Chapter 48

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Most of the Weasley lot, Harry, Draco, and Lee Jordan were all lounging comfortably on the armchairs and couches of The Burrow's sitting room. The evening breeze was settling in. They were lazily enjoying the last few hours of 2000.

Harry had his head on Draco's lap, Ron and Hermione were cuddling on one of the armchairs. They watched George, Angelina, Ginny, Charlie, and Lee sitting on the floor wrapped in layers of blankets, playing Exploding Snap.

Ginny shot out her hand and jabbed one of the cards with her wand. "And that's another point for Ginerva Weasley!" She cheered.

Charlie laughed and ruffled Ginny's hair.

"Remember how you used to lose all the time and cry?" George said. "Good old days..."

Angelina packed up the cards and summoned more mugs of hot chocolate.

"Hey, you know what? I just realized there's a whole lot of quidditch players in this room." Ginny chirped.

"Oh yeah," Ron replied lazily, his voice half-muffled by Hermione's bushy brown hair.

Harry pushed himself off Draco's lap and sat up. He looked at his ex-wife mischievously. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Who's up for three-on-three?"

Enthusiastic agreements were shared across the room.

"Nah, not for me," Charlie said. "Haven't been on a broom for ages. I'll ref though."

"Not to mention your favorite commentator's here," Lee stood up, stretched, and revealed fourteen perfect white teeth with a dashing smile.

Half of the people in the room punched him in the arm.

Draco piped up. "I've got a quidditch tent back home. I can go get it if you want," he said.

The Weasleys goggled at him. Harry and Hermione looked puzzled. "What?"

"Seriously? You've got a quidditch tent?!" Ron yelled incredulously.

"Obviously, we should've friended you much earlier," Ginny joked.

"What's a quidditch tent?" Harry asked.

"Probably the best thing to own in the field of quidditch!" George jumped to his feet. "And mind you, that's including your Firebolt, Harry."

"'S a quidditch pitch in a tent. Probably worth ten times your Firebolt," Charlie explained.

"D'you guys want it or not?" Draco laughed.

Five minutes after all of them practically shoving Harry and Draco into their fireplace, they emerged back from it, Harry carrying his Firebolt and Draco his Nimbus 2001 and a tent.

The others had already apparated to and back to get their brooms. Together, they trudged out to the chilly New Year's Eve breeze, chatting and laughing to The Burrow's backyard.

Hermione pointed her wand at the limp-looking tent they had spread out on the ground. "Erecto!"

The tent rose and set itself upright, the entrance flaps flapping graciously to the light wind.

The lot clambered inside. A massive quidditch pitch the same size as Hogwarts' stood gleaming in front of them, the three goal posts on either side perched tall and proud. The stadium surrounding it could've held at least three hundred people.

"Sweet! It even has a score-keeper!" yelled Lee Jordan, already running up to the commentator's podium. Hermione and Charlie took seats on the right of the commentator megaphone. Lee tapped it enthusiastically with his wand and the feedback was so loud all of them glared and George conjured a pillow to throw at him.

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