Part 13: Rescue

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Fear of being evaluated wrongly on social bias was evident in Kat's eyes at the dinner table, where the family was supposed to have an important dinner.
Wonwoo understood Kat's expression and tried to tell her to calm down with his own eyes; But it was not enough assurance for katherine.

Junhui was exempted from the family dinner since Mrs

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Junhui was exempted from the family dinner since Mrs. Jeon was too cowardly to be reminded of her husband's first choice on his death anniversary.
Wonwoo was born several months after Junhui, so technically, Jun was his elder brother.

Kat found comfort in Jun's room where she moved before Mrs. Jeon could enter the diner despite the reassuring glances of wonwoo.
She had no intention of facing
Mrs. Jeon who looked very disagreeable in her honest opinion.
She has had enough hipocracy for the day.
While dinner commenced, a sudden outburst of rain clashed outside the mansion, which supposedly hindered Minseo's return to home.
While the latter opined to set out once rain stopped, Mrs. Jeon was adamant about her staying for the night.
This news sent a wave of excitement in two hearts.
Junhui expressed his joy at the timely downpour while Wonwoo could only think about it to himself.

"This rain reminds me of our night together.", Jun said to Kat, almost forgetting the presence of two other people in the room.
Two other shocked people.
While Minseo failed at hiding her curious expression, Wonwoo choked on air while struggling to controlling his urge to punch Junhui in his face.

"What do you mean by night together?", Minseo critically questioned Jun.

"Ah, remember when I got lost for a day?
I was rescued by Zeus and Junhui that night. I spent it here.", Minseo still didn't look satisfied with Kat's answer.

"Honestly at first, I thought you were a pervert hahaha", the two laughed at their memories and for the first time in the day, Minseo genuinely laughed around Katherine.
She was of that view that an outcast fits in the company of another outcast.
All this, while Jeon Wonwoo was secretly burning with rage for a reason, he could himself fathom not.
It was already ten at night and the rain did not seem to stop. Fortunately, the girls hadn't left for home become the stream under the bridge would have most probably been flooded with muddy water.
It was time to sleep in rooms assigned to the guests. Since Mrs. Jeon was unaware of Kat's arrival as a guest and Minseo didn't see the need of distinguishing her from the rest of the maids, Kat either had to sleep in a shared bed with Minseo, or find a spot elsewhere.
Kat knew she'd rather sleep in Junhui's room than Minseo's, and started towards the former.
Suddenly a thought struck her about hers being in Jun's room in the presence of others.
In Minseo's words, she didn't have any right to meddle in the lives of the nobles. It was alright when Jun was the only one in the house, but she was afraid now that others could make a big deal out of it.

Thus she ended up sleeping on the cold hard floor of one of the dark storerooms. They barely had an electricity supply, let alone heating mechanisms. Neither did she have comfortable night wear, nor a usable mattress. Yet the poor girl optimistically ignored the scarcity of comfort.

 Yet the poor girl optimistically ignored the scarcity of comfort

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About an hour later, Wonwoo woke up to the sound of light snores.
Being a light sleeper, he was usually insomniac to the point where faint sounds brought turbulence to his mind.
He went out of his room following the sound. It was highly unusual for someone to be around his room at this time of the night and he had to be wary of any intrusion.
While he slowly walked hither and thither looking for the source of the sound, Junhui, who was up admiring the rain, decided to stalk his brother, thinking about an invasion as well.

Wonwoo finally stopped in front of a room, which was supposedly a long abandoned store room, and carefully pushed the knob open.
The sight his eyes captured stung his heart. There lay the weak figure of the girl he adores, cold on the stiff floor cuddled up into a womb-like position.
He couldn't help but dig his eyes into her fragile self.
His heart wrenched whenever
her eyes flinched due to muscle ache.

He gradually approached the girl to make sure its her, and slowly lifted her in his arms, carrying her all the way to his bedroom next door

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He gradually approached the girl to make sure its her, and slowly lifted her in his arms, carrying her all the way to his bedroom next door.
He gently laid her down on the comfortable bed, as the heavy-sleeping lady didn't seem to mind his actions.
After tucking her in his bed, he sat there meaninglessly glancing at her frame, now less tense.
What his eyes missed was another pair of eyes peeping at his silent rescue mission, unsure what to feel about it.

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