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A/N: I hc that Kazuichi stims when happy sometimes, like me! I jump up and down, and shake my hands a lot:) so thought id say that to not confuse you,

also, he has a hard time seeing himself as a guy even though he's almost full transitioned besides bottom surgery.

- starvetion
- blood mention
- fear / horror
- yelling
- swearing


Chapter 10 | Grief

Fuyuhikos pov:

I woke up to the sound of Monokumas morning announcement. I groaned and flopped back into my bed. I don't wanna wake up.

"This isn't a normal announcement! I have news, so come to the main beach!" he said, turning off the microphone.

I groaned and pulled myself out of bed, and walked over there.


I saw everyone standing in shock, looking at a robot to. I did too. It was Nekomaru!?

"What the hell!?" Kazuichi screamed out, while Nekomaru sulked sadly.

"Welll since you guys saw what I did, I have another announcement! The amusement park is open! Come come, follow me" Monokuma smiled out. I don't trust that thing, but I don't have a choice.


We finally got there, and I stood in shock. It was.. cool? I don't know, should I even been happy right now? I- It just feels... off?

"FUYUHIKO FUYUHIKO COME ON LETS GO ON THE ROLLACOASTER!" Kazuichi smiled at me, jumping up and down like a child. I laughed a little as he took my hand and started to pull me over. I felt my face go hot as I stared at our hands, and I suddenly pulled away. Im not holding his hand, people are gonna think we're dating.

As we reached the roller coaster, my stomach started to turn. I've never been on one before, and it looks pretty high up. As we got on, the others ran over and also got on. I sat in the front with Kazuichi.

"WE GOT THE FRONT FUYUHIKO! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME" He yelled out shaking his hands in front of him.

As he said that, the rollar coaster started to move. I looked down and closed my eyes quickly. I didnt enjoy this at all.

We started to do loops and going really fast, I opened my eyes and looked over to Kazuichi. He was screaming and smiling, hair blowing in the wind. I smiled too seeing how happy he was.

Soon enough the ride stopped, and I helped him out since I was on the left. "WASNT THAT AWESOME!?" he yelled out, I nodded and smiled at him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the fun house. Though, as soon as we entered I got dizzy, and everything went black.


I woke up to the sound of Kazuichis voice. He sounded panicked and was shaking me.
"OH- thank god you're awake! You hit your head so hard when we passed out- and you were bleeding so I wrapped it up with my hat-" he said giving himself a minute to breathe.

"Thanks- but- where are we?" I questioned him, and he just shrugged.

"We're in the fun house, Monokuma told me that we are here until someone kills. You two were the last to wake, so we looked around. Theres no food or water, just beds and weird rooms that have fruit patterned walls. So, we need to act quickly before we all die." Chiaki said, grabbing my hand so I could get up.

We all walked to the "main" room, and Chiaki spoke up again.
"Since these two are finally awake, let's tell them the plan." As she said that, Sonia nodded and spoke up.

"The boys will stay in the Grape room thing, and girls in the strawberry. It's past night time, since Monokumas announcement went off earlier. So, boys follow Hajime, girls follow me!" Sonia said with a smile. I saw Kazuichi hesitate going to the boys one. Is it because he's trans? I still see him as a guy..?

I didnt give it much thought, as we followed behind Hajime. Once we reached the room, we realized there was only 3 beds & blankets.

"I guess we all have to share a bed with one person, so, who's gonna share one?" Nagito questioned, and Kazuichi said my name very quickly. I don't mind, since he's the only person I'm really friends with here.

Nekomaru and Gundham shared one, then Nagito and Hajime. We all laid down and Hajime turned the lights off.

"Hm, we're all highschool boys so let's talk about crushes and stupid shit! It would get our minds off things right?" Kazuichi suggested and we all nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, Hajime you go first!" Kazuichi said with a slight laugh.

"WHAT? Why me?!" Hajime yelled out, looking kinda offended.

"Welllll because I know your crush so I thought it would be funny!" Kazuichi laughed out, as Hajime blushed a deep red.

"Hinata has a crush? Such hope for that girl! Good luck Hajime!" Nagito said with a hand on Hajimes shoulder. He went a deeper red when Nagito did that. Does he like Nagito?

"Is it Chiaki or some shit? Maybe Akane?" I asked, and he put his hands up in the air.

"No no no NO, I do NOT have a crush" He said still blushing deeply, making Kazuichi laugh.

"Hm, well how about Kazuichi goes?" Nagito suggested and I laughed a little, since we all know that it's Sonia.

"Hey! What's so funny you jerk!" Kazuichi said giving me a joke punch.

"Because we all know you like Sonia! It's so noticeable!" I said, now laughing even more. He groaned and dramatically flopped onto the bed, making the rest of us laugh.

"Ok and of my turn! If you're so tuff big guy, we all know you liked Peko!" Kazuichi said laughing at me.

"PEKO?! I see her as a sister nothing more! Even if I did like her, she's-....gone." I said with a sigh. I don't like Peko like that, and I honestly wished he didn't bring her up.

"Hm. Who do you like then?" Nagito asked, and I thought for a minute. I never really had any crushes? None of the girls at my middle or elementary schools were my 'type' I guess, or because I was too young.

"Come to think of it, I don't think i've ever had a crush?" I thought out loud, making some of them gasp. Is it really that strange? Jeez.

"I have to go mortals. I'll return soon." and with that Gundham left.

We kept talking for a while, until we thought we should probably sleep.

Nekomaru powered himself off, and we all said goodnight to eachother. With that, I passed out.

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