- 9 -

146 5 4

- hanging
- murder
- death
- horror
- swearing
- yelling


Chapter 9 | Grief

Fuyuhiko pov:

I woke up and sung my legs over my bed, and remembered what I had to go to. I groaned dramatically and walked out of my cottage, and to the hospital.


I finally got to the hospital, and heard Mikan and Hajime yelling?

"WHERE DID IBUKI GO?! YOU WERE WATCHING THEM!" he yelled out, as she kept apologizing and messing with her bandage.

"Hey dude stop yelling at her! She needs to sleep, Ibuki probably left at night. She couldn't have gone far." I said to him with a stern tone in my voice. "Now let's go looking for her." As I said that, we suddenly saw the tablet thing turn on, so I ran over to it.

The sight we saw was not what we expected. It was...IBUKI HANGING HERSELF!? I yelled mentally. What the hell is she doing!?

"WHAT IS SHE DOING!?" Hajime yelled out, staring at the screen.

"I DONT KNOW BUT IT LOOKS LIKE SHE WAS IN THE MUSIC THING OR SOME SHIT, LETS GO!" I gasped out, as we dashed out of the hospital.


We dashed in there, as the announcement went off. We ignored it as we went to get Ibuki down. I went to get her, but she was cold..? That means that call wasn't live...

"The call wasn't live. She's cold." I said, as the doors suddenly opened, as the others dashed inside.

(skip to the class trial, because I don't really wanna talk about Ibukis death in detail :( sorry)

"Well to get it out of the way, it couldn't be Akane or Kazuichi, since they were too ill to anything, and the rest of us were in the motel, so we would notice if they left. That leaves Hajime, Fuyuhiko and Mikan." Chiaki said with a sigh.

"Well Hajime saw me go to my cottage, and then I passed out right after." I state, passing the blame off of me, hopefully.

"But you could go back out after. That doesn't mean anything." Gundham sighed. Hajime started listing the stuff we know about Ibuki and Hiyokos death, making me think about it.

It was probably Mikan... right? But she's my friend, she likes helping people? But I guess anyone can kill. All the proof shows me or her.

"Fuyuhiko and Mikan both have reasons to kill Hiyoko, and Ibuki probably walked in looking for someone?" Sonia suggested.

"She would have been looking for Mikan, which would only have happened if she wasn't at the hospital" I added, making everyone agree with me, like a switch flipped in their head.

"Mikan Tsumiki Is the killer! She killed Hiyoko as Ibuki walked in looking for her!" Hajime stated, then started giving all the information against her.

She started sweating and sobbing, saying non sense.

"I-IM SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" She cried out, making us sigh. She really thinks we'll forgive her after killing them..?

"JUST FORGIVE ME ALREADY!" She screamed, more angered this time. It honestly hurt, and scared me to see her like this.

"Welllll it's voting them! Please vote for the person you think killed them!" Monokuma yelled out, making the screens infront of us change to a voting screen.

I slowly clicked Mikan. It hurt, she's my friend after all, but if she doesn't get voted for we all die.

Mikan was sent off to be killed off. We all watched with shocked and confused faces. That was a ... strange way to go out.

I went to fix my hair when I noticed my cheeks were wet. I didn't even realize I was crying. I started crying again, trying to stop but I couldn't. It hurt. It really did. But I couldn't let anyone notice I was crying, i'm a Yakuza after all. I left the trial room while everyone was still to shocked to notice my disappearance.

Kazuichi pov:

I looked behind me to see if Fuyuhiko was ok, since he did get close with her before her death. But he wasn't there. I guess he left?

Everyone started to file out of the room, so I did too. I decided I should go on a walk to the beach, so I can relax on the sand to get my mind off this shit.


I finally got to the beach, but I was getting a little thirsty, since it is pretty hot out. I'm pretty sure they sell drinks at the beach house, I have some coins in my pockets so I'll go buy one..
I thought, as I walked over there.

I got inside, and walked to the drink Machine but then suddenly stopped. I could hear soft sniffles coming from the shower room. I slowly opened the door and peaked my head inside.

Inside, the sight was both shocking but also not. It was Fuyuhiko in the corner, knees to his chest, sobbing his eyes out. I gave a sad sigh as I sneakily walked over to him, but he noticed me. He didn't say anything to I kept walking over. I sat down, my back sliding against the cold brick.

I slowly looked over to him, his eyes were red and puffy.

"I know it hurts, and it's ok to cry. Do you- want a hug?" I asked, and he nodded. So I did just that, I leaned over and gave him a hug. He hugged back like I was gonna disappear if he didn't hold on tight enough.

He sobbed into my shoulder as I rubbed his back. I cant belive im comforting a crying Yakuza, the Ultimate Yakuza at that.. I thought to myself. Though, he just lost Peko, and then Mikan.

I wanted to cry too, I was friends with Mikan and Ibuki, but I've cried too much for Fuyuhiko to deal with, now it's my turn to help him.

Around god knows when, Fuyuhiko stopped crying, and looked up to me, telling me to not tell anyone I saw this. I nodded and stuck my pinky out, for a pinky promise.

He looked at me like I was an alien, does he really not know what a Pinky promise is!?

"Do ya not know what a pinky promise is?" I asked, and he nodded his head no. I did a fake dramatic gasp, and told him what it meant. "It's where you lock pinkys and swear that you won't break the promise. I'm pretty sure it's because they used to cut off their pinkys if they broke it" I said, answering his confused look. He nodded and we locked pinkys. I gave him a weak smile, and he gave me one back.

We sat like that for a while, soon I suddenly heard soft snoring. I looked over and saw Fuyuhiko peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. I don't even blame him, today was a lot.

I smiled and sat there until he woke up. Once he did, he apologized a lot but I brushed it off. I prefer a sleeping Fuyuhiko on me, besides one bleeding out in my arms. We walked back to our cottages, and that was the end of the
stressful day.

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