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There's gonna be a lot of time skips in 2-3 (maybe 4) due to the fact this is a slow burn into their friend ship!! (Kazuichi & Fuyuhiko)

- implied childhood abuse
- yelling
- murder
- death
- swearing


Chapter 2 | New beginnings

I passed out pretty late last night. I was so stressed, but I guess I have to get up anyways. I groaned and swung my legs over my bed and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth & hoped into the shower. My eye lids still felt so heavy, I guess I didn't get enough sleep.


Finally ready and done my shower, I walked out of my cottage and to the hotel. Togami said that anyone who didn't show up at breakfast will get in trouble, and as much as I want to stay 'home', I don't want anyone to hate me during this shit.
Reaching the hotel, I groaned and pull open the door.

"Ah speak of the devil!" Mahiru smiled out, I guess they were wondering why I was late?

"Here, sit down and get some food Fuyuhiko." Peko said to me, pointing to a seat beside her. I sat down but didn't eat anything, who could be eating food they didn't make after knowing there could be a murderer among us. Someone could drug this! I smirked knowing how smart I was being, but no one noticed.

"To fill you in Fuyuhiko, we're having a party in the old building, to keep everyone safe from Monokuma, and eachother. You don't have a choice, you have to come. It's at 9pm." Togami told me, not even looking up while doing so. Jeez, rude.

"Yea no thanks. I don't do party's." I scoffed.

"Well, since you're the only one not going I suppose it will be alright. You cant do anything if you're the only one out." He sighed. At least I don't have to go.


Everyone was at the party right now, I hope Peko is having fun. I sighed as I went to my door, I have nothing to do in my cottage so Im gonna go to the beach, relax you know? I stepped outside and walked to the beach, a small smile on my face due to peaceful-ness around me. No people, no sounds. Just peace. Sadly, that peace was soon to changed into fear, and anger.

Ding dong bing bong
"A body has been discovered in the old building. Please report there immediately for an investigation. A class trail will be held in 8 hours. Goooddddd luckkkkk!" I stopped in my tracks, and ran to the old building. Who the hell is dead! Better not be peko... I thought.


"WHAT THE HELL? WHY THE FUCK IS THAT FATASS TOGAMI DEAD?!" I yell out, which one of these fuckers did this?!?

"That's what we're trying to figure out smartass." Mahiru groaned out to me.

"Shut up bitch!" I yelled at her.

"Jeez calm down baby face!" Akane wheezed out, holding her stomach while laughing. how could she laugh at a time like this!? I groaned and walked out of the building, everyone was still fighting. What the hell is gonna happen?

(class trail)

"Fuyuhiko had to have done it! He was the only one not at the party!" Kazuichi yelled out, pointing at me.

"ME?!? CHAIKI WAS OUTSIDE TOO, PEKO WAS IN THE WASHROOM AND TERUTERU WAS IN THE KITCHEN!" I screamed back, he really thinks I did this?!? What the hell!?!

"N-No i think fuyuhiko did it! let's vote now!" Teruteru yelled at out, slight smirk on his face...wait... IS HE THE KILLER?

"Not j-just yet h-how w-would Fuyuhiko g-get in a-and o-out in such short time?" Mikan asked us all, causing everyone to think about this more.

"I don't think it's Fuyuhiko, because It's Teruteru!" Hajime yelled out, pointing at him. Hajime starting giving the list of reasons, and time. It all made sense. Teruteru was now a sweaty stuttering mess, with his weird ass voice too.


"ITSSSSS VOTING TIMEEEEEE!" Monokuma called out, I clicked the button with a picture of Teruteru right away. I really hope we're right, I doubt it would be wrong.


Teruteru was dead, I stood there in shock, taking in the traumaizing sight I just saw. So was everyone else, everyone was either silent or screaming. I cant let another death happen, this is all to much. To to much. We were all told to leave the trail room, so we did that. I walked out first, so I could wait for someone. Kazuichi Soda. He threw me under the fucking bus! What the hell is wrong with him!? He's definitely gonna get a talk with me.

"Hey Fuyuhiko, why are ya waiting here?" he asked me, fucking clueless like a dumbass.

"For you. YOU FUCKING THREW ME UNDER THE BUS? WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed out at him.

"h-hey calm down dude..I was just trying to find the killer so we wouldn't all d-die..." he said, not daring to look at my face . I grabbed his chin with my hand and forced his face to look at me.

"LOOK AT MY WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU. YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN ME KILLED YOU FUCKING JERK!" I screamed out again, but I was suddenly pulled out away by my waist.

"That's enough Fuyuhiko. Let's go." Peko whisperered to me, now letting go so I could walk. Before we left, I looked back at Kazuichi and shot daggers at him. He looked terrified, suits him right!

Kazuichi pov: (I KNOW I KNOW-)

I stood there in shock, holding my chin. I sat down realizing how much my knees were shaking. My brain tried to go back to some memories that jerk unlocked, but I pushed them away. Why was he so mad?! I just wanted to save us all! And the way he grabbed me, "look at my when i'm talking to you".. I shuddered at the thought. It reminded me off my 'dad', if you can even call IT that. IT isn't my dad, more rather a monster. My legs soon stopped shaking, and my breathing slowed. I picked myself up and walked back to my cottage.


I laid in my bed, trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. My brain kept re-playing the two deaths I just witnessed. Soon enough, I passed out from,, stress? I don't even know.

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