Part 15: Birthday

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About two fortnight's later, the Daringhart family received an invitation from the Kim's.
It was surprisingly an invite to
Mr. Kim's birthday feast which filled Mrs. Daringhart's chest with enthusiasm.
The girls were more than excited to hear that their usual company would be there.
All except Kat, who was still not over how Wonwoo acted strangely on the day she left Berkley, and how neither of them dared to initiate contact.
She was eager to see Wonwoo but somewhere in her heart, she knew she had fallen deep for the said man, but did he fall for her too?
Or was it all a hollow sham of gentlemanliness which she mistook for admiration?
She also had occasional thoughts about Junhui, with whom she gradually became distant with time.
What was the reason for Jun being so nonchalantly avoiding of her?

Nevertheless Kat was happy until her sisters were happy.
Kia boasted about her subtle progress with the girl she likes and how she believes in her green flags.
Jessica was never happier after receiving an invite from Mingyu's father himself.
What bothered Kat was the fact that this event was supposed to be a family gathering, i. e., only all the noble classes would be present. She fell in dispute with whether she fits among the people there, or is she better off at home.
Anyhow, the latter was not in question for the poor girl.

The party reached the gates of Mingyu's Alhom County estate in great spirits. After all, it was the house of their to-be in laws.
The mansion was brightly lit with lamps and decorations, similar to the Ball night, where Kat and Wonwoo danced for the first time.
Speak of the devil and the Jeons entered the gigantic gates of the house, looking absolutely sophisticated and elite.
Miss Jeon carried the similar quiet vibe as always, but today, she occasionally looked over at Kat's family, probably because she knew about Mingyu's betrothal to Jess.
As for Minseo, she latched herself to Wonwoo as soon as he stepped in, gaining the favour of Mrs. Jeon.

Suddenly Mrs. Lee, the town Mayor's wife greeted Kat's mother and started chatting about their business.
As for Kat, she was busy glancing at someone who was yet not aware of her presence.
This was until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.
It's been so long"

"You can say that.", he awkwardly laughed along.

", he awkwardly laughed along

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"We have been so... Anyways how are you?", Kat thought of avoiding the topic.

"Yes we have been awfully distant, I know Katherine.
And I want to talk to you about it."


"Answer me truly because a big decision of mine will depend upon it.", Jun suddenly furrowed his eyebrows.

Kat just gulped anxiously.
There was an unsaid tension between the two which was now being observed by none other than Wonwoo.

"Do you like someone?", Junhui shot his shoot

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"Do you like someone?", Junhui shot his shoot.

"W-What", Kat was taken aback by his sudden question.

"I said, Are you in love with someone?", he held her shoulders out of habit before realizing their location.

After a few seconds of silence, Katherine lowered her head and said,

"I knew it.. Thank you for confirming it."

"but how do you kno-"

"Because if you liked me, you would not have lowered your head.
You would have smiled about it, just like I do."

You-", her eyes widened the moment she realized his indirect confession.

"Yes Katherine. I like you.. A lot."

Silence enveloped the two before Jun broke it again.
"you don't have to pursue this conversation. I am content with your answer.", he passed a genuine smile to the awestruck girl.

"how-", her statement was cut when Wonwoo appeared out of nowhere, and dragged her out by the wrist

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"how-", her statement was cut when Wonwoo appeared out of nowhere, and dragged her out by the wrist.
It was quiet yet desperate.
How she hoped nobody saw them.

"I think we need to clear the air between us."

"what air?"

"I think I need to talk to you about certain things.", he said in urgency.
His eyes moved to and fro indicating he wanted to keep the matter as private as possible.
Then why Junhui?
Only for him to be hurt?

"Look Katherine. Forgive me if my actions bothered you the other day.
I know it sounds rather convincing than an apology;
But I did it because I could not see your pride get hurt."


"Mother can be quite disrespectful to new people, and I could absolutely not let her treat you the way she wants.
I just cannot bear to see that."

"Why.. Why can't you bear to see me hurt?", Katherine questioned on the verge of tears.
She admits herself of being hurt by her words that day but did not expect wonwoo to see through her.


"Because I Love you Katherine."
There it was, Wonwoo had released the burden off his chest.
Confessing was not on his plan of apology, but his heart wrenched at the sight of Kat being in the arms of another man.
He could not loose the only girl he loves.  Not to someone like Junhui.

Just when Kat couldn't process Wonwoo's unexpected confession, a servant came forward seeking for Wonwoo who now had to leave.
Now it was just Katherine alone with her abrupt feelings.
She thought about it over and over finally smiling at the thought of him reciprocating her feeling.
Although she did not know what to feel about it, it felt as if the only wish she ever wanted came true.

Kia interrupted her reverie as she hugged Kat from behind blabbering all about how the girl she was courting, finally said 'yes'
Kat could hear merely nothing except her elated heart beats as her mind showcased all the intimate moments she spent with the man she loves so dearly.

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