- 12 -

126 4 7

- self harm
(A/N: This is how I have my personal episodes, no clue if this is like others- )
- swearing
- yelling
- bombs
- fire


Chapter 12 | Grief

Kazuichi pov:

I woke up feelings groggy and weak. My thoughts took advantage of that and started to slip into negative ones.


It's all my fault Fuyuhiko tried to kill himself. I- I left him alone and he left. I took to long to follow him, if I followed him right away he wouldn't have even got to the room! Or what if I kept him in the bedroom? It's all my fault. I'm a useless shit friend. It's all my fault




I deserve to be in pain, the pain he felt. The pain that caused him to feel that need. Its my fault he did it, so I need to feel the pain. I thought, now looking at my arms.

I hesitantly walked over to the washroom, and dug threw the bins in my cabinet, until I found it. A razor I broke the first day I got here, that time was out of stress. I'm honestly shocked I lasted so many deaths without doing it.

I put the cold blade against my skin, and started to push hard until I saw red. It felt nice to do it again. I did it again, and again, and again, until I felt calmer.

I put it away again and sat on the toliet in silence.


I guess I should shower and do normal stuff today, I don't wanna make people worried. I thought, now pulling off my clothes.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body. Jeez I didnt smell good.

I finished and hoped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I got my blowdryer and blew my hair until it was only a little damp. I then pat my body down until it was dry, and pulled on some clean clothes.

I guess i'll go swimming later, so I'll wear my swimming trunks under my jump suit. I'll invite Fuyuhiko too, I don't trust him to be alone. He doesn't seem ok mentally, well none of us are, including me.

I walked out of my cottage, and over to Fuyuhikos, and knocked on the door.

Fuyuhikos pov:

I was awoken by a loud knocking sound on my door. I jolted awake and ran over to it, looking out the peep hole, having to on my toes due to my height. It was Kazuichi, so I unlocked it, and opened the door.

"Hey Fuyuhiko! Uh- do ya maybe wanna go to beach and swim with me at uh- I don't know- 1pm? It's 12pm right now." He asked me, making me realize I slept threw Monokumas morning announcement.

"Oh- sure! I'll see you there then!" I said with a slight smile, making him smile at me too. With that, he left me to get ready. I walked over to my closet and dug threw it until I saw a bathing suit. It was just black trunks, so I walked over to the bathroom and pulled off my clothing, and put it on.

I checked the time and it was 12:19, I groaned as I was still sleepy, and walked to the hotel to get some breakfast before I went swimming with Kazuichi.


I finished my breakfast and checked the time on the wall clock. It read 12:45, so I decided I should probably leave to the beach now.

I finally reached the beach, and saw Kazuichi waiting for me, also in his swim suit. He smiled at me, now geting into the water. As he did, I noticed some freash wounds on him. What happened to him? Is he ok?

"Hey Kazuichi what happened? Are you ok? Who hurt you?" I asked as I walked into the water. He just told me not to worry. If he doesn't wanna tell me then I won't burden him for answers, but I'll still definitely worry. Suddenly, he splashed my face with the salty water.

"HEY STOP THAT YOU JERK!" I yelled at him, splashing him back.

"ITS COLD STOP IT!" He yelled back, splashing me again. We kept doing that back and forth like little kids, before having a laughing fit. I held my stomach in the middle of wheezes, and closed my eyes.

Suddenly I felt my self being pulled out of the water, I opened my eyes and saw I was on top of Kazuichis  shoulders.

"HEY PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled but he didn't put me down.

"No! Youre finally not 4 foot tall!" He said with a laugh, making me turn my head away in a sulk. I'm 5'1 not 4'0.. he's 5'8 so I feel really tall now, doesn't excuse how rude he's being! I thought. Trying to be mad, but it was a little funny, since I did feel tall.

He finally put me down, but not nicely. I belly flopped into the water. "HEY YOU JERK! THAT HURT!" I yell, as he just laughed at me. I had a slight laugh too.

We kept playing like little kids for a while, when Chiaki suddenly ran up to us.

"I've have been looking everywhere for you guys! Come on it's an emergency!" Chiaki yelled, as she said that we basically jumped out of the water and run to the hotel behind her.

Once we finally got there, we saw Nagito standing on top of a table, mouth wide, scary laughing falling out of his mouth.


"BOMBS!? ARE YOU INSANE!" I yelled out, making him laugh even more.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU PUT THEM!?" I screamed out at him.

"I won't tell you that, you guys need to find them! Butttt you need to do it before 12pm tomorrow, or else we'll all be blown to pieces!" he yelled out, wheezing and laughing like a maniac.

We all looked at each other, then Akane. She suddenly ran over to him and started to choke him out, holding her arm around his neck.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" she yelled out, making him cough in pain.

"Uhhh what are you doing..?" he questioned us, as if we didn't just hear his all speech.

"Were gonna tie you up!" I yelled out, but suddenly a loud boom sound filled the room, the room went white as we heard Kazuichis scream. I opened my eyes again and saw Kazuichi flying in the air, as the BOMB HIT HIM!?

I gasped as the room started to fill with fire, and looked over to the biggest fire.

We saw Nagito in the middle of the fire, laughing like a mad man. "this first bomb will certainly be the beginning of the end of jabber walk island! You guys better find my other bombs before we all die! HAHAHAHA!" he laughed out, before we all passed out from the smoke.


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