Part 12: Rejection

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"okay I am going to let you go, just don't scream"

What are you even doing?", she asked.

"I should ask you that?
What are you doing here?
Do you even know my father?", he squinted.

"No.. I just happen to accompany Minseo."

"Good then, I was kind of planning to see you anyways", he cleared his throat in order for the statement to be ambiguous.

Actually nothing.. We should not even be talking this way.", she points at the closeness of their bodies.

"What way?", he pouts.

"This", she points at their figures almost touching as they hid behind a half open door.

"Oh sorry, my bad.", Wonwoo distances himself now leading her into a place full of books.
Not just any place, it was an empire of books with Wonwoo as their king on a throne in the centre if the library.
Kat couldn't help but be amazed at his collections.

"This is so pleasant to see

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"This is so pleasant to see. Do you have any book that I might want to read?", she playfully asks.

"You name it. If I won't be having it, it'd be a shame on my collection and furthermore,
I will acquire it right away."

Their giggles were interrupted by fast pacing footsteps in their direction; reason being a furious yet deceptive Minseo who rushed in on the two and said,
"Could you ever be so considerate to give us two friends some privacy?
It seems as if it is your design to meddle in."

Wonwoo was speechless at her manner of talking while Kat just nodded before making her way out respectfully, leaving the two silent for the rest of their acquaintance.

About twenty minutes later, Kat found herself exploring the familiar places of Berkley, the vast stretching land of grasses with a beautiful stone path upon which she couldn't roam freely when she first came. The moments she spent in the mansion and how Wonwoo was never as welcoming as he was today.
Perhaps was it his behavior which changed.. Or her perception?

Thoughts of a certain someone filled her head as she walked past the multi-shaped bushes, touching their texture.

What she was unaware of was how her walking figure was visible from Wonwoo's study table, and instead of focusing on his book, he had his eyes stuck on the playful girl

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What she was unaware of was how her walking figure was visible from Wonwoo's study table, and instead of focusing on his book, he had his eyes stuck on the playful girl.
Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Wonwoo I told you -", she turned around to deny his company when surprise overtook the best of her senses.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?", she was delighted to see the handsome man in a different fashionable attire, which had a more Chinese essense to it.
Not that Kat was aware of Chinese fashion, but she deemed Jun had just returned from his country.
Not only did his attire change, his hair was now of a burgundy shade, which was rare, but pleasant for her to lay eyes on.

For a long moment, she examined her friend, head to toe before he interrupted, "I'm here for my father's death anniversary

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For a long moment, she examined her friend, head to toe before he interrupted,
"I'm here for my father's death anniversary."

"Yes, and I just happen to be here."

"well I wouldn't question your presence. If luck has arranged our meeting like this, I'm happy to obey its will.", Jun gently stated.

It seemed someone was too eager to meddle in their conversation, as they witnessed Wonwoo and Minseo walking along the gravel path, towards them.
"Hello Junhui", Minseo greeted with a bow.

"Hello", he returned a sincere smile while wonwoo just nodded.

"Care to walk with us?", Minseo offered Jun.


"My apologies Katherine, but the path is only as wide as to let three people walk on it at once.
But sure you can tag along.", Minseo coldly turned to Kat.

"Thank you, but I was planning to go inside. It's too cold for my liking.", Kat politely refused her half hearted offer and started towards the house.
Minseo smiled at her achievement with two clueless men by her side.

"Well then, I'll leave you two to talk", Wonwoo took his leave and started walking towards the house.
Minseo could only nod.

"Also, I just came. I'll go freshen up then see you in a while.", Junhui also gently bowed at Minseo before fleeing the site, hoping to catch up with Kat on his way back.
Minseo was now left alone, and she could only scoff at her uncalled rejection.

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