Chapter 69

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One-and-a-half months being an Auror, so far, was awesome.

He didn't get paired with Chris or Amira since newbies usually worked with more experienced Aurors, but the three of them still hung out at work. Chris and Amira finally announced they were dating on their first day of work ("About time!" yelled Harry). They thanked Harry for his meddling and he couldn't be prouder.

Harry and his two other partners caught a house-elf abuser that day and he was whistling even though it was Sunday. Hermione would probably choke him to death by hugging him the next time he saw her.

He got off work at exactly five o'clock without lingering and promptly disapparated. There were much more important things to do.

The second he apparated to his own living room he felt Draco on him and kissing him.

"Happy one-year anniversary, love."

"Happy anniversary, sweetum."

Draco smiled at him and dragged him to the dining table.

"I ordered Italian takeout!" he declared.

"Aw, that sounds lovely," Harry said, tickling him. "I have a surprise for you," he said.

Draco's eyes lit up as he followed Harry into the kitchen.

"I made cream of tomato! I made it secretly yesterday and put it under a heating charm!"

"Oh, Merlin, I love you." Draco hoisted him up and Harry wrapped his legs around him, kissing him.

"Do you want to do gifts first?" Harry asked in between kisses.


Draco put him down and they chased each other to the living room. Harry flopped down on the couch and summoned a small pouch.


Draco loosened the strings and he pulled out a mirror. "What's this?"

Harry reached into the pouch and pulled out another mirror which only had a fragment left.

"It's a two-way mirror," Harry said. "It used to be Sirius and my dad's. You can communicate through it. Sirius gave me one of it and after he died, Dumbledore's brother got hold of the other. That's why we were able to escape at the Manor, he saw me and called Dobby for help. Anyway... Aberforth gave the other one back to me. And now I want to give it to you."

"This is so sweet, Harry, thank you." Draco kissed him and smiled against his warm lips.

"We can even talk when I'm at work," Harry said.

"No, my good looks would be too much of a distraction."

Harry threw a pillow at him and Draco cackled. "My turn!"

Draco gave him an envelope. Curious, Harry carefully peeled off the wax seal. There was only a tiny slip of parchment inside.

Dulcia aut Dolus.

"What does it mean?"

"It means trick-or-treat in Latin. It's... it's the spell to unlock my front door."

Harry stared at the piece of paper then at Draco.

"Why trick-or-treat?" Harry whispered.

"It was the moment I fell for you and realized there was no going back," he admitted shyly.

Harry swallowed. "So... does it mean..."

"I- Do you want to move in with me?"

Harry gripped the piece of parchment tightly.


Draco kissed him and they hugged each other tightly.

"I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you too, Draco."

They broke apart and laughed softly.


Even though throughout the time they were dating Draco mostly stayed the night at Harry's, they both agreed that if they were to move in with each other it would be at Draco's- so that Ginny would still have the house.

"It's so empty," Harry sighed, caressing the blank wall.

Everything except the main furniture was already cleared out and moved to Draco's. Harry had to remind himself that it was now theirs.

"I know, sweetum," Draco kissed his cheek.

"Only one step away to officially moving in together," Harry said, smiling.

"I'm so excited."

"So am I."

The couple kissed and they grabbed hands, apparating in front of the mansion they now officially share.

"Shall you do the honors?" Draco asked poshly.

Harry smiled. "Dulcia aut Dolus."

And the adventure began.

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