Chapter 41

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Harry apparated straight onto his couch and sprawled onto it after another exhausting day of Healing classes. He rubbed his sore wrist, which had been cut so many times by then that even though the wounds were mended, it left traces of side effects.

The fact that Amira Ferox still hadn't mastered the Episkey Charm thoroughly didn't help, either.

Dora wanted them to constantly switch partners and every time he got paired with Amira, he would always end up with something much more severe than a cut. Once his blood even turned baby blue. "Ah, not to worry," he remembered Dora saying as she jabbed her wand onto his cut, while the other two were screaming and he was too petrified to speak.

Also, whenever Harry ridiculed Chris about his crush on the instructor he would 'accidentally' grip his wand too tight and give him a pleasant blood shower.

It was truly a miracle that he was still here, in one piece, on Halloween.

Despite himself, Harry stretched and got up, smiling and humming. He reached his bedroom and rummaged through his closet, finally finding what he was looking for- his old Hogwarts uniform.

After a couple of sneezes and a hasty cleaning charm, they were good as new.

He slipped on his white shirt and fastened his tie, throwing his black robe over his head. He was tightening the clasp on his school robe when he heard a knock.

Humming a random tune happily, Harry went to the door but found no one outside.

"Hello? Draco?"

"Hey, it's me," he heard Draco's voice say and the door magically closed.

"Are you in an Invisibility Cloak?" Harry asked as his outstretched arm grabbed a fistful of robes.

"Finite," he heard his voice say. Draco appeared in front of him, clad in open Slytherin school robes. His shirt and tie were mostly out in the open.

"No, I just do one hell of a Disillusionment Charm."

"Why did you cast a Disillusionment Charm on yourself?"

"Well, I'm not letting anyone from the wizarding community see me like this, am I?"

Harry laughed and shook his head. "You're ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous. This is bloody stupid," Draco scowled at him.

"Even with... Cadbury?" Harry summoned the gigantic bar of Cadbury Chocolate he bought and waved it in his hand.

Draco was silent for a moment. In one fluent movement, he snatched the slab out of his hands and stowed it into his bag.

"Hard to argue with that," Draco said coolly, planting a kiss in Harry's hair.

"You're loving this."

"No, I love Cadbury."

Harry gave him a mischievous chuckle and looped an arm around Draco's waist, the other arm tugging on his green and silver tie, pulling him closer.

Their lips met. In no time, Draco's hands were in Harry's hair as their hot breaths mingled with each other's.

After they finally broke apart, panting slightly, Harry looked into the silver pupils once again and grinned. "How about now?"

Draco swallowed. "I'm not complaining."

Before Harry could tease Draco more, the doorbell rang.


"The kids are here!" Harry exclaimed and summoned the bucket of Honeydukes chocolate he bought yesterday.

He wiggled an eyebrow at Draco and he sighed. "Fine, let's get this over with."

Harry opened the door and three little kids were standing on his doorstep. "Trick-or-Treat!" the little girl dressed as a princess cried happily.

"Hello! Are you a princess?" The girl nodded vigorously. "Well, aren't you the prettiest princess in the world!" Harry beamed at her.

The girl flushed red and hid his head behind a boy dressed as a pirate.

"Can you guess what I am? Extra candy!"

"You're a wizard!" the other girl dressed as a ballerina piped up.

"That's right!" Harry smiled and dropped a bar of Honeydukes chocolate into her paper bag. "This chocolate came all the way from- er- Romania!"

Harry heard Draco smirk and cover it up with a coughing fit.

"Do you want to see a magic trick?"

"Yes!" the little girls cried but the pirate remained silent.

Harry took out his wand and concentrated on orchideous. A spring of flowers blossomed from the tip of his wand and he handed it to the princess who squealed in delight. The ballerina watched in awe but the pirate was still unmoved.

He handed out chocolate bars to the girls and they left, skipping happily. When he reached the pirate, however, he was staring at him, unamused.

"Here you go, happy Halloween!" Harry said and dropped a chocolate bar in his bucket.

"I know how you did that," the boy said.

Harry could feel Draco still beside him but Harry merely smiled.

"My dad always does those lame magic tricks. It's no fun."

Draco let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, can your dad do this?"

Harry pointed his wand at the boy and chanted Wingardium Leviosa in his mind.

The boy's pirate hat rose, just slightly, into the air. Harry released the charm and it fell back into place.

The boy stood, awestruck, and Harry chuckled.

"I'm very good at magic tricks," he said with a wink.

Several seconds later, Harry closed the door, laughing, with a cross-armed Draco beside him. But he was also smiling.

"You really ought not to do that to little kids," he quipped.

"Nonsense," Harry set down the bucket of chocolate and kissed Draco on the cheek, "I can tell that you're liking this."

"I'm not hating it," Draco admitted stubbornly.

Harry grinned.


It was a good hour later and Harry leaned on his doorframe, watching contentedly as Draco teased muggle kids with sparks shooting out from his wand tip. His hair was just a tad messy and his eyes were reduced into thin lines because of his constant beaming. Harry's heart melted at the sight.

"Here you go, this is for you, yes, these are from France-"

Harry chuckled and helped himself to a bite of Honeydukes chocolate.

Draco sighed happily and closed the door. Harry grinned at him.

"Since when did Honeydukes move from Romania to France?" he teased.

"Since France has the best pain au chocolats in the world," he replied with a posh accent.

Harry tickled his nose. "You're so enjoying this."

Draco didn't reply but hummed.

The doorbell rang again.

Harry couldn't help feeling like the happiest man on Earth when Draco practically skipped to open the door, hugging the bucket of chocolate and singing in delight. 

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