Chapter 36

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"Hey," Harry said as he beckoned him quickly inside.

"What's the rush?"

Harry pulled him inside and he shut the door, fast.

"They'll be after me for a couple of weeks," he laughed. "But it's so worth it."

Harry rocked back and forth on his feet. "So, The Quibbler... did you like it?"

Draco smiled back at him as he hung his coat at the door. "I loved it," he said and gave him a soft top-of-the-head kiss. Harry blushed.

"I'm glad you liked it. I was totally right that Luna would put every word I said so I made an effort to say everything- literally everything. Including going along with the Blibbering Humdingers."

Draco chuckled. "I laughed so hard reading that part- I swear there were tears."

Harry grinned.

After they were both full of Harry's grilled cheese with a delicious twist, Yorkshire pudding, and way too much laughing, Harry stretched out on his chair, smiling contently.

Draco took this as a sign of the end of a date and rose.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh- home?"

"I didn't say you could leave yet."

Draco looked at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement. "What do you mean?"

Harry merely smiled. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his wand and murmured an incantation. A jet of sparks shot out of the tip and the magical stereo came to life. Smooth jazz was playing softly, and with another flick of his wand, the lights dimmed, just enough to make it ridiculously romantic.

Candlelight from the dining table was flickering merrily, casting shadows and light on Draco's pale and warm face. With a last wave, a burst of rose petals exploded from his wand and they fluttered to the dance floor that magically appeared beside them.

Tucking his wand back into his robes in a gentlemanly manner, he stood up and slowly approached Draco. Harry held out his hand. "Dance with me?"

Draco took it and pulled Harry closer, their faces inches away. He looped his arm around Harry's waist and they gently rocked to the music, locking eyes.

"Sorry, but I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself," Draco teased.

"And you still took my hand," Harry murmured as he inched closer to him, nudging Draco's chin with the top of his head.

"You're such a prat."

Harry chuckled softly and they swayed together to the gentle rhythm, his hand caressing Draco's shoulder.

They danced on for a moment and they twirled. Draco pulled him back and their noses were touching.

"I'm sorry we can't go outside for dates," he said, tickling Draco's nose with his own. "It would be even better if we could be outdoors."

Draco lifted his face from his. "Oh? How so?"

"Well," Harry started, snaking his hand down Draco's back to pull him closer, "I would take you out for a romantic picnic, just when the sun is setting. We would watch the sunset, drink, laugh, eat, order treacle tart," he said.

"Then, when night falls, I would lay beside you under the stars. I would use a totally stupid pickup line just to hold your hand, and-"

Harry tilted his head up and gave him a tender kiss. "We kiss."

Draco hummed and smiled. He stooped to kiss him on the forehead, where the healed bruise had previously been.

Harry closed his eyes and broke the dance position, enveloping him in an adoring hug. "Admit it, this is the best date you ever went on."

Draco laughed. "Oh yes, I don't deny it," he said simply. "Just be aware, you're about to get your arse kicked. Hard."

Harry breathed into Draco's chest. "Oh? How so?"

"You'll see," and Draco tickled Harry in his ribs, only stopping when Harry shut his movements with his lips. 

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