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A/N: this is still a slow burn into their friendship, please don't stop reading & trust me :)

- homophobia
- slurs
- murder
- blood
- swearing
- horror
- yelling
- needles


Chapter 3 | Grief

Still Kazuichis pov:

I walked out the door of my cottage, and walked to the hotel for breakfast. I wonder if I talk to Fuyuhiko, if he would maybe not hate me? I don't know, but I don't want him to hate me in a killing game. That's a death wish. I finally reached the hotel, and stepped inside. I was greeted by Ibuki, telling me that everyone left early. I gave her my thanks, and left the hotel. Once outside, I saw Fuyuhiko sitting at the pool, so I walked over to him.

"Hey F-" I tried to say, but he stoped me then and there.

"Don't fucking talk to me you fag. Now go make like a tree and fuck off." He scoffed. I got really offended, almost gasped! Why is he being so mean?! I sighed and walked away to the dinner, on the 3rd beach. I got there and saw Hajime!

"Hey Hajime! I have a question for you" I start, "I'm pretty sure the girls are gonna come swimming here, so let's swim too! I wanna see Miss Sonia in a bikini!" I finished my idea.

"Really? Hm fine. Do you have a swim suit? I'm not gonna swim though, just sit and watch. I don't like swimming." He states

"Whyyyy how comeeeee"  I groaned at him, can he not swim? wait-

"I don't have top surgery like you yet dumbass" He laughed and sighed a little. I feel a little bad now, I forgot he doesn't have it yet and I do.

"You don't have to swim then, I'll watch with you?" I asked him, hoping to make him feel better.

"Sure, where should we wait?" he asked me, tilting his head to the side a little.

"Hm the beach house? You can wait here, and I'll wait there, since I don't know where they're gonna be. If one of us sees them, we'll come tell the other! Good idea?" I questioned.

"Sounds good!" He smiled at me.

"Then I'll go!" I stated, as I walked out of the dinner to the beach house. It took a while, but I finally got there. I tried to open the front door, but It didn't open. Strange? I went to the back door, and the sight I saw was shocking.

I ran over to Mahirus body, and went up to see if she was breathing, even though there was a lot of blood under her. I checked, and She wasn't breathing. Fear wrapped around me as I held her body. Fear was over whelming my senses It felt like a heavy blanket crushing me, a suffocating embrace.

"S-SOMEBODY HELP ME-" I yelled out, hoping someone would hear me.

Fuyuhiko pov:

I was going on a walk to the beach, and I suddenly heard a scream..?

"S-SOMEBODY HELP ME-" the voice cried out, making me realize it was coming from near the beach house. I ran behind it and didn't see anyone, so I ran to the front door of the beach house, it wouldn't open. Fear started to build up in me, as I ran to the back door.
Who found Mahirus body? I hope Peko doesn't get caught. I thought with a shaky sigh, as I opened the door. Kazuichi Soda?!? I yelled mentally. He was shaking, holding her body. I didnt know what to do, so I thought about what Peko does when I'm panicked like that. I groaned thinking of what to do. I don't really want to comfort him, but I found him, so I guess I have to. I took a deep breathe and walked over to the frightened man. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he flinched, looking up to me. This made it so I could see his face. It looked terrified. Eyes wide, tears running down his checks.

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