Chapter 19

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Draco awoke at the crack of dawn. Even though it was Sunday, he got up early. Well, usually not that early. Something else woke him that particular day.

Every organ inside of him is screaming. Screaming for hygiene.

His mouth tasted awful, his face was oily, and oh, dear Merlin, he didn't even dare to look in the mirror to see his hair.

Bloody hell, he was even in the same clothes. He wanted to scream along with his organs.

Literally stifling a frustrated bellow, he rolled over. Harry was still sound asleep in bed. The screaming in his body stopped and everything sang as he looked at his peaceful expression and listened to his even breaths. He smiled at the sight. He could gaze at him like this for the whole morning.

Nevertheless, he was still a Malfoy. The stage of filth his body was in was definitely unacceptable. Draco quietly brought himself out of the tiny bed and tiptoed out of the room, careful not to wake Harry.

After a full two hours of desperate and extra-thorough cleaning, fretting over his outfits (again), fretting over his cologne (again... sigh), he finally felt well and sanitary enough that he was back to his normal self. Well, not exactly, because he cast silencio twice in his walk-in closet to scream.

Feeling confidence wash over him, he quietly opened the door to Harry's bedroom. It was still relatively early but Harry looked like he just woke, fumbling for his glasses with his hand on the nightstand. After all, Harry did sleep for an awfully long time last night. Kind of.


He said it like a declare. He swiftly transformed the bed back to a chair with a flick of his wand and sat in it.

"Mmmorning," Harry replied, sounding still half-asleep.

"How are you feeling?" Draco felt self-conscious asking it. It felt like an awkward conversation. It wasn't going to be the only one that morning anyway.

"Pretty good, I guess," Harry glanced at him with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.

"That's... good to hear." He avoided his eye contact with Harry.

"Thanks for... you know," he gestured at himself. He looked incredibly uneasy. "For, um-"

"Yeah. No, it's not a problem." Draco said quietly.

Harry nodded. "Well, thanks, really. A lot."

He sighed a little too dramatically. "Potter, I thought we went over this five seconds ago. It's not a problem."

He laughed and Draco's heart fluttered just a tiny bit like a baby bird.

"I'm just going to keep saying thanks anyway. I owe you big time now," he said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Right." Draco managed to keep his facial expression unchanged but he was literally singing in his head at his cuteness. "Wait here."

He came back with the bathrobe and parcel from last time and plopped them onto the bed.

"You can shower if you want. Coffee's downstairs when you're finished." He turned and walked away but paused briefly for effect. "Oh, and Potter? Try not to get lost this time."

He felt himself smirk and he was satisfied.

Draco left the room and he heard Harry yell behind him, "Thanks anyway!"

Merlin was he the most adorable person on Earth.


Harry awoke slowly and peacefully. Not by glaring blazes of light, not by his bloody alarm clock, but naturally. Calmly. He smiled with his eyes closed, savoring the moment. He could detect faint light coming through the window and he peeked out. It seemed a little earlier than when he usually woke up on weekdays, but he felt well-rested. And clean. That really was a rare feeling in the morning.

He yawned contentedly and fumbled for his glasses, sure that they were on the bed stand because Draco had taken them off last night.

"Morning." He saw out of the corner of his eye, a well-dressed Draco with immaculate hair as always. He watched him transform the twin-sized bed back to a chair and glide gracefully to sit beside him.

"Mmmorning," he said. He felt good, but still, brain dead is a common side effect of waking up.

"How are you feeling?"

Harry was a bit taken aback that he asked, but he obviously cared for him yesterday during the black-out, so it seemed necessary. He felt a little shy at the thought.

"Pretty good, I guess," he replied and instantly felt embarrassed. Harry hoped he wouldn't interpret that as anything else and was still pale enough to not blush. Luckily, Draco looked like he didn't suspect anything.

"That's... good to hear." Draco's head drooped a little. It reminded Harry of a little puppy dog.

Harry's mind swirled a bit. "Thanks for... you know," Harry tried to gesture to what 'you know' stood for but it basically referred to his whole body. Instead, he vaguely pointed at his stomach. He felt incredibly stupid. "For, um-"

"Yeah. No, it's not a problem." Draco replied.

He still felt immense gratitude towards him. If it weren't for him there was a high chance that he would appear on the Merlin-forsaken, hell-bent Daily Prophet again. THE CHOSEN ONE, A HOBO? Or something like that.

Harry nodded. "Well, thanks, really. A lot."

He had to hold back a laugh when Draco sighed dramatically at him. "Potter, I thought we went over this five seconds ago. It's not a problem."

Harry laughed, half at his comment and half the laugh he was holding.

"I'm just going to keep saying thanks anyway. I owe you big time now." He couldn't resist teasing.

"Right." Draco, however, seemed unbothered by the tease. "Wait here."

He came back with the bathrobe and parcel from last time and plopped them onto the bed.

"You can shower if you want. Coffee's downstairs when you're finished." He turned and walked away but paused briefly for effect. "Oh, and Potter? Try not to get lost this time."

Harry couldn't help but smile stupidly at himself. "Thanks anyway!" He yelled.

Ah. The crush.

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