Chapter 68

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Turned out, Lucius Malfoy's friend was yet another illegal animagi (Harry wondered how many there were roaming about out there) and he stalked Harry and fed information back to Lucius. He was there when they were celebrating Christmas at The Burrow. Lucius was in a private cell in Azkaban, while his friend was also chucked behind the bars and cast an anti-transformation spell.

The incident made their relationship go public. Though it stirred up a fair bit of commotion, at that point, they didn't really mind that much anymore. They had been in the relationship long enough to care, and people were bound to know. Also, Harry was almost killed.

The couple had been out for nearly a month, and they were actually enjoying it. They didn't have to tiptoe around the public or cast disillusionment charms over themselves anymore. They can express their love for each other freely and the best of all, go on dates outside without fear of being caught.

It was Harry's birthday, but there were more important things at the moment.

Harry, Chris, and Amira were in training room B yet again, staring at three white envelopes.

"Oh, this is bloody stupid." Chris was the first to cave this time. "It's the second test. We have two subjects, Mira has one. Bloody open them, for Merlin's sake!"



Pass Grades:
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)



General Transfiguration: O
Magical Jurisprudence: A

Chris was the first to whoop. "I got an E! General Potions! I didn't just pass; I got a bloody E!"

"Congratulations!" Amira yelled and flung her arms around him, making him flush pink.

Chris also passed Magical Jurisprudence with an A (high five, mate!) and Amira scored an O in General Charms.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE AURORS!" the trio screamed.

The door flung open and they dropped silent immediately, but the Head Auror was smiling widely as he strode inside.

"Congratulations, the three of you. All of you have passed the second examination and will officially become an Auror at the ceremony that will take place at the end of next month."

He smiled and stroked his beard. "Once again, congratulations. You are a very bright year of trainees, I must say. I'll leave you to scream." He chuckled and closed the door, casting a silencing charm.

The trio screamed.


Harry's birthday/Auror party was going full-swing at The Burrow. Hermione had cast two extensive charms to hold the vast number of people inside.

Nearly all of the Weasleys were there. Teddy and Andromeda were also there, which made half of the people fuss over the squealing boy playing with Victoire. Both Hagrid and Professor McGonagall were present since it was summer break and McGonagall burst into tears (which startled Harry very much) when he told her he had received an O.

Harry was sure Hagrid broke all of his ribs when he hugged him and sobbed about how proud of him he was. Harry even invited Travailler to come by, which took loads of persuading and convincing and he finally agreed to 'drop by for a drink.'

Hermione couldn't stop fussing over him and beaming while Ron helped to pry her off of him. Everything was cheerful and perfect, Mrs. Weasley baked an enormous cake with a tiny figurine of Harry wearing Auror robes and squeaking 'expelliarmus!' on top.

But amongst everything, Harry was the happiest about the man in his arms.

"I'm so proud of you," Draco murmured in his ear.

"Mm, thank you," Harry replied, kissing his cheek.

"So. Where do we land on escaping the room and me doing unspeakable things to you?"

Harry wheeled around and gave him a look of mock horror. "Draco Malfoy! This is an all-age-friendly house! My godson is here!"

"How about when we get home?" Draco said, keeping his voice low and seductive.

"Hm, I don't know. How unspeakable are we talking?"

"You tell me." Draco purposedly nipped at Harry's earlobe and he shivered.


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