Part 16: Dispute

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"Welcome and thank you for being a part of my fifty third Birthday.
My lovely children Mingyu and Minseo arranged this feast in my honor and I am grateful for you both.", Mr. Kim cheered on for his nephew and daughter as the crowd put an ear to his announcement.
"Also, my very diligent nephew,
Kim Mingyu is set to be married very soon and seeks the bounty of the Almighty for a happy betrothal.
I hope you find your happiness my child." kat sneaked a glance over at Wonwoo who seemed to be absorbed in the conversation of the Father-son.
How badly he wished to have a father like that.

After giving out a speech, Mr. Kim made a toast to his family and the feast commenced.
There were all sorts of main course dishes but Katherine's stomach today was full with love, as she told Kia.
Happiness and joy filled the venue until another click of champagne glass was heard.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like your attention please.", a very familiar voice was heard across the room.

"On the auspicious occasion of Mr. Kim's fifty third birthday and his nephew's marriage,
I would love to put forth an important proposal as well.", all eyes were set of the middle aged, yet flawlessly beautiful Mrs. Jeon now.

"Minseo dear, come here.", Minseo followed her call like an obidient pigeon.

"Mr. Kim, please allow me to take your beautiful daughter Minseo, to honor my Pavillion, by being betrothed to my most capable son...


A huge round of applause was heard around the room. Applauds whose frequency matched with the pace of Kat's heart racing wildly.
Was her happiness meant to only be this short lived? This fickle?
She looked around herself to see the very people who loved her, supporting her doom; but what could those unaware people even do.
Next she hesitantly turned to look over at Wonwoo whom she caught already staring at her helplessly, as if he knew this was going to happen.

Next she hesitantly turned to look over at Wonwoo whom she caught already staring at her helplessly, as if he knew this was going to happen

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Why did he tell his feelings to Katherine when he knew it would only cause her pain sooner or later.
As for Minseo, she looked at her happiest. Of course she had it coming.
Everyone found their couple flawlessly perfect in the first place, unlike Katherine and Wonwoo's.

While thoughts filled her heads with fear, the smiles on faces made it suffocating for her. Kat ran out of the hall, sprinting through the gardens, all the way to a patio. As she gasped for breath, she heard another pair of footsteps halting.

 As she gasped for breath, she heard another pair of footsteps halting

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"Wonwoo", she muttered; eyes filled with tears.

"Katherine", was all he had to say.

"Tell me that was a lie.. What you said to me.. JUST GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD", she finally let out all which she suppressed in the form of a cry.

"Katherine I-"

"Never in my life did I see myself so miserably.
You.. You and Minseo are perfect for each other.
I... am a nobody, just how your mother said."

"Please do not say that, you know it is untrue.
My mother.. It is her will, not mine."

"Is that the reason why you stepped down from the horse that day?
You obviously did not want to disclose your acquainace with Me, a low class girl, right?"

"You know I never could think that way."

"Serves me right to think I could ever reach you..
I am but only a non-luminescent moon in a sky full of stars.", she hastily wiped her tears as Wonwoo looked at her with concern.

"and your halo on me was just temporary."

Suddenly a commotion announced the arrival of some uninvited footsteps.

"I'm glad you realize that you are a nobody.", it was Mrs. Jeon with a stern look on her face.
"everytime people like you forget about where you belong, people like me exist to put you back in your place."

"Mother please", Wonwoo turned to look at her only to see the others joining.

"What happened Wonwoo, wh-...
Kat? Oh dear what is wrong?",  Katherine's father meddled in.

"She is what is wrong.
Her entire existence is wrong.
The way our paths meet is wrong." Mrs. Jeon removed the leash to her mouth as it ran all sorts of insults to the Daringhart family and their miraculous encounter with the Kim's.

"You in no way deserve to mingle with our kind.", some other guests who joined at the sight of a commotion gossiped among themselves.
Katherine lowered her head more from the embarrassment she brought upon her entire family.

"Listen Lady, no matter what your class is, at least we are not causing a meaningless ruckus at someone else's residence.", Mr. Daringhart pointed.

"It is most definitely not meaningless. Perhaps you should ask your daughter about her love interest lately.", the lady attacked.

"Oh should have told us.
We could have talked in a more civil manner-", Kat's mother soothed her back.

"No civil manners hath ever upturned proletariats into nobility.", Mrs. Jeon was adamant upon insulting the family and nobody dared to interrupt.
Noone except her son.

"ENOUGH MOTHER.", Wonwoo's deep voice sent shivers down everybody's back as it echoed through everyone's ears.
With this he left enraged.
And that was the ulterior motive of Mrs. Jeon.

As the crowd withered, Kat's mother cried a pool on the spot in her daughter's arms. Jess was not present at the moment being engaged with Mingyu's family but news spread like wildfire as she proceeded to her filial family on her own.
Katherine went numb, she neither spoke not moved from her spot.
Mr. Daringhart somehow convinced her to sit in the carriage he called forth before setting off back to town without notifying anyone of the hosts.
All the family members had undergone severe humiliation, but they did not blame Kat for it.
Somewhere in their hearts they were aware of not being at par with the nobles.
But today felt extremely exhausting.

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