Chapter 24

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[Harry and Draco]

"Hey," Harry said, tentatively. He gave him a small smile.

"What do you want, Potter?" Draco snapped. He wasn't supposed to see him like this. "Coming to tell me off again?"

"No," Harry sighed. "I'm sorry. I know it's not you who ratted me out to the Prophet... I'm sorry." He looked up hopefully. "Can I come in?"

"No," Draco said coldly.

"Fine. I'll say it outside then." He tilted his head to look him straight in the eye, trying not to be immersed in his grey irises.

"I'm sorry I thought it was you. I was shocked, and it just came to me automatically-"

"Because I'm an untrustworthy and unreliable git?"

"No!" Harry was taken aback. "And only Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and you knew!" He added defensively.

"Of course. Your ex-wife definitely didn't have any chance of tattling."

Harry flushed red. Though it wasn't her fault, she kind of did. "I told you, it was mutual! We're still on the best terms!" he yelled.

Harry tried to control his temper. He wheeled around and saw the curtains of the other mansions swishing shut briskly.

"Look, your muggle neighbors are watching, and the army of Prophet reporters might be swarming by any second if the damn tiny man is around again. Would you please let me in?"

As much as Draco wanted to seek revenge, he didn't want to appear in the Prophet alongside him.

"Fine." He let him in and slammed the door shut.

The instant Harry was inside, he continued. "I'm sorry, I really-"

But Draco cut him off. "You don't have to say that. You still think of me as a Death Eater, don't you?" he spat coldly.

"No! How can you think that after I voluntarily made truce?"

"Oh, I don't know, Golden Boy. Maybe you wanted to seem heroic? To impress the whole wizarding world to seek more attention?"

"You take that back," he seethed. "And for your information, I told no one about our truce."

Draco mimed an arrogant and exaggerated sigh. "Ah, saint Potter, still holding grudges. How pathetic, not to live up to your title?"

"You know perfectly well that you are innocent and I think so too!"



The air went still. They bit their tongues simultaneously.

The tension created by the effort not to laugh could be sliced by an axe.

Harry caved in first and coughed. "I stand by my point," he managed to say coldly.

Draco spluttered and covered it with also a coughing fit. He dropped down on the couch.


Harry sat down too.

"I really am sorry," Harry said.

"It's okay," Draco said curtly. He sighed. "And it's... Draco... if you want."

Harry cracked a grin. "But I kind of like ferret,"

"Call me that again and I'll hex your mouth shut."

"Fine, Draco," he said shuddering a little but smiling. It was the first time he called him that to his face. "And it's Harry, too."

"I wasn't waiting for an invite, Po- Harry,"

Harry grinned at him. Draco couldn't help but smile back.

He stood up abruptly. "Want some dinner?"

"Frozen muggle food?" Harry asked.

"You bet."

Harry followed him but Draco stopped, remembering the croissant wrappers.

"Um... hang on, you might want to wait outside for a bit..."

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