to Colin Creevey's grave and laid a muggle camera in front of his tombstone.

At last, Harry and Draco disapparated again, landing in Godric's Hollow.

Slowly, still arm in arm with Draco, they trudged along the path to where his beloved parents and godfather were.

Without an effort, Harry located them. Beside their mother and father's grave, was Sirius' tombstone that Harry had set up in memory of him. He knew he would be happy to be beside Lily and James.

Harry put his arms around Draco, and Draco hugged him back tightly. They stood in silence, watching the gleaming white stones.

Hey mum, dad, Sirius... he began in his head. It's me again. This year has been so chaotic... In the same year, I've divorced my wife, but at the same time, found... love. And friendship. In the most unexpected ways. I've almost survived another year of Auror training.

He inhaled shakily, wiping his eyes. Draco kissed his cheek, rubbing his arms gently. I still miss you, so much. I'll always remember your stories, and take you on all my adventures. I'm gay by the way, if you haven't already known. Harry chuckled internally. Draco here's my boyfriend. Don't kill me, Sirius. Harry smiled at the three tombstones.

Harry conjured three bunches of the prettiest white lilies he could manage and placed them on their graves. He rummaged in his handbag once more and placed a miniature motorcycle helmet on Sirius' grave.

Love you, Mum. Love you, Dad. Love you, Sirius.

With that, the two apparated back to Harry's, cuddling on the couch and telling each other stories of those they had lost.

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