Chapter 35

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Draco was enjoying an apple when a snowy owl flew in from the open window. She appeared to be gripping a magazine.

"Oh, sorry- I didn't order this," Draco said to the owl.

But the owl still dropped it into his lap and fluttered onto the dining table. She stuck out her leg. There was a piece of parchment attached.

"Is it a gift?" he asked the owl as he untied it.

The owl nipped his finger softly and Draco chuckled. He stroked her feathers and found there was a bright pink patch on her back.

"Well, aren't you pretty," he smiled at the owl. She hooted happily and took off.

Draco unrolled the piece of paper.

The Quibbler's out! Thought you might want to see it this time, I sent you a free copy- you might find it thoroughly hilarious.

Harry x

Draco picked up the magazine in his lap. EXCLUSIVE- SAVIOR OF THE WIZARDING WORLD, OUT AND PROUD (see pages 2-14 for more details.)

Two to fourteen? How much is there? Draco laughed and flicked open the pages.

It consisted of a lengthy ten-page interview, and three pages of editor's- Luna's- thoughts.

He didn't understand half of the editor's thoughts (there were so many ridiculous words!) but spent an hour reading and rereading the interview, and he'd be damned if it wasn't the most hilarious hour of his life.

L: Thanks for agreeing on this interview, Harry.

H: No problem, Luna. As I was saying, the Daily Prophet violated some very serious policies of media and news, what specifically I'm not sure, better ask Hermione about it... but of course, regarding some people are simply dunderheads and would like to corner me everywhere I go, it's not altogether surprising. I'm talking to a particular reporter and a particular journalist here.

L: Do you believe the Blibbering Humdingers might be involved in their ways of working?

H: Oh yes, highly. I certainly think that the Humdingers have played an important role in this- they might've messed with their minds a fair bit so they think they could stick their noses to where it doesn't belong.

L: Well, reasoned.

Draco laughed until tears were rolling down his cheeks, he loved Harry's ways around things too much.

But apart from being amazingly funny, it also showed the side he liked about Harry so much.

H: It took a moment for me to register this... but I found out, why bother? I'm no different from the person I was ten seconds before I realized it, why be so afraid? Being gay doesn't change my personality, it simply describes whom I want to get involved with. It's not scary, it's not shameful- it is merely another adjective to describe who I am.

L: That is very beautiful, Harry. The Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and I both are very proud.

Carefully stowing the magazine in his bedroom drawer upstairs- he'd be mental not to preserve it forever- he laid on his bed, recalling excerpts from The Quibbler.

He smiled. Yep, he thought. Only a matter of time before I fall deeply in love

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