Part 2 : Ball

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The Ball continued with great spirits, detailed crystal embedded chandeliers showering golden rain over emerging lovebirds in utmost glory.

"Why the clouds of gloominess blocking the love breeze from getting to you sister?", a voice akin to Kia stirred the gloomy lady deep submerged in thoughts

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"Why the clouds of gloominess blocking the love breeze from getting to you sister?", a voice akin to Kia stirred the gloomy lady deep submerged in thoughts.

"I'm sorry, who-"

"what a shame... Did she doll me up too nicely?"

"Kia.. is that really you?"
"Whoa.. Now that's a makeover", she pointed at the woman dressed as a man, in a fine black tux, glasses hung through a gold chain enhancing her sister's beautiful eyes.

"in all truth, it is but me dear sister."
"lately, I discovered something which I knew not..
That I prefer to dress as a gentleman.
Their fashion attracts me, unlike lousy gowns with suffocating corsets"

"and I dearest, you are hesitant to tell Jess this newest discovery.", she looked at her sister, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Sister.. I have got my eyes set on a beautiful lady in this room, I wish to court her...despite the fact that I'm akin to her morphologically.
Her answer, I can fathom not.
But every time our eyes meet, I feel electrified, as if I touched a satin blanket on a winter night.", Kia's hazel orbs glimmered in royal lights.

"I couldn't agree with you more.
Ever since we arrived, I found agreeable women, many a ton;
But an agreeable man, none."

"Pray tell me, do you not object to my interests sister?"

"Not in the tiniest, I love you enough to just accept way you are..

Methinks Jess does too, but she is entrapped in the whims and norms of the society, so much as to conform with it.", the two girls sigh looking at Jessica swirling in Mingyu's arms, for the second dance of the night.

"Go grab your chance, before it turns midnight, Cinderella", Kat told her sister.

"This Cinderella, doesn't need a prince, but.. A princess", the two heartily laugh.
After two merry hours, it was time for the final dance.
"alright fellaz, let's make the most of the night; because once this hour passes, we might never bump into each other again", Mrs Kim, mother to Mingyu and aunt to his cousin, Wonwoo, enunciated.

"But I don't have a partner", Katherine whispered to Jess.

Looking up, it seemed as if Wonwoo murmured the same thing into Mingyu's ear.

"How about...", Jess pushed her sister next to Wonwoo, at the exact moment when the music started.

The dance began.

Slow, yet mesmerizing notes from the violin, gathered lustrous clouds hanging over the chandeliers

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Slow, yet mesmerizing notes from the violin, gathered lustrous clouds hanging over the chandeliers.
Piano was in absolute sync with heartbeats and the harp player didn't hesitate to pull the strings in people's hearts.
The joyous vibe was interrupted by Kat,
"In my defense, I have no hands in this felony."

Nor did I ask to be paired with you.

I don't even like dances."

"well don't you think, dancing is a way of expressing boundless affection.", Kat arched an eyebrow as she swung into Wonwoo's arms.

Holding her waist, he couldn't help but feel flustered every time she smiled right into his eyes;
Grazing through his piercing stare.
"I'd rather write a hundred letters to express my faithful affection."

"Say.. You are one who does not prefer to live in the moment?", she leaned closer to him with a mocking smile.

"what do you mean?", he didn't even flinch at their sudden intimacy.

"methinks you know how this night slips away as swiftly as silk

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"methinks you know how this night slips away as swiftly as silk. And somehow..
If you end up thinking about me tomorrow. .. I would be", they bow at each other as the last dance ended.


Niether of the party spoke a word;

The two departed the venue consequently with their company. Kia was back into her attire, as if her yonder version didn't even exist.

On the ride home, Wonwoo could think of nothing else except the words of a certain someone, he refused to pay attention to.
The deeper he delved into thoughts, the more assured he became of the fact that what she said was perhaps true.
Just how would he show affection by writing letters to his beloved.. If he can't even court her when she's right in front of him.

Not that it was Katherine, he wished to court

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Not that it was Katherine, he wished to court.
With his huge bounty and manners, he desired a beautiful and elegant lady; one who wouldn't be so wild and social, one who would eat civil-ly with her mouth closed.
But he wouldn't deny the fact that somewhere in his heart, he wished that their paths would cross in near future.

Several weekends passed. Wonwo's curiosity was opaque but not shallow.
It was until one day Mingyu decided to send an invitation to Jess to come over for dinner.
After discussing it with his sibling and his best friend, he was about to send it forth, before Wonwoo interrupted,
"Is the invitation for all the sisters of Daringhart family?"

"No.. I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with each one of them.
But if you desire, I wouldn't tarry in calling upon the younger Miss Daringhart too."

"Oh.. Suit yourself.
I was only asking in case I have to mentally prepare myself for encountering that disagreeable lady once again.", Wonwoo replied without looking up from his book.

"Wonwoo, do you perhaps miss the lady or something?
You've barely ever mentioned a woman you were acquainted with.", miss Kim brought her chair closer.

"Mistake me not my dear, for I have no such intentions pertaining to the extension of my acquaintance into friendship.", Wonwoo replied, still not looking up.

"Great then.. It wouldn't hurt to invite her pleasing company to our humble abode, right Minseo?"

"sure.. Whatever you like brother."

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