Part 10: Granary

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"W-What are you d-doing here?", the never-shy never-fearing Katherine stuttered.

"Just thought it'd be good to help those in need, right, shall we?", Wonwoo smirked as he picked up the bag of rice with some trouble himself.
What can I say, rich people aren't used to lifting kilograms of rice.

Katherine smiled at his attempts to take the matter solely in his hands in which he miserable failed.
"Seems like you could use a hand.", she jested.

"I could if you'd stop talking and lend"

The two joined a party of eight to nine women who set up a table upon which different measuring cups were placed

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The two joined a party of eight to nine women who set up a table upon which different measuring cups were placed. Under the table were several necessary grains such as wheat, rice and barley and sugar.
Everyone was prepared and talked among themselves about this probably being their last campaign since the king of the affected country had finally awoken to its plight.
Now he'd take matters in his hands.

Now he'd take matters in his hands

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"Ladies and.. Oh gentleman", since there was only one male in the campaign,
"be ready. The people would be here any minute now.", a woman in a maid dress announced right before the gates open to reveal a long line of people.
Deplorable People of all ages and sizes, marching onwards with cloth slings on their wretched shoulders. It could be witnessed that they had come along way.

As the event proceeded, all the women behind the table used measuring cups to scoop out reasonable amount of grains and put it into the bags or rags of the people coming by. They had smiles on their faces which were a result of blessings from the recievers.
Indeed they were doing a heartfelt thing.
Since Kat and Wonwoo were together giving out rice, there were several times when their bare hands would brush past each other, which certainly sent goosebumps up their neck. The two were blessed by many a men and Wonwoo's heart must have been fluttered by their compliments about how a lovely a couple they were, because he never denied of them being one.
They occasionally smiled at each other and checked upon themselves.
Wonwoo was so intensely into the kind act, that he was unaware of when his sleeves became rolled and sweat took shape of droplets hanging upon his forehead.
It was finally over when their bags were empty and the line was finished.

"Whoa that was.. Well a lot of work.", Kat brushed her hands and the apron stuck on her dress only to realize Wonwoo was devoid of an apron.

She looked up at the said man and laughed whole heartedly at his appearance.
Violet waistcoat which was not so violet now because of grain dust, over a white shirt which was dusty by now. Even his perfectly polished shoes were not shining so bright at the end of the evening.

 Even his perfectly polished shoes were not shining so bright at the end of the evening

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"what", he coldly asked in a deep, tired voice.

"Nothing you just look funny.", she said perching her lips.

"So Kat, I hope this gentleman will take you home.
Good byee", her lady companions bid farewell to the two, leaving Kat in Wonwoo's care.

Now it was just the two of them by the riverside, sun almost set fully, leaving a serene amber color to the sky.
The silence was comforting for the pedestrians at this time of the day since the beauty of the landscape talked not in mere words.

Kat broke the silence, "You can leave for home, it's going to get dark soon."

"and what.. Leave you to be ambushed by some thief on your way back? No thank you."

"I never got involved with a thief."

"because you are one for my heart.", Wonwoo muttered under his breath.

"Yeah yeah talk to yourself so that people think I'm with a maniac.", she rolled her eyes.

"What did you just call me? Maniac?"

"haha I did not mean that, but look at yourself", her statement made Wonwoo conscious of his appearance before sighing,
"okay I'll give you that one."

The two chuckled as they reached a horse, very familiar to both of them.

"Oh hii Zeus", Kat stroked the horse lovingly. She knew Zeus as her savior that night.
The horse neighed as if he was acquainted with her on a daily basis.

"Hey, I thought you were mine.", Wonwoo whined with a pout which was highly unlikely of him.
This made kat slightly blush.

"Let's go", he mounted the horse at one using his ultra-long legs.

"Go? Where am I supposed to sit", Kat shot a glare

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"Go? Where am I supposed to sit", Kat shot a glare.

"Behind me. Why? You want to walk all five miles after all this work?"

"Right", she hesitantly mutters.

She mounts the horse using Wonwoo's hand as support and sits behind him uncomfortably.

"You might wanna grab me tightly lest you should fall.", Wonwoo teases.

"S-sure", her hands slowly reached Wonwoo's waist, grasp slightly tightening, until the horse startled her by taking a few rapid steps.
At this Wonwoo grabbed Kat's hands himself and closed the minimal gap between them by pulling her close.
Her chin was now touching his strong back while rest rest of her body swayed as the horse ran ahead, as if it was one with Wonwoo's.
There was an uncertain level of intimacy between the two, which was denied by none.
Neither of them spoke a word the entire ride. Maybe they had a lot in their minds to think of.
Wonwoo's hard chest thumped under the hold of Katherine's soft palms as did her heart on the former's back.
Both had a rapid heartbeat they wished to somehow hide, but couldn't because of their closeness.
Each knew how exactly the other was feeling.
Maybe when hearts speak words don't have a place to fit.
And the hearts of these two, were screaming of yearning for each other.

Slowly, Kat rested her head on his back, while Wonwoo smiled because he knew she did.

PREJUDICE // MinwonhuiWhere stories live. Discover now