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A/N: this is a slow burn into their friendship, please don't stop reading & trust me :)

also please vote for any chapters you like, it helps me get more readers!! <3

- swearing
- body shaming
- f slur
- homophobia & transphobia

Chapter 1 | New beginnings

No ones pov :

Fuyuhiko stood in front of hopes peak, with Peko on his right side. he took a deep breathe in, swallowing his fears, whilst he walked through the front gate. Suddenly everything got blurry, the world around him got wavy.
"Peko- do you s-" he tried to call out to her, but he passed out.

Fuyuhiko pov :

I woke up in a black room. I looked around and I didn't see anything, besides a light pale door. I stared at it confusingly, but after some time I packed up my worries and slowly walked over to it. I put my hand on the handle and turned it quickly. Opening the door I saw a classroom filled with around 14 students.

"And that makes 15." a blonde man spoke to..me? Us?

"How many more students are coming?" a man with short spiked brown hair questioned, as if we would know.

"Probably one more? Most classes in hopes peak had 16 students." A tall skinny man answered. He was hardly heard, since he was standing in the back. Suddenly, I heard the door behind me open again, I looked behind me and saw a man with neon pink hair, and yellow jump suit walk in. I quickly looked away, It felt that if I looked at him for too long I'd go blind. He's a fucking highlighter!

"Where the fuck are we?" I asked, still very confused.

"No clue, but did anyone else forget how they got here...?" a short chubby man questioned us, looking around. I thought about it, and realized I couldn't remember either.

"No, I cant." the man with short spiked hair said, as everyone nodded or mumbled something along the lines of 'same' or 'me too'.

"What ever. Where the hell is the teacher? What is this shit?" I questioned the strangers around me.

"I'm right here!" A bubbly cute voice beamed out, causing us all to look around for the cause.

"Stop with that cute voice fat ass." I mumbled to the blonde in front of me.

"W- It wasn't me!" he said, pretty offended. As I snickered, he sighed. Suddenly, a....bunny? Popped out from behind the teachers desk.

"WHAT THE FUCK-" I yell, not ready for that to happen.

"Calm down! I'm your teacher!" It smiled to us all.

"Sure you are. Who's controlling this robot?" the highlighter looking kid mumbled.

"No one! I'm your teacher silly!" That thing winced. It looked offended, but I don't think it can have feelings. "I'm Usamini! Your squeezfully soft teacher!" She beamed at us, happy again.

"Oh... that's... something!" a white haired man yelled, from the back of the room.

"Well.. besides that,, we have a school trip!" the bunny robot thing beamed to us.

"Already-? It's the first day..?" the spiked haired man asked, just as confused as the rest of us. Before his question was answered, the walls of the class suddenly fell down, as if we were in a box.

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