Part 4: Lost

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"I will take you home", Mingyu offered.

"No sire, I'd prefer for you to stay in close proximity to my sister. I'm leaving her in your care."

"I'll make sure of that."

"Perhaps if another gentleman-", Kat was cut off mid sentence by Mingyu who suddenly averted his eyes towards the contestant everyone was expecting.
"Yess.. Its-"
Now it was time for Mingyu to be cut off by the said man.

"Zeus it is then!", Wonwoo confidently said with a victorious smile on his face.


"This lady needs a 'gentleman'.....
Is there someone more gentlemanly on land, than my Zeus?", Wonwoo preached.
It wasn't long until Kat set off horseback on Zeus, aka Wonwoo's personal horse.
It was a luxurious champagne white colored horse with silky, brushed and seperated hair stands.

Anyone could tell, Zeus was trained more than a commoner child

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Anyone could tell, Zeus was trained more than a commoner child.

"Goodbye then.
I will send a carriage for Jess as soon as she is ready to go.. ", Kat's voice vanished in the street as she rode on the said magnificent creature.
About 3 miles from her destination, she found herself in the middle of unfamiliar woods.
Darkness brought by the night had robbed Kat of her ability to navigate properly, and the violent thunderclaps weren't much helpful to the situation.

"hey Zeus..
Pehaps.. Are we...

The horse only neighed as it moved restlessly, controlled by Kat.
She wasn't a chivalric horse rider for one thing, but a lady knows when to take charge!

This time Zeus neighed loudly and elevated it's body on two feet, taking Katherine by surprise as she was right about to fall off

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This time Zeus neighed loudly and elevated it's body on two feet, taking Katherine by surprise as she was right about to fall off.
Right before her grab on the stead felt useless, a hand grabbed her wrist, ultimately making her sit back upright.
At the same time, a deep yet soft male's voice seemed to be telling the horse to calm down.

"Good boy.. Yesss.. Relax", he patted the head of the beast as he neighed loudly.
For a moment Kathrine though the man was a sorcerer floating in air.

PREJUDICE // MinwonhuiWhere stories live. Discover now