Part 18: Wedlock

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As devious as the night was for Wonwoo, his morning passed in tumults and turns. Anxiousness filled every vein in his body until he finally decided to step out for a walk.
For all he wished was to crash her marriage with Jun and replace the bridegroom.
But conditions were poor enough that he could not even step out of his own house because of his stern mother.
Since it was early morning he sneaked out of the house and walked to the place where he took Kat when she visited Berkley. It's vibe was just as serene as that day; numerous Birds chirping around and fishes causing ripples in the lake.

Wonwoo knew he couldn't control himself at the thought of Katherine marrying another man and he stomped towards home to finally convince his mom

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Wonwoo knew he couldn't control himself at the thought of Katherine marrying another man and he stomped towards home to finally convince his mom.
Reaching home, he found out that his mother was nowhere to be seen. It was strange yet a silver lining God sent for him. Without second thoughts Wonwoo dashed to the Cathedral right before noon. All his prayers asked for was a respite in time.

The church was as usual, decorated with flower bouquets, with random worshippers sitting inside

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The church was as usual, decorated with flower bouquets, with random worshippers sitting inside. What was different from usual was a painfully familiar woman standing at the altar in a bride's attire. White gown with a net mesh veil covering a face Wonwoo could never mistake for another. Although melting at the sight of his beloved, Wonwoo's blood boiled at the sight on Junhui, in a fancy black tuxedo with a bunch of little flowers in his chest pocket standing opposite to Katherine.
He ultimately stormed into the church breathing as tight as a bull and right when he was about to gift a punch to Junhui at his wedding, he realized as he ascended the aisle stairs that Jun was actually not standing on the groom's spot.
He had rather positioned himself further back on the groomsman's position. Although from afar it looked like he was the groom, he was actually saving the spot for Wonwoo, whom he believed will definitely show up.


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"J... Jun..hui", Wonwoo gulped lump in his throat.

"Oh how late you are. If you were late any longer, I would have snatched that spot haha", Jun pat his shoulder and passed him an angelic smile.

By now Wonwoo turned his eyes towards Katherine, was looked like she descended from heaven, with the makeover Jun gifted her as a present.
She slowly and shyly lifted her eyes to look at her prince charming, who bravely stood in a lesser handsome state which he earned from sleepless nights.
"Wonwoo", Kat lovingly said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I took so long

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"I'm so sorry I took so long.", by now Wonwoo had tears in his eyes as well.
He pursed his lips as he moved near his beloved, holding her chin to lift up her face,

"I love you Katherine."

"I love you too Wonwoo."

They embraced each other as tight as ever. They knew they will never let go. Even the priest smiled at witnessing the blooming true love and Jun's pious intentions for the two.
After the vows were made, and a new consanguinal bond was confirmed, Kat and Wonwoo left for London, where they would reside until they find a new house.
They were content in living anywhere as long as they were together.

After the marriage ceremony, Junhui rode back to Berkley, feeling mixed emotions. He was happy that he could unite two lovers but the fact that one of them was his beloved, somewhere shot pangs of despair to his heart.
As soon as he reached home, Mrs. Jeon was nowhere to be seen.
Nor was Wooyeon around. The house was just as empty as it ever was for him.
Even after so many things happened, nothing changed for Junhui.
Around seven in the evening, a noise was heard at the ground floor of the mansion. It was the crackling sound made by a glazed ceramic pot, smashed to the ground.
The reason being none other than
Mrs. Jeon who seemed to be throwing a fit at the news of Wonwoo's secretive marriage.
It was reasonable for her to be angry, since it was all she could do.
Hath she been considerate of her son's feelings more than his social status, Wonwoo was never a son who would abandon his mother.
She was famished due to her journey over to the town where one of her informers told, Wonwoo would be married to Katherine.

The lady of the house was beyond distressed, deplorably calling out for her daughter who would be heartbroken at the news of her brother abandoning them. How will her innocent heart handle the news, Jun wondered.
Speaking it of, why was Wooyeon not answering her mother's innumerable cries. Jun had imagined her accompanying her mother to the town, because the secret informer was none other than himself.
But to his surprise, Wooyeon never answered, hinting on her absence from the mansion.
Where could she have gone?

It was until a fellow carriageman gossiped to one of the family's informer about spotting Miss Jeon taking a carriage towards the station, alongwith another figure he did not reckon.
Mrs. Jeon was now devastated and fell to her knees. Her only two children abandoned her for their own selfish choices.
But wasn't she being selfish as well?

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