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A/N: I'm gonna try my best to write this really confusing chapter. don't get mad at me i'm trying [cry]

- murder
- death
- yelling
- swearing
- sucide attempt
- implied self harm & abuse scars
- knife
- blue 'blood'


Chapter 11 | Grief

Fuyuhiko pov:

I woke up with something heavy on top of me, I opened my eyes and saw Kazuichi on top of me. I turned bright red, as I tried to shove him off. Why the fuck is he so heavy?!

"Kazuichi wake up you- you're crushing me!" I gasp in between breathes. He suddenly woke up, and started to apologize. I laughed a little and said it was ok.

I noticed he wasn't wearing his jumpsuit, only a tank top & shorts, and I saw how many scars that went up his arms. Jeez who did that to him? I thought. He must of noticed my staring, and pulled his jump suit back on really quickly.

As we both sat in silence, I noticed how hungry I was, and how weak I felt. How much longer can I do this? What if I.. do something?

The final death room has a weapon right? I'll have to go there. And with that, I dragged my heavy body to the final death room.



I finally got to the end, and saw a big knife at the end. I picked it up and held it, some ideas started to filled my head. What if I.. killed myself? Then- Kazuichi- everyone- will be saved? Or what if I kill someone else? I'm so weak,, I don't think I can kill someone else.

I held the knife to my neck, hesitating as I put it closer, closer and closer. The blade was cold and caused me to wince. As I was about to slit my throat, I heard a yell from behind me. I dropped the knife in shock and turned around, wide eyed.

It was Kazuichi.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? GIVE ME THE KNIFE RIGHT NOW FUYUHIKO." I didn't react, I was too shocked. He took advantage of my frozen state and ran over to get it himself.


"I-.." I tried to get out, looking down and speaking in almost a whisper.

"I- Here let me help you up. I'll put the knife back where you found it. Let's go back to the bedroom area, it's around 4am. Don't ever do that again dumbass!" He said with a shaky sigh, putting his hand out, to help me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

We walked back to the room, and sat in silence, before falling back asleep.



Suddenly, the alarm clock started ringing, causing Kazuichi and I to jolt awake, making me almost falling off the bed.

"Sorry dude it scared me!" He said with a slight laugh, making me laugh too. Soon enough, everyone woke up. But the laughter didn't last for long, as the alarm clock kept going. I groaned and walked over to it, and tried to turn it off.

"Come on turn it off!" Kazuichi yelled at me.

"I- IM TRYING!" - Fuyuhiko

"TRY HARDER!" - Kazuichi

"Your the machine guy, you do it!" I said, tossing it over to Kazuichi. He caught it and finally got it off.

"Since we're all awake, wanna meet in the main hall to meet with the girls?" Kazuichi suggested, and we all nodded and left. Though, the sight we saw wasnt what we expected.

It was Nekomaru, on the ground in pieces, blue 'blood' around him. I heard a scream from behind me, It was Kazuichi. I walked over to him with a shaky sigh, and just..hugged him.

There's nothing we can do anymore. There's nothing I can do to help him besides just,, being there. He hugged back and sobbed into my chest. Soon enough, the girls came in, and Akane ran over to his body. She held his head in her lap, and started balling her eyes out. Sonia started comforting her, giving her calming words.

"Now might not be the time, but you guys can finally eat after the trial, so find the killer! Good job for not starving to death!" Monokuma said with a laugh, making all of us give him a death stare.

He gave us all our Monopads back, and it had all the death information on it. Guess it's time to find the killer..

( Class Trial )

"Gundham Tanaka, you we're definitely the killer! You tied Nekomaru to the handle, and when he woke up from his internal alarm, which you set, he started to whip around, and fell. He smashed into pieces." Hajime yelled out, pointing to Gundham. We were all too weak to even react. Besides Gundham, he started to yell, and fight back, but we all knew it was him.

He was sent off to be executed, as we all watched in despair. Despair filled our senses, as if we were drowning in it. Sonia was sobbing her eyes out, as Akane tried to comfort her. Though, you could tell that she was mad at Gundham.

"Wellll since you found the killer, you guys can finally eat!" Monokuma said, handing us all some bread and milk. Most eyes lit up, but mine didn't. Instead, I sighed. I'm allergic to milk, but I guess a stomach ache isn't as bad as starving to death.

Is it really ok to be eating and drinking after two deaths? I guess it is, we don't want 7 more.

Soon enough, Monokuma led us to the exist of the fun house. Finally outside, we noticed it was dark out. "Oh yea, it's around 11pm, so please return to your cottages!" Monokuma yelled out, leading us back to the 1st island.

We finally reached our cottages. I said my goodbyes to Kazuichi, and we went inside. What if..I actually did it? I would be..dead.

I thought, but pushed them away. I don't want to have negative thoughts right now, I need to sleep. I'm so tired, from this stressful day.

Kazuichi pov: (I KNOW GUYS I KNOW)

I laid awake, as my brain was fuzzy with thoughts of today.

What was Fuyuhiko doing!? He really lost it! What if he...what if I wasn't there? He would be dead,, then,,, I would be alone. No one left.

I let out a shaky sigh as I tried to think of something else. At least I was there to stop him.

Soon enough, I fell into sweet and needed unconsciousness.

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