Part 9: To Home

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What have I done?, was the only thought crossing Kat's mind as soon as she got into her senses after the dance which had thoughts in her mind reverberating.

When she saw Wonwoo standing aside from the circle silently she realized she had dragged the wrong person into a funny mess.
If it was Junhui, he would have enjoyed, but wonwoo was not expected to have done so.
It reminded her of whom Jun could have possibly gotten paired with.

Junhui was not used to having Minseo in his arms. Despite being heavily contrasting, they had one thing in common, both of them were physically together but mentally lost in thinking about their original partners.
A comfortable silence lingered around them. They knew they had to keep this up until the music was playing but as soon as the music stopped they let go of each other and walk back on their paved paths.

As the party was coming to a halt, Kat saw Wonwoo returning back to his troop. Maybe he didn't like her company, she wondered.
Katherine silently stood in the middle of the hall lost in her reverie until it was interrupted by Kia,

"My lovely sister.. I have great news for your ears."

"pray tell me for I am very curious."

"I found my reason to go to balls.
I found what my heart yearns for..
my other half."

"No other news tonight has given me ever so much delight.
Have you talked to her?", Kat held her sisters hand.

I think she likes me too."

"well then there is no reason to delay. You should tell her about your feelings.", she said.

"But you know

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"But you know.. It is no piece of cake"


"I will.. I will look for a suitable moment to confess my feelings, but until that, I would rather prefer to enjoy this moment where I am.

I do not know if she will accept me, for I am same as her.
But I will not loose before even trying.", Kia had a fierce look in her eyes. Perhaps it was the fire of youth.
The party ended in great spirits. The Daringhart sisters bowed to the hosts before making their way towards their carriage.
Mingyu bid a sorrowful goodbye to his lover and Kia was seen hugging Minseo. While Wonwoo and Katherine only ended up exchanging a stiff smile,
Junhui rushed to Kat telling her about his departure tomorrow. She was obviously saddened to hear it, but assured Jun to come see her whenever he returns.

That was their last conversation before the carriage swept its way onto the dark path, the lamp being its only light.

The next few days were interesting.
The lovers were slowly losing patience after not seeing each other for what they called 'ages'. Kat was busy doing social chores and Kia would never stop talking about fables and legends of women being in love with women.
She hoped to find a silver lining about her chances of ending up with her ladylove.
While everyone was busy in their own lives, Katherine managed to take out some time for the famine affected people of a neighbouring country, coming in as refugees to acquire necessary amenities for their people.
Every week she would go to an assigned place, and distribute grains to the victims.
Today was no different.

On the other side of the county, two chivalric yet elegant horses arrived at the Daringhart family lodge.
Aboarding it were two similar men, who now knocked at the door, each hopeful to see a specific someone.

"Oh my dear.. Heavens... You-", Mrs. Daringhart's eyes widened at the sight of her guests.

"Who is it mother?", Jessica came forth with a frying pan in her hand which was partially a result of her ongoing chore and partially a weapon of defence.
Even underneath all that bread flour on her face, Jess looked the most beautiful creature to lay eyes on.
The aforestanding man couldn't deny it.

"Mingyu.. What are you-"

"Let the men come in my dear Jess."

The middle aged lady warmly welcomed the two men in the house and went forth to call upon Jess's father.
Jessica herself rushed to her vanity, to fix her attire, which was already witnessed by her charmer and was of no use fixing now.

After some time, and a round of tea, Mr. Daringhart seemed to be absolutely enjoying the company of the two established men. He claimed Mingyu to be 'Excellent' at trade, and as for Wonwoo, he was considered to be a 'highly furnished man'.
The father of the girls was highly impressed with the two men, and expressed his gratitude towards Mingyu who seemed to have asked them for a family dinner.

Amidst the monotonous talks pertaining to marriage and household, Wonwoo felt the urge to see a specific someone, and he excused himself to go outside for a walk.
His sightseeing was interrupted by Kia who suddenly said,
"Sir, if you're looking for my sister, she's at the town's granary, helping in grain distribution to a band of famine struck refugees."

After saying her statement in one line, she chuckled her way inside.
Her words gave a rapid birth to curiosity in Wonwoo's heart, and at once he set off towards the said place.
He passed a lot of people staring at his marvelous horse, and himself.
Across a bridge, towards the outskirts of the town, finally reaching the granary.
It was unusually noisy at a place like that, which made his step down from his horse and quietly move towards the source of the sound.
What he saw made him unintentionally smile a long curve.

There she way, Katherine, with a jute bag full of rice, dragging the bag as if it was a corpse and giving her best in doing so, yet the heavy bag didn't seemed to have moved an inch

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There she way, Katherine, with a jute bag full of rice, dragging the bag as if it was a corpse and giving her best in doing so, yet the heavy bag didn't seemed to have moved an inch.
Wonwoo did not hesitate in running up to her tired figure and assist her feminine hands under his masculine ones.

*like this lol*

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*like this lol*

Kat flinched at this sudden touch and looked behind.
She did not even have enough space to look behind since her helper was just inches away from her face, right next to her shoulder.
The moment she turned her neck to witness his face, Wonwoo's eyes endlessly stuck to hers, thereby creating a scenic moment between the two. Nose only centimeters apart from touching while their bodies were in intimate contact.

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