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- blood mention
- wound mention
- hospital
- swearing
- yelling


Chapter 6 | Grief

Fuyuhiko pov:

I woke up in a bed, pain suddenly hit me like a jolt of electricity, it shot threw my nerves causing my stomach to feel like a war. I winced and held my stomach, bringing my knees to my stomach.

"Oh thank god you're awake! I thought you'd definitely die this time!" Someone laughed out, and I looked up and saw Kazuichi being the source of it. Though, I could hear the pain in his voice. I guess he really was worried.

"Y-yea me t-too" Mikan stuttered out.

"Yea.." I said with a nervous laugh, and rubbing the back of my neck.

I need to ask Mikan about what she said, VS my parents. I was really just asleep so I got a lot of time to think about it, and I think she's right. If someone likes someone why should it matter what they have in their pants?

"Hey uh- Kazuichi and Mikan can I ask you guys something-?" I questioned, Mikan seems to know a lot since she told me about it, and he got really hurt by that word so he might know some shit too?

"Oh sure what's up little guy?" Kazuichi said with a slight laugh, making me cringe. little guy? I'm not that short. I thought, but didn't mention it.

"Well uh- Mikan told me why that word was hurtful and so I gave it some thought, I think my parents are wrong and- I uh yea. Can you guys uh- maybe tell me what I need to know, to ya know...not be rude about it?" I suggested, not knowing how to word it.

"Oh uh yea sure! Like labels or-?" Kazuichi asked, and I nodded in response.

"W-well i'm a lesbian- that means I like non men!" Mikan told us as she smiled.

"So women? Why did you say non men if you mean women..?" I questioned, making her think what to say. She then answered,

"There more then just men and women! People can be nonbinary, which is an umbrella term, meaning that they feel something in the middle of the gender binary, or out of the binary all together! So I like anyone on the female leaning binary, or not in it at all. Like Demigirls!" she said, as I nodded in understatement. That's kinda cool.. I thought, holding my chin.

"Alright. I know what trans and gay mean, trans is where you change your gender right?" I asked, double checking my idea of it.

"Yup!" Kazuichi said nodding. "And gay is non women loving non women. Opposite of lesbian."

"Hmm ok, what else?" I questioned, they both thought for a minute and then Mikan spoke up.

"Bisexual, it means you like 2 or more genders with a preference, but you don't need a preference to be bi. Pansexual means you like all genders and with no preference!" Mikan said with a smile. I nodded, and Kazuichi went back to talking.

"Omnisexual means you like all genders with a preference, hm what else? Oh! Demigirls and Demiboys, they feel partly male/female. Let me think what else is there?" Kazuichi said, looking up holding his chin in thought.

"P-poly!" Mikan suggested, and Kazuichi agreed.

"Oh yea! Polyamory means you want to be in a relationship with more then 1 person, but with consent of all people of course" He said, and I nodded. This is really interesting, and new to me.

"Oh one more thing! Pronouns! he/him and she/her you know those ones, but people can use they/them or a mix of them. some people even use things like it/its or ze/zem, but that I can teach those later, you're probably taking in a lot of new information" Kazuichi said with a slight laugh, and I nodded with a laugh too. It/its..? I thought, who would wanna be called an it? I mean you do you.

"Thank you guys for explaining this to me, I think my parents are wrong. Being......?-" I said, but then realized I cant call it all gay.

"Lgbtq+? That's what you'd call everyone who's not cis and straight" Kazuichi said with a slight laugh.

"Oh- thanks- I think it's ok to be Lgbtq+.. right? I think my parents were wrong about it. It seems fine to me? Dont you think?" I asked, looking up at the two.

"Yea! I'm trans, lesbian and poly so i'm glad you changed your mind!" Mikan answered with a slight laugh. I nodded and thought, I'm pretty sure I'm straight, but I also never gave it thought.

"Oh we're sharing? Shit ok- I'm trans and bi" Kazuichi said looking at Mikan, then me. They looked at me, making me realize it was my turn.

"Uh- Well- I know i'm cis- and..straight?" I said, but the last part sounded more like a question. They nodded, and didn't say anything after that. Soon enough Mikan spoke up.

"Ah teaching f-fuyuhiko made me almost forget about cleaning his wounds! Here let me clean them" Mikan said walking closer to me, I cringed at the thought of my wounds, I know I messed my stomach up pretty bad.

"andddd I'll be leaving until your done." Kazuichi laughed a little, reminding us how much he's scared of blood. As soon as he left, Mikan handed me the same stress ball as last time, and started taking off my bandages.

I winced at the cold air hitting my wound. But that was nothing compared to her cleaning it.

"FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE HELL-" I yell out, why does this hurt more than stabbing myself with a fucking knife!? I mentally yell. Mikan flinched as I yelled, making me feel bad. I bit my lip to not yell again, as she started to stitch me up.

Due to how bad the wound is, making it numb wouldn't be a good idea, since the spray shouldn't get into your body. So I felt all of it.

"FUCKING HELL ERG" I groaned out in pain, as she finished the last stitch. She said a sorry, and poked her head out of the door to tell Kazuichi she was done. He walked in and looked at me worried.

"Jesus dude you were screaming bloody murder, you ok!?" He questioned me with a worried sigh.

"Yea yea I'm ok, just hurt like a bitch." I mumbled letting him of the stress ball, and handing it back to Mikan.

"W-well he n-needs to rest now, let's leave, I-Ibuki said she needs to t-talk to us anyways" Mikan stuttered out, waving me a goodbye. Kazuichi did the same, as they left the room.


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