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the friendship shall start soon. sorry for the wait, but I like enemies to lovers >:)

- blood
- hospitals
- swearing
- f slur
- yelling


Chapter 4 | Grief

I woke up in a bed, pain suddenly hit me like a jolt of electricity, it shot threw my nerves causing my eye to feel like a hell hole. I winced and held my eye, causing someone in the room, whom I didn't even notice, to speak up.

"Y-HES AWAKE MIKAN HES AWAKE-" I looked up and saw Kazuichi yelling out the door.

"K-Kazuichi.?" I questioned, and he quickly ran back to my side.

"You're awake! How are you feeling??" He said quickly, probably still really worried.

"amazing." I groaned sarcastically, as Mikan walked into the room.

"Ah you're a-awake Fuyuhiko! We have to change your bandages anyways!" she smiled a little at me, probably trying to make me comfortable.

"W-what happened? Is Peko ... ok?" I asked weakly, looking up to Mikan and Kazuichi. They looked at eachother, sighed, and then looking back at me.

"No Fuyuhiko, she- pekos dead" Mikan sighed holding my hand while saying that. I teared up a little and nodded. I cant cry right now. I'm a man.

"you can cry Fuyuhiko, no one will judge you." Kazuichi stated quietly, probably noticing me tearing up. As if he pulled a plug, or flipped a switch, I started sobbing into Mikans shoulder. She was rubbing my back, as I soon calmed down.

"c-can I change your b-bandages?" she asked me, now pulling me off of her.

"Yea-" I started, but Kazuichi said something over me.

"Sorry but I- I'm gonna leave- I don't like blood-" he stated giving a nervous laugh and rubbing the back of his neck. As soon as he left, Mikan took off my bandages, over my eye. I winced as the cold air hit my face.

"Y-you can hold this to squeeze if i-it hurts" Mikan stated, handing me a stress ball thing. I grabbed it and squeezed it as she cleaned my eye wound. It hurt like hell.

"D-dont try to open it, y-you won't be able to and i-it would hurt" she said weakly, as I nodded. She finished cleaning my wounds, and wrapped up my eye again. She got up to leave, but I stoped her.

"Mikan- can I uh- ask you something?" I asked a little nervously.

"S-sure what i-is it Fuyuhiko?"

"I- Was I to mean to Kazuichi? I- I yelled at him- and called him a fag. He seemed really hurt by the last statement- and he's well- still being nice to me- so-" I tried to ask, but I didn't know how to get the words out. Saying it out loud made me realize how rude I really was being.

"P-probably because the f slur is really hurtful to trans & non straight people- h-he was probably offended by it, why did you say it as an insult in the first place?" she questioned me, as if I was dumb.

"Well- Because being gay is wrong!" That made her sigh.

"Fuyuhiko, did you come up with that thought yourself? How come?" She asked me, causing me to think about it for a minute.

"Well- No- but my parents are never wrong." I told her, she thought for a minute before telling me something.

"You can make opinions for yourself, you know that, right? Being gay isn't bad, it's just as normal as being straight! It's just who they love." She said with a weak smile. I thought for a minute, I guess she was right, but then why did my parents say it was bad?

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