Part 7: Ball

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The moon ascended its throne in the high skies as the mansion lit up with fancy chandeliers, just as it does every evening. The fountain outside worked with enthusiasm unlike the servants of the household since there was no dinner to be served the following night.
Kat sat on the edge of Jun's bed, waiting for him to get out of the bath so that he can give her the much awaited makeover.
The golden arched knob on the dainty wooden door turned, announcing Jun's arrival.

"Forgive me for making such a beautiful lady wait. I'll tend to your makeup now.
Take a seat on my vanity please.", with those words Jun hurriedly wore his fur slippers and dried his head with a towel from his wardobe.

"Your wardrobe isn't even set, Junhui"

"Yeah.. I did not plan to stay this long here....
Until you came.", his sweet chuckle was imitated by Kat shyly.

It didn't take Jun long to do Katherine's hair. He half clutched her ombre hair into a bow shape, and let the rest flow freely, saying it reminds him of her free spirit.
She wasn't allowed to open her eyes until Jun was done with his job, so she sat patiently, feeling somewhat conscious about Jun's warm breath hovering around her icy cold face everytime he bent to touch her skin with a product.
Never hath Kat imagined to be treated this way.
Not only Junhui called her a princess, he treated her like one.
But she knew nothing lasts long, and what broke her cliche daydreaming, was the fact that Jun and Kat, do not stand in social equality, a taboo the society never wished to eradicate.
Yet she was happy.
Happy in the moment.
She smiled at this thought;
almost forgetting she was daydreaming in the presence of her dream-person.

Her eyelids threw open at the heat all that embarrassment threw to her face, only to find Jun with a brush nearing her, eyes glued to her tender lips.
He was just about to color her plump lips in a shade of red right before his eyes met Kat's.
A spark of ecstasy ran through both of their bodies as they literally pause, stuck in the moment.

Jun's mind wandered in thoughts as he contemplated whether to lock eyes with her, or her soft lips

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Jun's mind wandered in thoughts as he contemplated whether to lock eyes with her, or her soft lips. While Kat's heart raced at the sight of him being only inches apart from her lips, their noses almost in alignment.

As a matter of fact, among the millions of thoughts racing thorough their minds, there was one they shared,
"Should I kiss him?"
"Do I kiss her?"

A knock on the door interrupted the heated moment as Junhui's butler presented the enunciated the arrival of his carriage.
An intimate silence enveloped the two, who were laughing at every meagre thing until this evening.
Kat thought, perhaps this was a mistake on his part; the sole reason he discouraged her to open her eyes.

What's done is done, she thought.
She wouldn't let such a thing get in between her friendship with the only person who values her in this room, except for her sisters of course.

After a grand reunion of the three sisters, Kia being invited by none other than Mingyu, Kat turned to see Junhui greeting two sophisticated ladies.
One of a comparitively younger age, while one being in her fiftys.
He looked stiff, unlike the other times he'd talk to people, which hinted on the fact that they were probably his father's family.
The girl looked highly sophisticated and beyond comparable in looks. Anyone could fall in love with her.
Probably the only girl in the room over whom Wonwoo would lay his eyes on.

But then it struck her.
If this was Junhui's father's family.. Then perhaps she was Wonwoo's mother and sister.
No wonder where he got that killer gaze from.

Think of the devil, and Kat found Wonwoo standing next to her.
"Haven't you been staring at my step-brother for too long."

"Huh", she was taken aback.

"I mean I know impoliteness runs in your veins, but that's plain staring."

"In my defence, I wasn't staring at Jun, I was rather looking at the beautiful ladies he is talking to."

"Jun.... So you guys even call each other names now?
What next? You will marry into my kins too?", he rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me sire. I'm in no-", as she turned to face Wonwoo, she witnessed a face devoid of any known expressions.
Wonwoo exhibited a strange expression, mouth slightly agape, eyes widened and ears slightly turning red.
She swore on her perfect hairdo that she'd never seen him with anything other than an unreadable look on his face.

"umm Wonwoo.. Are you alright?", his speechlesness was jerked off by Mingyu who approached the two, a talkative duo of Jess and Minseo tailing not far behind.
From the other side, Junhui also returned to her partner's side.

Mingyu turned to look at the two conversing,
"ahh the partners are perfect. Jess for me.. Kat for Wonwoo and Minseo can dance with.."

"Ahoyy Junhui

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"Ahoyy Junhui.. How've you been?
I've barely seen you all these years.", Mingyu shook hands with Jun who was awkwardly shy at first, but loosened bit by bit.
Maybe he felt like he didn't belong there.

"I see you've done Kat's makeup.. Its beyond stunning. Thank you so much for taking care of my little sister.", Jess appeared with a comfortable, reassuring smile on her face, supplying the intended warmth to Junhui's cold posture.

"But I bet he could do better than that.
I've seen his models.
He can turn a pigeon into a peacock.", Mingyu boasted.
It seemed like Mingyu of all people around the Jeon family, had considerance for Junhui.

But Katherine insisted on doing minimal changes to her appearance;

She thinks and I quote..
'too much makeup' is a hollow deceit,
And deceit gives birth to prejudices."

Everyone including Wonwoo nodded in thought as Kat pressed her lips, eyes stuck on the one whose reaction was expected to be unreadable.

Hence the Ball resumed.

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