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Kazuichi has Nagitos liar thing, cuz I wanted to change the roles up >:)

- ripping skin off (small mention)
- swearing
- yelling
- sickness


Chapter 8 | Grief

Fuyuhiko pov:

I woke up and walked to the hotel, hearing light sobs coming from the lobby? It sounded like Akane, so I went to the sound.

It was in the restaurant, it was in fact Akane.

"I'm scared..what's gonna happen to us!?" she sobbed out, is she in shock? I walked over to Kazuichi, and started to talk to him.

"Hey what happened to Akane? She's acting a little weird..." I told him.

"Fuyuhiko, be careful! That's probably not the real Hajime!" Kazuichi yelled out, pointing to him. What..? "The real Hajime is dead! Also I heard Nekomaru couldn't be saved!" He laughed out.

Is he...ok? Now he's acting weird.

"Do we have to tie Kazuichi up too!? Even that won't enough! I wanna rip the skin off his face!" Hiyoko yelled out.

"Why!?" I yelled back at her, why is everyone being weird!?

"He lied to me! He said Mahiru was alive!" she yelled out, and before I could answer her, Ibuki came in and started talking like a fucking robot!

"Greetings everyone! I look forward to working with you all today!" she smiled out, with her hand on her forehead.

"be careful Ibuki! Fuyuhiko wants to kill and eat you!" Kazuichi yelled out.

"WHAT!?!" I yelled out, "Mr.Fuyuhiko please do not eat me, I'm not tasty." Ibuki said back.

Why are they all acting so weird?!

"I-Ibuki is really hot, she has a really high fever. Kazuichi and Akane do too! Feel their forheads!" Mikan yelled out. We all did that and they were BURNING.

"They all have fevers? Then the reason they are sick is-" Hiyoko started, but Monokuma interrupted her.

"Oh goodness this is bad! Relax and wait for the explanation! The others are on their way and I only will say it once!" Monokuma yelled out, making us all look at eachother nervously. Is this a motive or some shit!?

As soon as Monokuma said that, I heard the others entering the dinning hall. Everyone who gathered, had confused looks on their faces.

"Now what's happening!?" Hajime yelled out, causing Nagito to agree.

"Looks like something strange is happening again... how unhopeful." Nagito groaned.

"Looks like everyones here! Let me explain! They all have these sicknesses I made! I call them the Despair sickeness! Kazuichi has lying sickness, Akane has coward sickness, and Ibuki has guidable sickness!" Monokuma called out happily.

"S-So that means anyone who touched the sick can get sick too..I'll bring you all to the hospital!" Mikan called out nervously.

"So me, Kazuichi, Akane, Ibuki and Hajime have to come to the hospital?" I ask, and Mikan nodded.

"Well..I guess we should go now." Hajime sighed, but suddenly we heard a FUMP. We looked over, and Kazuichi was on the floor. He passed out!?

"AHH! HES FOAMING AT THE MOUTH! WE NEED TO BRING HIM TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" Mikan yelled out, making more screams happen.

"THEN SOMEONE HELP ME CARRY HIM DONT JUST STAND THERE!" I yell out, so Hajime rushes over and helps me pick him up. Jeez he's heavy..


We finally got to the hospital, Mikan took them away to change their clothes, so they didn't get the sickness everywhere I guess?

I looked out behind me, and saw the rest coming inside.

"Since the others are in isolation, and you guys will be as well soon, we need a way to communicate." Hiyoko said sighing.

"I can do that!" Monomi said, suddenly popping up, scaring the crap out of us! She handed me one tablet looking thing, and hiyoko one too. "You can call and see each other!" she smiled, and we all nodded.

We all agreed to call every morning and night, so we know if someone died or is sick. The non infected went to the motel beside the hospital incase something happened.


"I'm gonna go nap, Fuyuhiko can you go check if Mikan needs help?" Hajime asked me, and I nodded in response. I didn't want to, but I kinda have to.

I left him in the break room, and walked to the patient rooms. I saw Mikan fighting with Kazuichi, so I sighed and went over there.

"Kazuichi you have to get changed!" Mikan yelled out, definitely angry at this point.

"I want you to change me!" He yelled at her, making me confused. Why is he fighting her then...?

"I don't care if you don't want me too! You have to!" She yelled, oh right, he has the lying thing. I guess he means the opposite?

"Fuyuhiko can you help me? He's being a little annoying." She said with a sigh. So I walked over.

"Ok Kazuichi listen to me. I know you mean the opposite of what you say, so don't try to change it to make sense. Talk normally and I'll understand you. Also, please let me help you get changed. It's so you don't bring the sickness everywhere." as I said that, he nodded and stood up, to let me take off his jump suit. I did that, and sighed with relief that he let me.

"Since you have a tank top and shorts on under your jump suit, you can just put this hospital gown over them!" Mikan said with a smile, and handed them to him.

"I wont do that. I don't appreciate it." He said as he walked into the bathroom with the hospital gown.

He walked back into the room and was changed, and then got into his bed. "I'm not gonna rest, you guys can't leave." he said, and I was about to ask him why, then I remembered how he's gonna be talking until he was better. I nodded and walked out with Mikan. Once out of the room I looked at the time, and realized it was 2am.

"Mikan the poster says only one person can stay over night, so can you? Me and Hajime will go back to our cottages for the night." I said, and she agreed. I went to wake up Hajime, and then we left.

Little did we know what would happen while we were away.

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