Part 11: Luncheon

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The news of an invitation to a Luncheon at the Kim's made the ladies in the house go wild.
All preparations were done beforehand and Mrs. Daringhart was busy boasting about her daughter's luck to all her friends, non-stop.

The day finally arrived as the family reached the Ahlom County, all dressed their best in the finest quality of silk their likes could possess. Mrs. Daringhart could not control her excitement as she saw various strokes of blush creeping on Jess's face.

They were welcomed into the house by the butler as they sat in the grand hall decorated with silk curtains, each being probably more expensive than all of theirs combined.
Contemporary artefacts either hung or were presented at small tables and everything was spotlessly clean, because Mingyu had an obsession for cleanliness, as Jess defines it.

Not too later, a man in his sixties arrived at the scene on a wheelchair pushed by one of the butlers.
Jess secretively informed her family about him being Mingyu's maternal uncle.
Mrs. Kim and the others were tailing the former.
Kat was struck by the fact that there was no Wonwoo for her to meet today.

"Hello Hello, it's great to see you all", a very cheerful greeting took place between the two families.

Mr.Kim and Jessica's father soon became indulgent in their stereotypical talks about economy and society while the ladies indulged in drinking tea.

Mr. Kim was discerned to be a social activist who was renowned for his work in removing class discrimination and other areas. This topic fascinated Katherine, as well as her father.
Very soon and very comfortably, the families accepted each other without the interruption of any social bars.
Kat randomly thought about someone whose entire family was as stern about social norms as he himself was.

About one or two hours later, Minseo initiated a conversation with her father in private,which he disclosed to her aunt, Mrs. Kim, as soon as she stepped away.

"Minseo says it's Wonwoo's father's death anniversary today."

"Oh I completely forgot about it, someone from our family must go.", Mrs. Kim enunciated.

"If only my legs were good enough, I'd have gone in a flash.", his joke didn't get much applaud.

"Mingyu cannot go, Jessica is here to meet us for the first time.", Mrs. Kim assured her lovestruck son that he'd get to stay.

"Minseo wishes to go.", the father points.

"But we cannot send her alone."

"Yes, she is not much experienced.", the conversation between the parents was interrupted by their son.

"Katherine can accompany Minseo.
She has been to Berkley before.
She is even acquainted with Wonwoo.", Mingyu shot an evil smirk at Kat, who wondered if he knew about the events of that day.

Minseo hesitantly answered, "Y-yes. That would be lovely"
Underneath her lovely smiles were hidden her feelings of unambiguous jealousy towards the girl.

"Very well then. You both can accompany each other as sisters.",
Mr. Kim didn't fail to rub salt in her wounds.
A lavish carriage was made ready for the girls as Minseo left to get ready.
When she returned, her dress, though minimal, flaunted beautifully, overshadowing Kat's frugal one.

"Why do you seem to be everywhere nowdays?", she poked Kat's shoulder in annoyance the moment they step away from limelight.

"I'm sorry what do you mean by that?", Kat asked a question whose answer she was already aware of.

"You should stay away from my business lest you shall pay", was her last statement.
Minseo saw Kat as a mere handmaiden accompanting her mistress to her voyage.
She was ever so complacent in herself that she didn't even realize she had the attire of a party rather than a funeral rememberance.
Kat minded her words not until Minseo asked her to stay as far away as possible from the two in order to give them privacy.
Somewhere inside she felt hurt by it.

As the girls reached Berkley, Minseo's behavior did a back flip. She seemed ever so caring and loving towards her fellow friend whom she brought at will.
Wonwoo greeted the girls at the study when they were dispersed along with Wooyeon, his younger sister.
Wooyeon was the epitome of beauty, furnished into a great pianist for her age. Her only flaw was that she had a disposition similar to her brother, she barely talked and came out at rather conceited.

Wonwoo's steps halted the moment he saw the familiar face.
Before Minseo could even greet him formally, he furrowed his eyebrows,
"You.. What brings you here?", the question was rather out of curiosity directed towards Katherine rather Minseo.

That's when Minseo said, "Hello Wonwoo

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That's when Minseo said,
"Hello Wonwoo. I came in for
Mr. Jeon's remembrance."

The room went silent.
Only Mrs. Jeon and Minseo exchanged words while Wonwoo left to go to the library.
Kat's playful disposition did her no good at sitting still listening to the ladies. Also because she knew nothing about the man who passed away.
So she decided to stroll outside the room until a hand grabbed hers and pulled her inside an unfamiliar room.

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