Chapter 65

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"Good morning, sunshine," he heard Harry's voice sing through his ears.

"Mmm, what time is it?"


"What?" Draco mumbled groggily. "I've only slept for an hour and you wake me up?"

He felt Harry's lips on his cheek, smiling against his skin.

"Happy birthday, love."

Draco finally opened his eyes. "Hm?"

"It's midnight. Happy twenty-one, Draco."

Harry was holding a beautifully wrapped present with a silver bow. It looked like the size of a textbook.

"Sorry for waking you up, but I can't give you your present properly in the morning and I don't want to wait until I get off work. So... here."

"Aw, that's so sweet! Thanks, love," Draco kissed him.

"Open it!"

It was heavy. Gently peeling off the silver and gold wrappings, he revealed a thick, leather-bound book. On it was embossed silver letters: H.J.P. + D.L.M.

"What's this?"

Draco carefully turned the cover to the first page. It was a photo scrapbook. The first ten pages were full, showing little snaps and snippets of Harry and Draco.

There was the picture during New Year's, taken with Ron and Hermione under the Weasley fireworks, with Ron gagging and Hermione laughing while Harry and Draco kissed. There was the one with Draco wearing Harry's jumper, holding basil leaves trying to make it pass as mistletoe. There was the one taken by the waiter at the muggle restaurant, the one with Draco holding a blonde Teddy, the one with Harry holding the results of his examinations, dancing with joy...

"Harry... I love it." He kissed him, flipping through the pages of laughter and love.

"I'm so glad you like it. And I left one page blank, it's auto-filling. It never has to be full."

Harry smiled at him and held his hand. "Hagrid gave me a photo album of my mum and dad's. I love it. I want us to have something like that, too."

Draco closed the album and set it on Harry's nightstand. He caressed it lovingly, before returning to Harry and kissing him.

"Now, about your other birthday present..."

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