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Kazuichis pov:

I walked out of the room, and went down the hall. I saw Ibuki in the waiting room. I walked over to her and she jumped up in joy.

"KAZUICHI!!! IBUKI HAS A GOOD IDEA! let's make a recovery party for Fuyuhiko and host it whenever he's healed!" she yelled out, still jumping up and down.

"That's a great idea! Where should we host it?" I asked, and she thought for a minute before answering.

"Ibuki thinks we should host it in the music venue! Ibuki says she can play music for everyone!" She suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"How about we go tell the others and get it set up?" I asked, and she nodded up and down VERY quickly. We left, and Mikan said she was gonna stay behind incase Fuyuhiko needs anything.


We got to the hotel, and announced our idea.

"That's a great idea guys! Let's go set it up right now! It's gonna be so hopeful!" Nagito said with a wide smile. Hes so creepy.. I thought to myself.

We all made our way to the music venue. We got inside and I started to help Ibuki set up her speakers, as the others put decorations around the place.


We soon finished, and then realized how late it was.

"We should all go to bed now, it's 9:30 and lights out is 10, and we're not even close to the main island. So let's all go. We can host the party tomorrow morning?" Chiaki suggested, and we all nodded in agreement.

That's if Fuyuhiko is ready...should he really be walking around in a party tomorrow?! What ever, we gotta go back to the cottages.


This one is really short because of a couple reasons.

1: it's just them getting the party ready
2: i've posted 3 chapters today
3: the next one will be as long as normal, as it's the party !

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