- 7 -

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- swearing
- yelling
- death
- blood


Chapter 7 | Grief

Fuyuhiko pov: (next day)

"Hey Fuyuhiko! Good morning, how are ya feeling?" Kazuichi questioned me, it took me a minute to answer since I was still half alseep.

"Better, what's up man?" I ask him, confused why he's even here.

"Two things. One, I brought you a change of clothes, and two, Ibuki wants to invite you to a recovery party..for you..!" he said with a slight laugh. I nodded and spoke up.

"Alright, where is it?" I questioned.

"Music venue, here go get changed it's gonna be in an hour! I'll go get you breakfast while you change, unless you need help, ya know with cause of ya wounds-" he said, while handing me some folded clothes.

"I can change myself, thanks." I said with a slight laugh. He nodded and left the room. I walked to the washroom and pulled out the clothes so I could see what he brought me.

A hoodie and some jeans? Not my style but I guess I need lose comfortable clothes after all that.. I thought, while pulling on the hoodie.

I finished getting changed, and left the washroom. I walked out and saw Kazuichi putting two trays of food down. One with soup, and one with toast.

"I thought i'd eat with you so you're not lonely, here, here's some soup." he said, pushing the tray with a bowl of soup to me.

"Thanks man!" I said with a smile. Are we becoming friends? I asked myself mentally.


"It's time for the party! Let's go!" Kazuichi said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the hospital, and to the music venue.

We got inside and saw the place was decorated with banners and pretty lights. Did they really do all this for me? That's really nice.. I thought a little guilty.

"Ah- Fuyuhiko you came?" Hajime asked, as Kazuichi let go of my hand.

"Oh uh is it bad I came-?" I asked him, and he suddenly started shaking his head and put his hands out,

"no no just ya know- worried. Should you really be moving around this soon?" he asked me.

"Yea i'm fine, it's nothing, really." I lied. It still hurt like a bitch but what can ya do right?

"T-there's no way you're okay! You're seriously injured!" Mikan cried out, making me cringe inside.

"They took the time to throw me a party, there's no way I wouldn't come." I said sternly, making no one disagree with me. They took all this time to throw me a party, the least I could do is come.

"Fine then, let him do what ever he wants. If he thinks he's ok then let him be." Nekomaru said, making me smile a little. at least someone's not up my ass about this..

"But it looks like Hiyoko didn't come, what a bummer. Such despair.." Nagito said with a dramatic sigh. I didnt say anything in return. I know she still doesn't forgive me.

"Indeed. That seems to be the case." Gundham said, nodding his head.

"and, Akane isn't here too?" Chiaki said, making everyone look around confused. that's not like her at all?

Before we could question anymore, the lights on the statge came on, and someone popped out. That someone was Ibuki.

"Hey y'all! It's Ibuki Miodaaaaaa! Thanks for coming out today!" she yelled into the microphone, making a couple people cringe at the sudden loud sound.

"The first song we're gonna do is..... 'from me to you'!" she yelled out again, not a shocker she wants to sing.

Her music wasn't really 'music', more rather screaming. Most people yelled about her being a monster, or that their ears hurt.

"I-I thought it was gonna be a s-sweet love song! N-not this!" Mikan cried out, covering her ears.

"I-I think thats enough.." Kazuichi mumbled out to Ibuki, she sighed, but nodded.

"Sorry guys! Didn't mean to hurt your ears!" she said with a slight laugh.

"Hey guys guess who's back!" Hiyoko yelled out, making us all look to her.

"Oh h-hey Hiyoko!" Mikan called out, making Hiyoko groan in disgust.

"By the way, I only came hear to tell you this Fuyuhiko. I wont and will never forgive you! But I will co-exist with you until we get off this island." Hiyoko said blankly, making me nod a 'thank you'.

"Well,, since Ibukis done singing, we can eat!" Kazuichi called out, causing everyone to rush over to the table filled with food.


In the middle of us eating, Monomi suddenly popped us, making us all stop eating and looked at her confused.

"I- GUYS! Akane is fighting M-Monokuma on the beach! Y-you guys need to stop her before she dies!" she yelled out, making Nekomaru gasp and run out of the music venue.

We all stood there in shock for a minute, but then ran to the beach with Nekomaru.


After running to the beach I could barely breath, but that wasn't the point of us being here. I looked up and saw the scene in front of us.

"Looks like you're fighting off any life or death injuries,, but that won't last long!" Monokuma yelled out, making Akane snarl and run at him again.

"AKANE STOP IT!" Nekomaru said, as Monokuma pulled out his arm to shoot her. He jumped in front of him, right before it was gonna hit her.

"N-NEKOMARU!" she gasped out, running to his side.

"D-dont be a-an idiot n-next time...o-ok? G-get o-out of h-here a-alive..." he said, as he fell into her arms. She held his head sobbing, but then we suddenly heard the dreaded sound.


"A body has been discovered! WAIT WHY IS IT NEKOMARU AND NOT AKANE!?" Monokuma yelled out, making us all look at the new found body in front of us.

"B-BLOOD!? ITS BLOOD!" Ibuki and Kazuichi screamed out together. That reminded me of his fear of blood. Not to mention he was pretty close to Nekomaru, just like Akane.

I took a deep breathe and walked over to the frightened man. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he flinched, looking up to me. This made it so I could see his face. It looked terrified. Eyes wide, tears running down his checks.

"Kazuichi hey it's alright ok?" I said sadly, kneeling down and giving him a hug. He hugged back tightly and sobbed into my chest.

"I think this is a bad time..but since M-Monokuma killed him, there's not gonna be a trial.." We looked up to the source of that sentence, and it was Monomi. I sighed as Kazuichi stoped sobbing, but was still sniffling.

"You guys can go now. I have to clean this shit up." Monokuma said, sounding really pissed.

Akane and Kazuichi started sobbing again, since Monokuma literally just called their friend shit.

We all walked away sadly, and Sonia walked Akane back to her cottage, and I walked Kazuichi back to his.


"Well...goodnight Kazuichi. I'll see you tomorrow in the hotel" I said, giving him a faint smile. He gave a faint smile and said goodbye.

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