- 14 -

148 6 6

- swearing
- yelling
- hospitals


Chapter 14 | Home

I woke up with green lights beaming in my face. I was just in the game.. with everyone and.. WAIT I REMEMBER! I REMEMBERED IT-. I jolted up in happiness but my head smacked the glass and I fell back into the bed. I guess someone noticed the ruckus and ran over and opened my tube thing.

"A-ah! Y-you're awake! My name is R-Ryota! I was in your class! Here uh- Let me give you your school memories back!" Ryota...? Smiled at me, now telling me to lay back down. He started to click things in his computer before all the memories started to flood back.

Being Kazuichis friends, the partys, Nagito blowing up the school!? Why am I not even that shocked...

"Here..I know this is a l-lot to take in s-so follow me! Y-you and y-your friends will be taken to the hospital as soon as possible!" With that, he helped me up and we walked over to a room. Not only the survivors were there, everyone else was!

Peko,, Mikan,, everyone! They were alive! I smiled and ran over to Peko, giving her a big hug. I smiled and sobbed into her chest, as she rubbed my back.

I calmed down, and walked over to Kazuichi and Mikan. They were already talking so didn't notice my enternce. I took in their new looks.. Kazuichis hair was grown out, mostly black now. Mikans hair looked more normal and even, Kazuichi was also a LOT taller. They suddenly noticed me and jumped in shock.

"FUYUHIKO!" Kazuichi smiled, hugging me. Mikan did the same.

"Do you.. remember?" I asked, Mikan nodded her head no, but Kazuichi nodded his head yes. At least he remembered!

"Haha you're still short, but not as short. I'm like 6'1 now, and you're 5'4, so we both got taller" Kazuichi said laughing at me. I sulked at the fact he was still taller.

We were suddenly interrupted by Ryota rushing in, looking around and suddenly running over to Twogami.

"SATOU! YOURE ALIVE! YOURE REALLY ALIVE!" He yelled happily, giving Tw- Satou? A bear hug. They smiled happily at Ryota. That's the first time I saw that dude smile..

"I would never leave you Ryota, you're my boyfriend after all. I couldn't just die like that!" They said with a slight laugh, hugging Ryota back. I didnt know they were dating? I cant imagine how scared Ryota was...

"Well, you guys need to get to the hospital for check ups now.. there's a bus outside waiting for us." Ryota said with a smile. We walked outside, and into the bus. Off we left, to the hospital for check ups I guess.


We finally finished the check ups, and were told that we have to go to Hopes Peak again, since we only did 1 and a half years of school work. I groaned at the idea of more school, but then we were informed about roommates! I got lucky, my roomate was Kazuichi! I smiled brightly as I walked out of the hospital, and followed Ryota.

"Well, you guys will be living at the dorms for a couple days! We already moved all your stuff there, so just hop into the bus and they will take you there! Then you can move back in to your house when they think you're ok at school and it's not triggering." Ryota smiled, and we all nodded and left for the bus.

It feels... nice to be back to normal. It feels unreal, but so peaceful. Finally back to a normal life, with my best friend.

Kazuichi Souda.

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