Chapter 27

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Harry shot up from bed. "Draco? Draco!"

He tumbled onto the floor and grabbed for his wand. Rushing out the corridor, he plummeted headfirst into the doorframe of Draco's room.

"Balls!" he swore loudly as he saw stars. He was practically blind without glasses.

But there were more pressing matters. Another scream was issued from the room. Panicked, Harry kicked open the door with a mighty thrust of his foot.

The door flung open with a bang and he saw Draco on his bed, thrashing violently.


Ignoring the thumping pain on his forehead and a possibly sprained ankle, he darted to the bed.

He pinned Draco still with all his might and kept soothing repeatedly in his ear, "Draco, Draco, it's okay, it's okay... it's a nightmare, Draco..."

The thrashing died down gradually and Draco's eyes fluttered half-open. "Ha- Harry?"

"Shh, shh..." Harry whispered. "It's okay now, you're safe," he said, holding onto Draco's wrist.

"Rest," he whispered in his ear. Draco's eyelids flitted downward obeying. Harry conjured a hot air charm and gently traced his wand over Draco's sweat-drenched face and hair, moving down to his pillow, sheets, and torso, one hand still on his wrist.

Harry stuffed his wand back into the silk pajamas Draco provided. He gazed adoringly and worriedly into Draco's pale face, glowing in the faint moonlight. Slowly, he loosened his hand on his wrist but felt a grip tighten around his.

He looked down at him, his face still the same troubled and hurt expression. He seemed asleep. Harry watched Draco's chest rise and fall, gradually becoming even.

Carefully, he climbed into Draco's bed, making his movements as minimal as possible as he practically stepped over him to reach the other side of the bed. He settled beside him and pulled up the covers. Gently, he stroked his hair with his free hand, the other still closed on his wrist.

The silky blonde strands nearly melted in his fingers. He snuggled closer to him bravely as Draco was sound asleep. Grudgingly removing his hand from his hair, he let it fall back beside him. Draco's hand was still closed tightly around Harry's wrist, so he didn't let go, either.

Just as he was about to fall back into slumber, his mind foggy, something overcame him. As slowly and gently as possible, he leaned in a few inches, closing the gap between them, and planted a tiny and subtle kiss on his cheek. Pulling back, he drifted off to sleep, ignoring the pounding heart in his chest and oblivious to Draco's.


He was pulled back, sweaty, to reality as a gentle soothing voice hummed into his ear. "Draco, Draco, it's okay, it's okay... it's a nightmare, Draco..."

Too tired and shaken to open his eyes fully, he merely let his eyelids slant upwards halfway. A reassuring face, topped with incredibly messy jet-black hair was hovering above his own.

"Ha- Harry?"

He felt Harry's breath tickle his ear. "Shh, shh..."

Draco was suddenly very aware of the strong hand gripping onto his wrist. "It's okay now, your safe."

His mind was whirling frantically. He was so close to him... he could detect his scent... Draco slid open his eyelids a fraction more, searching at the handsome face above him.

"Rest," he said. His mind was completely shut down by then so he let his eyelids fall back to place.

Draco could feel a warm tingling sensation he recognized as a hot air charm spreading out from his face to his body, completing at his bedsheets and pillowcase. His heart felt as warm and fuzzy as his body did.

He could feel, even though Harry moved subtly, that he was loosening his grip. Out of sheer instinct, his fingers shot out and enclosed them tightly on the other's wrist.

Harry's wrist was slim but strong, its skin soft and smooth. He desperately hoped he didn't come off as a needy and pathetic douchebag. Feigning sleep, he tried to make his breathing as even as possible.

Please, please stay. Stay, stay, stay, his mind pleaded.

Time was ticking by. He waited until what seemed like ages, his fingers not daring to loosen. Finally, finally, Harry shifted.

He felt him inching closer to him, swinging his legs in a not-so-subtle fashion over his body to lay down beside him. Blushing slightly at the weight on the other side of his bed, he was content enough to let his mind wander down to slumber...

But it seemed like Harry wasn't done yet. Draco felt Harry inching closer and closer to him, their adjoined wrists making their arms almost flush against each other's, then-


His heart sang contentedly as the slender and soft fingers slowly traced the lines of his skull, as if penetrating his thoughts. Draco forced himself not to hum in pure delight. Everything in the nightmare washed away in an instant, his mind sighed happily as Harry continued to stroke his hair.

All too quickly, Harry's hand pulled back. Draco made an effort to make his eyes screwed tight, controlling his breathing with great will. Relaxing a bit more into the comforts of his mattress and Harry's presence, he let his consciousness drift away once more...

Then it happened.

It was as quick as a flash of sudden lightning. A gentle, warm, and moist flash. Flames shot out of his chest and rose to his face, his neck, his lungs, his heart, the instant the set of perfect lips collided so, so lightly, with the side of his cheek.

Draco's mind was whirling, his cheeks burning and his heart pummeling in his chest threatening to burst out any second. Before he finally, successfully fell back to sleep long after the torso beside him became still with even breaths, his mind was racing with surges of unnamed emotions and the most beautiful lips that had just caressed his cheek, making it ignite. 

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